Acupuncture? Medicine?

Nangong Tong breathed and trembled. His old eyes widened and he lost his voice and said, "are you a doctor?"

"Uncle, according to the data, he is indeed a doctor! And he's a very powerful doctor! " Nangong dream here yells.

The audience was boiling again.

"I didn't expect that he was still a doctor!"

"Such a young doctor is really rare in the world."

"Not only has not bad Gang body, but also excellent medical skills, this Doctor Lin is... Too evil?"

"Where on earth did he come from?"

People marvel at it.

Nangong Tong recovered from his shock and said in a deep voice, "even if it's medical martial arts? I have been in touch with Doctor Wu Tianjiao in my life! Countless people have been defeated. Master Lin, if you want to rely on your medical skills to fight against me, you are very wrong! "

"Try it." Lin Yang said quietly.

Nangong Tong's eyes were dignified, but he was not wordy. Then he jumped over and wanted to attack and kill.

Lin Yang's fingers moved rapidly.

Whoosh, whoosh...

several slender streamers shoot past, as if to pierce the void.

Nangong Tong raised his eyes and looked, breathed and trembled, only to find that he was blocked by those silver needles like streamer.

It's too late to dodge.

Under helpless, nangongtong can only use the arm to block, to avoid being hit by these silver needles.

the silver needle fell on the arm, as if it had been poisoned, and a sense of crispy numbness came.

Nangong Tong gnaws his teeth, doesn't want to pay attention to it, and continues to rush forward.

But at this time.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

another silver needle pours out again, which makes people's scalp numb.

Nangong Tong's eyes widened.

These silver needles are arranged like a wall, which is airtight and does not give him a chance to pass through!

"Damn it!"

Nangong Tong roared and rushed forward.

He didn't know why Lin Yang had so many silver needles, but after rushing through, they had already stabbed him.

It's so dense, it's frightening.

Nangong Tong doesn't believe these little silver needles can subdue him.

But when he tried his best to keep close to Linyang, his whole strength was like an air leaking balloon, which shriveled rapidly and almost made him lose his footing.

"What?" Nangong Tong was terrified.

It's weird.

But when he raised his head, Lin Yang's foot had been severely kicked in his waist.

Nangong Tong flies out and rolls for two times. Then a fish stands up.

"Does the old gentleman seem to look down on my silver needles?" Lin Yang light road.

"I really underestimate it!"

Nangong Tong clenched his teeth and stretched out his hand to pull out all the silver needles on his body and threw them on the ground. He was very angry.

"If ordinary people pull out needles like you, they will die in a short time. However, Mr. old man will not have much time." Lin Yang shook his head.

Nangong Tong did not speak.

This time, he did not dare to relax any more. People were staring at Lin Yang, but did not rush to him. Instead, he stood in the same place, with his arms outstretched and his fists mastered, as if he were accumulating strength.

Lin Yang frown, suddenly realized what, immediately raised his hand, released the silver needle to take the initiative to attack.

However, Nangong Tongji carried out the roar of the clouds.

"But when you take the horse, the sword and halberd are like a mountain, which is not enough to fear. Three for anger, five for death, victory in three, decline in five! "

"If Tianpeng comes to Tianying, you should know that it is the counter chanting palace. It's the same thing in the eight gates. You live or die! "

"Dead door! Open it

"Surprise! Open it

"Open the door! Open it

The voice fell to the ground, and a surging air current broke out from Nangong Tong.

The flying silver needles were directly shattered.


Around the audience again made a sound of surprise.

"All eight doors are open!"

Jin Shiming called.

All eyes are burning, staring at Nangong Tong.

Eight doors open, earth shaking!

At this moment, no one in the world can compete with nangongtong!

But see his thin arms suddenly full up, arms big circle, muscle everywhere, and a like earthworm like blood vessels bulging up.

All the white hair on his head fell off, but it grew inch by inch black silk. The age spots on his face gradually faded, his sunken eyes gradually filled, and his turbid pupil beads became bright.

After only a few seconds of Kung Fu, Nangong Tong was more than ten years younger.

How amazing!

The world was shocked.

But what is even more shocking is the momentum of Nangong at the moment.At this moment, he feels like the God of war.



"Master Lin, you will be defeated!"

Nangong Tong murmured hoarsely.

Lin Yang gazed.

"Do you know what is the power to turn corruption into magic? Now, I'll show you! "

He raised his foot and gave the ground a hard stamp.


The earth trembled wildly, and the ground cracked and stretched toward Linyang.

Linyang was hard to stand still, his body swayed, and he nearly fell into the crack.

Lin Yang quickly stabilized himself.

But the next second, Nangong Tong has stood in front of him.

It's like a meteor!


Lin Yang was caught off guard and was directly hit on the shoulder by this fist. The whole man slammed into the ground.

The earth burst again and collapsed.

Four weeks back.

Who dares to get close to such a scene?

Nangong Tongyi was able to strike successfully, but he did not stop. He immediately followed him and made another chop with a hand knife.


Lin Yang's body hit the ground again, making it difficult for him to get up.

"Magic tiger boxing!"

Nangong Tong roared, and then played countless fist shadow, into a fierce tiger, crazy impact.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

countless fist shadows fell on Lin Yang.

The surging power passed down his body to the ground.

For a time, the earth trembled wildly, flying sand and rocks, rippling rocks.

The center of the Nangong family was completely fragmented.

The surrounding buildings collapsed.

The people in the distance raised their eyes and looked out, all gaping.

Is such a terrible offensive really affordable?

It lasted five minutes.


Another dull sound.

Lin Yang flew out directly and fell heavily on the open space.

At the moment, his body was miserable, his arms were broken, one leg was lame, and he was constantly dented by heavy punches, and his whole body was covered with black and white. It was frightening to see him.


The people of Nangong aristocratic family are very happy to see this.

"Too strong!"

"It's like Superman!"

"Such a man cannot be defeated."

The leaders of the aristocratic families around us could not help murmuring.

"I said! You lost! "

Nangong Tong went to Lin Yang.

At the moment, Lin Yang is lying on the ground, motionless.

He half opened his eyes as if he could not use any strength.

It seems that the whole person has been abandoned.

"Uncle! Kill him At this time, Nangong dream here suddenly yelled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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