Lin Yang sealed several silver needles on his body with little strength.

The broken arm and leg were able to move freely again.

People around him were startled, and they were secretly surprised.

"Is this Yiwu?" Fu Wuye is very surprised.

"Powerful medical skills combined with congenital vigorous body that terrible recovery ability... Really not ordinary people can kill." Jin Shiming shook his head and sighed.

Even people with eight doors open can't kill it! In this world, I'm afraid only those who have achieved great success in martial arts can subdue this person.

All the family leaders and leaders of the clan were silent.

The people of Nangong aristocratic family fell into endless panic.

Nangong Tong was defeated.

The only hope of Nangong family was also destroyed.

Is today really the end of Nangong family??

"Uncle!" Nangong's dream is bleak.

"My ancestors!"

Nangong people knelt down in tears.

Nangong Tong sat on the big stone, trying to breathe.

His life has burned out, and his previous high spirited posture no longer exists. His skin begins to wrinkle, his hair and whiskers fall off, and his teeth and nails begin to peel off. The whole person immediately becomes an old man in his twilight years.


Nangong Tong sighed.

Seeing Lin Yang staggering along, his muddy eyes are covered with some tears.

"Doctor Lin... Really... Do you want to kill them all?" He asked weakly.

"Nangong dreams of killing me completely, even poisoning my wife and hurting my relatives and friends around me. I have always been grateful and revenged! That's my principle. " Lin Yang murmured.

"It seems that Nangong family is really doomed today... But Dr. Lin and I still want to make a final attempt!" Nangong Tong seems unwilling, weak and shouting.

"You can't fight me any more. Even if I'm black and blue now, you can't threaten me half a point! You now have at most three minutes to live! It's better to give your last words quickly. " Lin Yang road.

"No, Dr. Lin, you will be wrong. I... I don't want to continue to fight with you, i... I just want to make a deal with you..." Nangong Tong's breathing became more and more rapid, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

"What deal?" Lin Yang Ning asked.

"I... I want to use the eight door dunjia skill in my hand... And... And the whole Nangong family, in exchange for the lives of my Nangong people..." Nangong Tong was hoarse.

"Weeding and weeding! I will not kill all Nangong people today! I will revenge them in the future! I don't like who can threaten me! At least my enemies, I hope they'd better die! " Lin Yang hums coldly.

The Nangong family has already won all the treasures of Nansheng family, but how can we not have all the treasures of Nansheng family? In addition, you just said that your wife was poisoned by a Meng. Then I ask you, is your wife poisoned by Jue Ming Hua

"So what? I've got the antidote Lin Yang light road.

"The antidote... Can really relieve Jueming flower poison! But... Is not perfect, your wife took this pill, although can save her life, but will certainly become a vegetable... This life hard to wake up! " Nangong Tong was hoarse.

"What do you say?"

Lin Yang breathed.

"Dr. Lin, in fact, our Nangong family has not developed a pill that can completely remove the poison of Jueming flower. At present, the pills developed can only clear away the toxins around the heart, but not the toxins in the brain! You can ask people who have been poisoned by jueshenghua before. How many people have recovered their consciousness and walked out of bed? Actually, none of them! The antidote can only protect life, not cure... "Nangong Tongdao.

Lin Yang's eyes widened and his face was incredible. He grabbed Nangong Tong and roared: "where is the real antidote?"?? Come on! If you don't say, I will kill Nangong people today! Call you Nangong aristocratic family to be the last empress from now on

Lin Yang was completely angry.

After planning such a scene, it turned out to be nothing.

"Doctor Lin, don't worry... It's not difficult to make your wife recover! You know, you are a miracle doctor, but you are famous all over the world... You will always be better than our Nangong family in the development of the antidote of this poison! "

"I don't have a killer! Know nothing about the poison and the flower! How do I develop it? Such strange poison and flower! It's not years or even decades of unsolvable! " Lin Yang clenched his teeth.

Previously, when he looked at Bizhen's flower, he found it particularly strange. After several generations of Nangong family, he developed a semi-finished product that could only protect his life. How could it be completed in a year and a half?

Su Yan's poison can't be delayed!

Lin Yang fell into a state of extreme anxiety.

At this time, Nangong Tong suddenly grabbed Lin Yang's arm and said, "if I give you all the materials about Jueming flower that Nangong family has studied for nearly 100 years! Can you spare my Nangong people's lifeLin Yang suddenly turned his head and stared at him.

"What do you say?"

"Doctor Lin! This information not only contains all the information about Jueming flower cultivation in Nangong family, but also includes all the process and formula of Jueming poison pill! If you can get this information and cooperate with your medical skills, you will be able to develop an antidote in less than half a year! "

Nangong Tong seemed to be unable to hold on to it. His withered and yellow hands seized Lin Yang and cried out: "Doctor Lin! Promise me! He promised me that everything was yours and yours... "

with that, he took out two worn-out books from his arms.

One of them is the eight door dunjia technique.

As for the other one, it is a book recording Jue Ming Hua.

It turns out that this book has been kept in the hands of Nangong Tong.

But he knew that if he didn't take it out, there would be no chance. He just crammed it into Lin Yang's hand. Then, his arms were weak and his head was lowered slightly. His voice became like a mosquito.

"All the people of Nangong aristocratic family, listen, after my death... I will not allow you to hate Dr. Lin, and you are not allowed to seek revenge on him! No matter what he has done, even if he wants to kill you, you must not resist and hate him! Do you understand? "

Although the voice is very weak, but at this moment, it is particularly loud and clear.


Nangong people cry more fiercely.

"Do you hear me?" Nangong Tong suddenly roared.

"I hear you!"

People are crying.

Nangong Tong's old face has relaxed a lot.

He turned his old face and whispered:

"Dr. Lin... This era... Is your time..."

his voice is full of envy, helplessness and sadness.

After that, the eyelids closed, and there was no movement and no breath at all...

nangongtong, he died.

"Uncle?? Uncle Nangong dream opened her eyes and cried out.

"The ancestor of the ancestors!"

Nangong people all kneel down on the ground and wail.

The scene was desolate.

Lin Yang quietly looked at the two books in his hand and fell into silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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