It's a real sense of suffocation.

Nangongtong's momentum is too strong, a little closer, can't breathe at all.

Liu Ma and others can not bear, but also can only retreat away.

A vacuum was formed between them.

He saw Nangong Tong's arms dance again, and his fist shadow and palm shadow converged into a fierce tiger shadow and rushed to Linyang.

Lin Yang is eager to store Qi and attack the imperial court.

But his brutality or cleverness had no effect at all in the face of the earth shaking attack of Nangong Tong.

Lin Yang blew his arms away.

Bang! Bang!

He felt that his two hands seemed to have hit a high-speed rotating steel ring, and his arms were not only numbed by the shock, but also felt that they would be involved in it...

he quickly pulled out his hands.

If you don't pull your hand again, you may be involved in it and be blown into flesh foam...

however, his defense has collapsed in this Kung Fu, and Nangong Tong's attack like a storm never falls on him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Lin Yang's chest directly withstood countless punches and palms. The whole person couldn't stop retreating, and his feet could make a deep footprints on the concrete floor.

"It's over."

After listening to Nangong Tong's drinking again, his palms overlapped and hit Lin Yang's heart.


Lin Yang directly spat out a large mouthful of blood, fell on the ground, smashing the ground.

Dust and rocks were flying around.

The earth was smashed and collapsed by seven or eight centimeters.

All the people around him gasped and gaped.

"So... Is that really human?"

"It's like a killing machine!"

"Is this the power of the eight door dunjia skill?"

"It's terrible... It's a forbidden art! Who can resist it? "

People murmured, one by one staring at Nangong Tong.

However, after finishing this set, Nangong Tong's chest was also a burst of ups and downs, and the corners of his mouth were a little bloody.

Obviously, the damage to his body caused by forced opening eight doors is irreversible.

Half an hour is not long. Now, every minute and second, the life of nangongtong is burning and passing away...

"Laozu Zong!"

Nangong people cry out.

Nangong Tong raised his hand and motioned to them not to be impatient. He looked at Lin Yang.

This is what the world sees.

"Elder martial sister, he... Did he lose?" Anyuan shivers and stares at autumn eyes.

"I... I don't know..." Bi Zhen is also gently shaking, at the moment her mood is very chaotic.

But she understood that this level of duel was not something she could intervene in.


Liu Ma and others can't care so much. They all rush to check Lin Yang's injury.

But at this time, Lin Yang's voice suddenly came out.

"Don't... Come here. What? Are you going to disobey my orders

The crowd was stunned.

"What? Not dead yet? "

People around me were shocked.

"Congenitally vigorous body is worthy of congenital vigorous body. If I had been an ordinary person, I would have been beaten into meat paste. But master Lin still has Qi. I admire him!"

Nangong Tong nodded: "but master Lin, you should not be able to fight again now? I don't want to kill you! If you admit defeat, I can let you and all the members of the Eastern Emperor cult leave here. What do you think? "

He believed that even if Lin Yang couldn't be killed by the way just now, at least it would be OK to abolish him.

However, at this time, Lin Yang's voice came out again.

"The old man seems to be too confident in his own means!"

After the fall of the voice, he looked at the gradually falling dust, a figure stood up trembling.

Nangong Tong's eyebrows are sinking.

"Master Lin, do you really want me to kill you?"

"You can't kill me! Because I haven't shown my ability to look after my family Grey faced Lin Yang raised his head and showed a confident smile.

Nangong Tong breathed tight and did not dare to hesitate again. He drank a low voice and rushed up.

"In this case, master Lin, don't blame me!"

"The Dragon draws a negative picture of Luoshui. Colorful Phoenix Title book in the blue clouds. Jingmen! Open it

One hand to kill, palm Qi into a big stone, with the palm of the hand to Lin Yang.

It's really a stunning blow!

This time Nangong Tong didn't want to keep his hand.

It's about people's lives. He can't be careless!

What's more, the leader of Lin is so weird! There was a bad premonition in his mind.

But this time, Lin Yang did not drive his arms to fight head-on. Instead, he moved his fingers slightly. A cyclone moved around his fingertips, which was very exquisite.Then a flick of your finger...


A thin streamer came out of his fingertips and flew to nangongtong, which directly stuck in his palm.


The surging Qi force accumulated in the palm of the hand suddenly collapsed and disappeared without a trace.


Nangong Tong's face changed with fright. Lin Yang's foot had been kicked in his chest.

He suddenly fell to the ground like a broken kite.

There was an uproar.

Nangong Tong quickly stood up and looked at the light in his palm.

"Silver needle?"

He lost his voice.

"Not bad!"

Lin Yang calmly looked at him: "my strongest, not martial arts! It's acupuncture! In other words, it's medicine! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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