
Crazy to the limit!

No matter who it is, he has never seen such a arrogant guy.

Jin Shiming can be said to give him enough face, but also showed considerable sincerity!

Because the people of Jinshi mountain villa stand up for him, it is bound to offend the Nalan family and the Nangong family, which has paid a lot of price.

They are willing to take a stand for this extraordinary genius.

However, Lin Yang said such a thing!

It's a shame, isn't it?

Is he crazy?

Or does he have no brain?

He didn't know what the consequences were of saying that?

"Now... It's really over..." Anyuan looks pale.

Bizhen closed her eyes and said nothing. Her face was full of despair.

The scene is boiling.

Sure enough.

The people of Jinshi villa are angry.

"Stinky boy! What do you say Next to the old man, a woman with short hair went straight forward and glared at Lin Yang: "how dare you! What a jerk

"What a toast, no food, no penalty!" A strong man was so angry that he wanted to rush up and beat Lin Yang all over the ground to find his teeth.

Nangong dream laughed: "master Jin, it seems that your beauty is not appreciated by others!"

Jin Shiming's face was particularly gloomy. He suppressed his anger in his chest, staring at Lin Yang, and said in a deep voice: "young man, I have to admit that you are really talented, but you have to see the current situation clearly! You're alone! You can't deal with Nangong family and Nalan family! No one can protect you except me at Jinshi mountain villa! Listen, you're coming right now and standing behind me! I'll get you out of here safe and sound! Do you understand? Otherwise, you will die here today

"The gold villa master's beauty is in my heart. I still say that, no one can move me!" Lin Yang shook his head again, still that attitude.

"You..." Jin Shiming was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"You good dog! You have offended Nangong and Nalan! If you look like this, can you even offend us at Jinshi villa? " The earlier angry question from the short haired woman.

"I don't mind."

Lin Yang directly and simply returned to four words.

After hearing this, people in Jinshi mountain villa were almost angry and about to explode.

Jin Shiming is shaking all over.

At this time, he felt that his face was lost.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Nangong Meng burst out laughing: "master Jin, your good intentions are regarded as a donkey's liver and lung! I think you'd better not get involved in this matter. I'll take care of this man. "

Nangong Meng smiles and waves his hand. The master of Nangong aristocratic family no longer hesitates and pours forward.

"Do it! I'll get rid of him

Nalan day did not hesitate, side head low drink, signal Nalan aristocratic family experts together.

He knew that Lin Yang's strength was not enough to rely on the Nangong family alone.

After all, his purpose is not to take Linyang, but to directly abolish this man!

As long as this man is abandoned! The previous battle of pride is no longer important!

In this world, there is no one who can threaten their ranking position.

Nallantian's eyes showed madness. He watched Nalan and the experts from Nangong and Nangong re surrounded Lin Yang. He took a few steps forward.

He can fight again.

He wanted a chance to break the bones of this guy's limbs and break his muscles.

He wanted to bury the genius himself!

All around him were wide eyed.

Bizhen and Anyuan are in complete despair.

Nangong Yunqiu is extremely excited. Her eyes have been locked in Lin Yang's body. She even takes out her mobile phone to take pictures here.

She can't wait to see Lin Yang kneeling for mercy like a dead dog.

At this time, two members of the Nangong aristocratic family had already stood in front of Lin Yang and directly reached out to his shoulder.

"Take it down!"

Drink and shout.

Several people all force, lock to his limbs, let him have no escape.

The breath of the world is frozen.

But at the critical moment...

Keng! Keng! Keng! Keng...

a series of terrible swords suddenly sounded.

Then he looked at the shadow of Lin Yang, and then several sword lights passed by.

Those Nangong aristocratic family masters who intended to touch Linyang stopped at once and froze in their original place.

And in front of them, are wearing dark armor, holding a sword figure.


Nangong Meng suddenly gets up.

Nalan Tian stopped suddenly and looked at him in shock.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone was shocked to see these sudden figures.

"What's going on?""Who are they?"

"Is it... The boy's man?"

The voice of surprise went on and on.

However, seeing these people in armor put their swords into scabbards one after another, standing beside Lin Yang like statues.

And the people of Nangong aristocratic family got the news.

But see their neck appeared a blood red slit, and then the whole head slowly slide, fall to the ground.


The screams resounded in all directions.

These people of Nangong aristocratic family were killed on the spot.

"Who are you?"

Nangong Meng suddenly gets up and roars hysterically. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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