Lin Yang steps over.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and it's killing.

Several experts of Nangong aristocratic family rushed to this place to stop Lin Yang.

But they just approached, a few terrible figures waving slender swords to them.

"Be careful!"

There was a cry of alarm.

The experts of Nangong aristocratic family were forced to retreat and couldn't get close at all.

"This is the shadow emperor of the east palace!"

I do not know who recognized the identity of these people, immediately lost their voice.

"Yingyu? The bodyguard of the emperor Nangongmeng's breathing is trembling.

He only listened to his name, but not his person. Today, he finally saw the power of these terrible shadows!

With the help of yingyu, no one can stop Lin Yang. He is the first to rush to Nangong dream.

Nangong Meng's face is ugly, and she has to withdraw.

"Protect the owner of the house!"

"Come on, stop them. What's the main problem in your family? All of you have to be buried with you!"

The housekeeper howled and dragged the Nangong family members to push towards the other side.

More and more people are rushing towards Nangong dream.

It's just... There are not only Nangong aristocratic family members, but also countless Donghuang followers.

"Follow the Lord! Quickly destroy Nangong dream

Liu Ma yelled, but he personally led a large number of hall leaders and deacons toward this.

In terms of the number of people, the Donghuang sect is not as good as the Nangong family, but all of them are the elite of the Donghuang cult. The trump card in the trump card is much stronger than the Nangong family. In addition, the situation is in a hurry. The Nangong family has no way to deal with it. Therefore, the Nangong family is almost one-sided.

"Master! Go

The housekeeper rushed to the side of Nangong dream and pushed him out.

Nangong dream also knew that she could not stay any longer. She immediately turned around and ran away.

Lin Yang hums coldly. He directly adds silver needles to increase his strength. He jumps into the crowd of Nangong aristocratic family and catches up with Nangong dream.

"Looking for death!"

A group of experts of Nangong aristocratic family were furious and took out their swords.

For a moment, there were bright swords everywhere.

It's killing.

Running away Nangong dream also suddenly turned around, a backhand grasp, pressed Lin Yang's shoulder.

"Do you think I'm running? I want you dead! This is Nangong family! Where do you think I can escape? "

Nangong dream roars, suddenly sends out the force, will Lin Yang dead hold.

At this moment, there is no room for Lin Yang to dodge.

But Lin Yang didn't dodge, let alone to block the swords from all around. Instead, he raised one hand and stretched out the other, stabbing Nangong Meng's chest.

Nangong dream breathes a tremor, eyes flash with fear.

What is Lin Yang trying to do?

Fight with yourself?

If other people, Nangong dream is a big deal, but this one is unusual.

He fixed his eyes on the finger and his heart went up to his throat.

In the end, Nangong dreams.

He released his hand directly, and the man stepped back to avoid the finger.

But Lin Yang didn't let him go. His fingers poked forward again. Although he didn't stab Nangong Meng's heart, it directly stabbed him in the chest.


Like the ingenious skill of Nalan aristocratic family, when his finger touched Nangong Meng's chest, he suddenly ejected out, knocked over more than ten people behind him, and fell to the ground and spat blood.

But in this way, Lin Yang couldn't escape the countless swords falling down.

People around were staring at the scene with wide eyes.

This young leader of the Eastern Emperor... Is it possible that he will be dismembered today?

Many people think so.

But the next second.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

the sound of iron percussion sounded.

The innumerable sharp swords of the whole tribe were on Lin Yang's body, but they only touched the surface of his skin and could not be separated from his skin.


The world was shocked.

"The knife... The knife does not penetrate?" Jin Shiming here lost his voice.

"Is this the power of congenital vigorous body?" Fu Wuye murmured.

In the heart of countless martial arts strong men, there are turbulent waves.


Nangong Yunqiu and Nangong Mofei scream bitterly and rush to the past to help Nangong dream.

"I'm ok... Cough, cough... Nothing... It doesn't matter..."

Nangong Meng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up.

Of course, it's just what he said. In fact, Lin Yang's finger just now has broken two ribs on his body, and his internal organs are shaking wildly. I'm afraid his internal organs are all cracked...

fortunately, he is also a martial arts practitioner, and his accomplishments are not shallow. Otherwise, that finger just now might have killed him directly.Whoa!

At this time, the shadow emperor's people rushed again, and the terrible sword slashed fiercely at the people around Linyang.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Wheezing...

the sound of separated skin and flesh came out frequently.

Before and after only ten seconds of Kung Fu, the shadow emperor stood by Lin Yang's side again.

The situation has been completely controlled by Lin Yang.

Lin Yang patted the ashes on his body and stepped forward again.

Nangong's eyes are full of despair.


Nalan Tian here does not hesitate, side head sink drink, is to jump out of the crowd, run away.

"I didn't expect Tianjiao, who ranked tenth, would also have a moment to run away." Fu Wuye's face is full of emotion.

People sigh.

Lin Yang didn't stop nalantan.

The purpose of his coming here is very simple, to take the antidote and revenge.

Nallantian is not in his purview.

Lin Yang raised his hand and secretly urged the blood of falling spirit to destroy Nangong dream.

But at this time, Nangong yanrou suddenly called out.

"Stop it!"

Linyang side head.

However, Nangong yanrou broke free from the bondage of other people. She knelt down on her knees and lowered her head in a low voice: "Doctor Lin, if you come for revenge, please kill yanrou. Yanrou is willing to use her own life for my father's life!"

"Sister!" Nangong Yun's eyes are whirling in autumn.


The people of Nangong aristocratic family are crying.

However, Lin Yang shook his head without expression: "I want Nangong dream to die! Whether you can save your life depends on my mood. How can you think you are qualified to say such a thing to me? "

With that, he ignored Nangong yanrou and went on to Nangong dream.

"I'll fight with you!"

Nangong Yunqiu is so angry that she has to rush up with her silver teeth.

"Miss, don't mess around! Let me wait! "

After hearing a shout, two figures came out of Nangong dream and rushed to Lin Yang directly.

Lin Yang glanced at the two figures that rushed to him. He suddenly grabbed a long sword of yingyu beside him and waved it violently into the air.


A full three Zhang long sword Qi broke out from the long sword and instantly penetrated two figures in the air.


Before they got close to Lin Yang, the two fell down, one by one they broke into two and died of blood flow.


All around him gasped, their eyes staring like cattle.

"That's... Sword spirit?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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