Qi and energy release? For martial arts experts, it is not difficult.

However, it is very difficult for people to realize the outward release of Qi and strength through sharp sword and display the terrible sword spirit.

Especially the sword spirit is nearly three Zhang long!

It's good to have one meter of common sword Qi. How terrible is sanzhang!

This is too much exaggeration!

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Nangong Yunqiu, who was about to go crazy, was also frightened by Lin Yang's fierce and ferocious methods. The whole person shivered and did not dare to shout like before.

Nangong Mofei is still standing in front of Nangong dream, but he is also sweating at this time, holding a gun in his hand and staring at Lin Yang shivering.

"Get out of the way!"

Nangong Meng took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Father..." south palace Mo Fei side head.

"Don't fly! Get your sister out of here now! Father's helping you to put off time! " Nangong dream in a low voice.

"Father, you are seriously injured. You must follow us! You can't stay! " Nangong, don't fly in a hurry.

"Let's go!"

Nangong Meng was excited and yelled at him: "if you don't go, you will have no chance! The strength of Dr. Lin is beyond my imagination. He is determined to kill us all! If you don't leave, you must stay here too! "

"Father, our Nangong family is not afraid of him! The guards should have got the news, they must be in this way! As long as the forbidden guards arrive, we will have no worries! At that time, we will be able to expel all the people of the eastern cult! Father, we just have to stick to it again! " Nangong Mofei seems unwilling to give up.

But Nangong Meng can't help shaking his head.

"We can't make it to the forbidden guards!"

"Why?" Nangong Mo Fei Leng asked.

"Because Dr. Lin won't give us a chance!"

Nangong dream hoarse way, the line of sight is staring at the front.

Looking at his father's eyes, Nangong Mofei suddenly realized something and suddenly turned back.

However, he saw a horrible and violent fist hitting his face directly.

That is Lin Yang's fist!

He did it!

His fists are violent and terrifying.

"Be careful!"

Nangong dream roars, pushes Nangong Mofei away, and blocks the fist with a backhand.


After the fist and the palm collide, the bone is broken sound accompanies.

Nangong dream was shaken out again and fell to the ground. His right arm was completely broken at an irregular angle.

Lin Yang's one arm was destroyed by his fist.


Nangong Mofei roars and rushes to Nangong dream.

"Let's go!"

Nangong dream's left hand grabbed Nangong Mofei's collar and cried sadly.

"No! I'm not going! It's a big deal. It's a fight with Lin! "

Nangong Mofei roared, suddenly got up and rushed to Linyang.

"Don't fly! Come back

Nangong dream cried out in a hurry.

But not at all.

At the moment, Nangong Mofei is like a wild bull out of control. No one can pull it back.

Lin Yang, with no expression on his face, once again takes the sword handed over by yingyu and prepares to split Nangong Mofei in two with a sword.

People around were scared.

"Young master, come back quickly!"


The people of Nangong aristocratic family are even more hoarse.

However, at this moment, no one can dissuade Nangong Mofei.

His death, has become doomed!

"Doctor Lin! Please be merciful

At the critical moment, a voice of vicissitudes suddenly sounded from outside the crowd.

Lin Yang's heart sank slightly and went along with his reputation.


There was a strange breaking sound.

Then in front of a shadow passing by, that originally rushed to their own Nangong Mofei suddenly disappeared.

When I look again, I can see that Nangong Mofei has stood beside Nangong dream again.

And next to him, there is a rickety and vicissitudes figure.

It was an old man in a Tang suit with chicken skin and hair.

The old man had a goatee beard, sparse hair, long eyebrows, and an old man.

He coughed and walked forward and made a hard bow to Lin Yang.

"Doctor Lin, please don't remember the villain! Don't argue with my Nangong family again. We are wrong

Finish saying, bend a waist toward Lin Yang deeply.

The people around him fixed their eyes and looked at them with astonishment.

"This is..."

"the former owner of Nangong family! Nangongtong


The scene was in a state of uproar and exploded.Nangong Tong, the former head of the family, actually appeared!


Nangong dream was also stunned, staring at the rickety old man, his face was full of ghost.

"Aren't you... Dead?"

He kept asking.

It has always been a rule of the Nangong aristocratic family to be buried in the forbidden area after their death.

Nangong Tong was old and in worse health. He had a premonition that his time was coming, so he prepared a funeral for himself in advance. Before he was out of breath, he lay in the coffin ahead of time and was sent to the forbidden area for death.

However, nangongtong didn't die. Instead, he left the forbidden area and came here...

what the hell is this?

The people of Nangong aristocratic family all have the brain trembling, but can't return to God.

"You, come here!"

Nangong Tong side head, staring at Nangong dream and drinking: "quickly come to thank Dr. Lin, do you hear me?"

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