
The man was furious: "Doctor Lin! How dare you! What's the matter? Are you trying to fight against me? You want to compete with me? I tell you! We still have 12 forces like Nangong family! You can fight Nangong family. Can you fight with our twelve families? You want to die

"It's like hitting the stone with an egg!"

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Other people also scolded.

But Lin Yang was not moved and said without expression: "in fact, if you are willing to talk with me, lower your posture and lower your voice, maybe I will accept what you said. Just... "

" just what? " The man asked coldly.

"It's just that you beat my men like this in front of me. If I don't do anything, how can I convince the public? How can we still hold the position of the leader of the Eastern Emperor? "

"If you dare to fight against my lonely peak! You can't sit in any position! Doctor Lin! Listen, tell your men to get out of here! Now we have to go back to hand over, if we have a little loss! I promise, whether it's your Donghuang religion or Yanghua, it's bound to vanish into nothingness! "

When a man drinks and shouts, he turns to take his own people.

However, many masters of the Donghuang cult still remained motionless, showing no sign of release.

"What are you doing? Get out of here The man shouts and raises his hand to smash the person in front of him, intending to smash the person in front of him forcibly.

Just then, a cold voice came out.

"Chop them into meat sauce!"

"Yes! The Lord

All around, the strong men all cried out, then drew out their swords and jumped, and rushed to the seven men.


Seven people all scared silly?

This leader of the forest... How dare you?

They came back to their senses and roared bitterly:

"donghuangjiao! Do you really dare to fight against my lonely peak? "

"Death! You are looking for death

"I guarantee that all of you here will die without a place to die!"

But not at all.

Seven people can only run like crazy.

How did they ever think that the emperor was so crazy? How dare you fight Gufeng!

Does this man not know the energy of Gufeng?

At the moment, the seven people died of regret and fear.

Donghuangjiao is a super sect in the end. The experts are like clouds and rain. What can they do with them?

After fighting for a while, the seven people could not break out of the encirclement, and they were defeated. The leader was even more cut off an arm and was knocked to the ground.

"Stop it!"

Lin Yang shouts.

Everyone stopped their swords immediately.

At the moment, all of them were wounded in the battle.

They looked at Lin Yang with frightened eyes.

But look at Lin Yang a few steps forward, gently took away the previous man's hands of the three secrets, put back in his arms.

"You should thank me, because I'm not going to kill you again!"

"You..." the man glared and wanted to say something, but it involved the wound. A sharp pain made him show his teeth and almost fainted.

"Do you think that with the support of a lone peak, you can do whatever you want, and I will do what I want?" Lin Yang crouched down and looked at the man: "in this case, you can go back and tell you the peak master that if you really want to start, you can come to Donghuang mountain to find me at any time! I'm waiting for you at any time, but please remind him that once the war begins, you will never die! Nangong aristocratic family is the consequence. Maybe our donghuangjiao can't defeat you Gufeng, but if you want to make Gufeng energetic and lack arms and legs, I don't think it's a big problem! What do you think? "

The man was shocked, his eyes wide open, and looked at Lin Yang.

He can clearly see the ferocity and killing of Lin Yang's handsome face like a God.

This man is not joking.

It's not just to talk hard to him.

This man... Is for real!

"You are a madman, you are a madman... A madman..." the man shuddered and said with frightful white complexion. Then he got up in a hurry, turned around and ran, regardless of his subordinates.

The rest of the people are also rolling up, crazy to the outside.

The master of Donghuang sect made way for them.

But everyone's eyebrows are dignified.

After solving the Nangong family, he provoked a lonely peak...

"the leader, it's not worth it..." Liu Ma came with a long sigh, holding his wrist.

"The other party didn't pay attention to us from the beginning. If we give in to them, they will only crush us crazily, constantly make rude demands, and constantly absorb our blood. We tear our face with them now, which is better than that they will dry up our blood and fight again in the future." Lin Yang light road."But Gufeng... May not really provoke us..." Liu Ma opened his mouth.

"Not necessarily?" Lin Yang looked at him, shook his head and said, "don't you understand? From the moment those men started to fight against you, one thing has been explained! "

"What's the matter?"

"The people of Gufeng don't treat me as a person at all!" Lin Yang light road.

All around him breathed and trembled, and there was no sound.

"Master Lin is right! Gufeng people, indeed do not treat you as people, you yield to them, they will only be slaughtered as cattle and sheep! They share the food

A hearty laugh reached here.

People raised their eyes.

A man from Jinshi villa came in with a big stride and a smile on his face.

"You people in Jinshi villa haven't gone far?" Lin Yang looked at the man and asked.

"The villa master has returned to the villa. He specially ordered the villain to stay and observe every move here! If Gufeng is in conflict with you, I will ask the leader about the alliance. "

"Alliance? It can be considered. " Lin Yang road.

"No, no, no, master Lin. don't hurry to agree! Now it is not so easy for you to form an alliance with us now The man said with a smile.

"Oh?" Lin Yang frowned: "what do you mean?"

"The villa Master said, this time, it depends on your sincerity." The man squinted and chuckled.


Lin Yang looked at him lightly: "what sincerity do you want?"

"Ha ha, Dr. Lin, we have said that we don't want anything else. He only needs one person!"


"A female pharmacist of Xuanyi School under your command, Miss Yan Ke'er!" The man said with a smile, "if you agree with me, please send this girl to Jinshi mountain villa. Then you can make an alliance! If you refuse, then we can only stand on the side of Gufeng

This is a stark threat.

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