"Asshole! What do you say

Liu Ma gets angry and kicks the foot of Nangong dream.

Nangong Meng fell to the ground directly, but he was not afraid. He roared: "your leader is dying. Do you dare to treat me like this! I think you are tired of living! Later, my uncle will come to kill you all! None of you will want to escape at that time! "

All the members of the Eastern Emperor's sect were changed.

We can all see the performance of Nangong Tong just now.

Who can deal with the existence of such terror?

At least Liu Ma and others are not rivals.

"Well, even so? Your uncle is going to die in about ten minutes! Does he want to frighten us as soon as he is about to die? " Liu Ma said coldly.

"Believe it or not, my uncle will kill you all in 10 minutes!" Nangong dream sneers and laughs, and his eyes are full of ferocity.

Liu Ma breathed and trembled, and did not answer.

At this moment, Nangong Tong, with eight doors open at the same time, can only kill them in the blink of an eye.

All the people here, no one can take Nangong Tongyi boxing!

After all, even xiantiangang can't bear it! What do they do with their flesh and blood?

10 minutes... Not to mention killing all of these Donghuang cult people, at least they can kill all the experts. The rest of them can be dealt with by the powerful members of Nangong aristocratic family.

If the situation develops to this point, every one of the donghuangjiao people on the scene will not be able to leave Nangong aristocratic family alive...

many people are shivering.

"What? Scared? Hehe, it's not too late to know! "

Nangong Meng pushed the people around him and stood up straight. His attitude gradually became arrogant: "I tell you, Liu Ma! I'm helping you! Do you think, if this Doctor Lin does not die, you people still have a chance to sit on the position of the emperor? I do this to you! You not only don't appreciate our Nangong family, but also have such an attitude? It's really the hand that feeds the hand that feeds it! "

"It's not up to you to take care of the affairs of our Donghuang religion."

Liu Ma clenched his teeth in secret, and said in a deep voice: "listen to the order, quickly go to protect the leader and take him away!"

"Yes, you go. I'll see who has the courage to go." Nangong Meng laughs and goes over the body directly.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to come forward.

Nangong Tong is there. Who dares to pass?

If the other party has a heart to kill, any slap can shoot these hall leaders and deacons alive.

For a time, the donghuangjiao people stood in place, no one dared to go forward.

Nangong dreamt of the situation and became more and more arrogant.

The people of Nangong aristocratic family even laughed.

At this moment, however, a weak voice sounded.

"I'm not defeated. What are you happy about?"

This fell, all the people on the scene breathed and trembled, and looked at the sound source in unison.

Only then discovered that the speaker was Lin Yang.

"What?" Nangong Meng's face was stiff.

"Can you still get up?"

"Is this man too Hardy to fight?"

Many people exclaimed.

But it was just a scream.

Because even if Lin Yang can speak, he can't change anything. He has three limbs broken, and he has no fighting ability at all. Nangong Tong wants to kill him just in a flash.

However, Lin Yang endured the pain on his body, and his body swayed and swayed, trying to get up.


Nangongtong suddenly a blink, directly rushed to Lin Yang, one hand pinched his neck, lifted him up.

Lin Yang's limbs fall to the ground, and people can't resist.

"Doctor Lin! I can let you a way of life, the premise is that you have to admit defeat! How about it? " Nangong Tong stares at Lin Yang and says hoarse.

"Mr. old man, you can do whatever you want. You can win by killing me. The last thing I like most in my life is to give up." Lin Yang has no expression and says weakly.

"You have to force me to kill you?" Nangongtong growled in a low voice.

"Kill me? Ha ha, old man, I'm afraid you can't do it Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly.


Nangong Tong was in a hurry, gnashing his teeth and growling. He did not care so much. He directly swung his fist and smashed Lin Yang's chest.


The blow went straight to the heart.

The terrifying force lines, like ripples, burst at the front of the fist and splashed to the four sides.

How terrible?

Such a powerful fist is enough to make steel powder, let alone human heart.

Lin Yang's chest also immediately sunken a large piece, mouth again spit out blood.

The world breathed and looked.

If it had not been for the congenital vigorous body, Lin Yang's trunk would have burst earlier...

Nan Gong Tong Chang took a breath, and his face was full of intolerance and helplessness.He loves material.

Especially Lin Yang, such a genie.

He really did not want to destroy such a genius, but at this point, he had nothing to do.

There was no room for silence.

Nangong Tong's five fingers are slightly loose, and he plans to put Lin Yang down.

But at this time, a weak voice sounded again.

"Old man... Are you going to give up?"

His voice fell to the ground, and Nangong Tong was shocked. Looking at Lin Yang, he saw that he was still open-minded and not dead.

"What? Are you... Are you still alive? "

This time, Nangong Tong was shocked.

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