"You don't seem to have enough strength, old man." Lin Yang said with a light smile, his face flashing a touch of madness.

"How could it be? How could that be possible? " Nangong Tong looks shocked and shivers.

He knew exactly how terrible the power of that blow was.

Even if Lin Yang has the inborn vigorous body, it is not enough to resist the destructive force of the eight doors opening together!

According to the law, Lin Yang's heart has already broken and died, but why... Can he still live?

No way!

Something must be wrong!

Nangong Tong's old eyes flashed with madness, and he yelled at him. He immediately raised his fist again and smashed him to the chest of Lin Yang.

"Die for me!"

He growled.

This time, the power on the front of the fist actually carried a violent fire.

It's like a fist burning!

Lin Yang looked at him with no sign of struggling.


The fist fell on the body again.

A thunderous voice rose.

At last, the wind blows from the upper and lower parts of the body.


The people around were upset by the vigorous wind on the spot.

This blow is like a meteorite impact, shaking the earth and mountains!


Lin Yang vomited out a mouthful of blood again, his body trembled violently, and his eyes widened a little bit.

But... He's not dead yet.

Still looking at nangongtong, with a faint smile on his face.

It seems that the punch was completely ignored by him!

"Old man... It's not enough... You have to use more force!"


Nangong Tong's eyes suddenly widened, growled and punched again.


Lin Yang vomited another mouthful of blood.

Can people... Still open their eyes, breath is still there.


Nangong Tong seems to be crazy. He roars one after another and smashes his fist like raindrops on Lin Yang's body.

He doesn't believe it!

Don't believe that Lin Yang is really immortal!





"die! Die! Die! Die! Death... "

nangongtong was like a wild animal, totally crazy.

The fist hammered over and over again.

Every blow, as if to tear everything in front of, as if to break through the world.

People around see scalp numbness, shivering all over.

People only felt that their eardrums were almost stopped by the sound of boxing, and the vigorous wind exploded from Lin Yang's body.

These are all from the strength of Nangong Tong's fist.

All the buildings of Nangong aristocratic family were destroyed.

There are countless cracks on the ground, and the earth is full of holes and scars.

No one dares to get close to that.

Even a lot of people don't dare to see it again.

The scene was too shocking.

"Good! Good fight

Nangong dream is excited with a drum.

He loved it, and he wanted to see it.

He is not afraid of the gang wind, standing in the front of the crowd, excited to watch.

It was only the dull sound of boxing that slowly weakened.

The speed of Nangong Tong's boxing also gradually slowed down.

I can't seem to keep up with my strength.

Nangongtong's breathing is also gradually rapid.

"Uncle?" Nangong dream was stunned.

"Half an hour... Almost there!"

Jin Shiming over here made a voice.

Nangong people's hearts beat together.

After half an hour, nangongtong will die soon!!

Sure enough, he stopped the attack.

Now he can't move his fist.

The black hair on the head began to peel off, the strong arm began to shrink, the terrible blood vessels on the arm all shriveled.

His life... Burned to the end.

But Lin Yang in front of him is not human.

People like this can't live.

But Nangong Tong looks at Lin Yang tightly, as if he is observing something.

A moment later, however, he sighed.

"I lost..."

the world was shocked.

"Uncle, how did you lose? He's dead! Doctor Lin is dead Nangong dream cries out eagerly.

But Nangong Tong shook his head and released his hand.

Lin Yang's feet fell to the ground, but he didn't fall.He opened his eyes and looked at Nangong Tong: "I am not dead! How can he win? "

In a word, all the people on the scene stopped breathing...

Nangong dream was struck by lightning.

"Can you tell me why?"

Nangongtong's breathing became more and more shortness of breath, and his face became more and more old.

He knew that his life was not long ago, and he spoke faster: "can you tell me why you don't die anyway? Are you really immortal

"I am not immortal! But because my life is sealed by me

Lin Yang raised the broken arm, with his arm will be a silver needle in the waist.


The pupil of nangongtong is tight.

"The doctor knows his fate and pulse. If you don't break my lifeblood, I can still have a breath in... Old man, I don't have to defeat you. I just need to last half an hour, and I will be the winner!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Nangong Tong hears the sound and retreats again and again. Finally, he sits on a big stone with a silent face.

"Heaven is going to die, my Nangong family..."

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