Gufeng people come with high spirits.

The people at the gate drew out their swords and surrounded the lonely peaks with fear.

Although there are many people in Linyang, they are completely suppressed by each other.

There were seven men and women in the other party. They were wearing black robes with white edges. They were arrogant and arrogant. Their arrogance was almost written on their faces.


Liu Ma was furious and pointed at the seven people and roared: "I told you that. Am I going to report to the leader? Why do you still break in? Even hurt the people I taught? Do you want to be an enemy of our donghuangjiao? "

However, the other side ignored Liu Ma's words and said, "where is your leader? This man? "


Liu Ma Fei is going to explode with anger, so he has to start directly.

However, at this time, Lin Yang next to him directly pressed his shoulder, indicating that he did not act rashly.

"Lord!" Liu Ma shouts.

"If you want to do it, don't rush now!" Lin Yang light road.

Liu Ma can only give up.

"I am the leader of the church!" Lin Yang looked at these lonely peaks and said calmly, "some of you have hurt my followers for no reason. Should you give me an account of this matter?"

"Account? Ha ha, master Lin, you should thank us The first man with a little mustache laughed.

"Thank you? What kind of thanks? "

"Thank you for not killing them." The man squinted.

Lin Yang is silent.

"You..." Liu Ma was so angry that he couldn't bear it any more. He rushed straight up, smashed the man's face with a fist and growled: "presumptuous dog! Get down on your knees

Liu Ma didn't give up the fist, but did his best.

It's just.

The fist flashed past, but before touching the man's face, he was stopped by a slap in the face.


The fist hit the palm.

It's blocked.

Liu Ma's eyes widened, and the man did not react. The palm of his hand suddenly clasped Liu Ma's fist and violently threw him to the ground beside him.

The power of terror is simply shocking.

Liu Ma was smashed and his Qi and blood gushed and his mouth vomited blood. The whole person almost couldn't get up.

"Mr. Liu!"

Next to the emperor's church, the crowd was shocked and helped.

Lin Yang's eyes are also ferocious.

"Master Lin, it seems that you are not very good as the leader. You are so unruly. After the unification of the Eastern Emperor religion, it is not so good." The man chuckled and shook his wrist.

Lin Yang Chao took a look at Liu Ma and found that his fist had been deformed and all five fingers had been pinched and broken.

"Why did the people of Gufeng come here?" Lin Yang took a deep breath and asked.

"It's up to us to ask Master Lin about this sentence?" The man snorted, "why did leader Lin bring people to make trouble in Nangong family? He also abolished the Nangong family leader and slaughtered the Nangong people? Don't you know that Nangong family and my Gufeng are allies? "

"I don't know. What do you want?" Linyang straight road.

"It doesn't matter if I don't know. It's no wonder that I don't know! Our lonely peak is not aggressive, but the Nangong family has been destroyed to such an extent by your Donghuang cult. Master Lin, you have to give us an explanation. " The man said with a smile.

"What are you going to say?" Lin Yang asked.

"According to our leader, the leader of donghuanglin needs to hand over to our Gufeng the supreme unique skills of Donghuang Huanyu and the invincible divine skill, and bow down to my Gufeng and submit to him. Then the leader of Nangong will no longer care about the affairs of Nangong family. Can you understand Lin Jiao?" The man said with a smile.

Love is a group of people who want benefits...

indeed, how can they avenge Nangong family?

Lin Yang pondered for a moment and nodded. He took out two simple books from his arms and held them in his hand.

On the cover of the book, there are "Donghuang Huanyu" and "invincible Shengong"!

The eyes of the seven lonely peak people suddenly widened several points.

"Big brother..." next to a woman excited and called.

The man nodded silently, smiling all over his face: "ha ha, I knew that master Lin is a man of insight! Give it to me

However, Lin Yang did not hand it over, but took out a secret script from his arms.

It was the eight door dunjia technique which was obtained from Nangong Tong.

"Forbidden technique?" The man was stunned. He was immediately overjoyed and stretched out his hand: "good! Good! I didn't expect master Lin even had this! Is this for our peak master? Give it to me! Give it to me quickly

"Take it!"

Lin Yang left three secret scripts on the ground.

The man immediately bent down to pick it up.

The rest of them were excited.

Each of these three secrets is a unique skill in the world.If you can gather in one person's body, you can walk alone in China's martial arts and Taoism!

However, when the man picked up the three scripts, he realized that something was wrong.

He looked around.

Only then discovered in all directions, did not know when gathered the numerous Donghuang cult master.

They were surrounded by three circles inside and three outside.

Countless swords, guns and sticks were also aimed at them.

"Master Lin, what do you mean?" The man frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"It's not interesting. I gave you an account. Now is it time for you to explain it to me?" Lin Yang light road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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