"Yan Ke'er?"

Lin Yang was quite surprised, but he didn't show it on his face.

He came up to the man with his hands attached behind him and made a circle around him.

"Why the girl?" Lin Yang asked.

"Don't ask more about this doctor Lin." The man was smiling as if he didn't want to say more.

"It seems that you have no sincerity in Jinshi villa." Lin Yang said: "in this case, it will be difficult for me to cooperate."

"Doctor Lin means to refuse? Well, I have to advise you. If you refuse this, it's not a good thing for you, Dr. Lin. think twice The man clasped his fist, seemed to smile, and tried to persuade him.

"Needless to say, since Jinshi villa has no sincerity, there is no need to discuss this cooperation." Lin Yang shook his head.

"This... That's really a pity. In this case, I'll go back and report to my villa master. Doctor Lin, goodbye!"

The man said, that is to go.

But as soon as he turned around, the followers of the Eastern Emperor stopped him.

The man frowned and looked back: "Doctor Lin, what are you doing?"

"Did I say let you go? I remember you were threatening me? " Lin Yang said quietly.

"Doctor Lin, you don't want to mess with me, otherwise... Otherwise, Jinshi villa will not forgive you!" The man screamed.

"It doesn't matter. If we can't make an alliance, will we not be the enemy? If Jinshi villa wants to fight with me, I will be afraid to accept the attack? " Lin Yang raised his hand and waved: "this one is chopped into meat paste immediately, and then it is fed to the dog! If the dog chokes, I'll ask you! "

"Yes, Lord!"

They all cried out, and immediately drew out their swords to be beheaded.

"No! No! Master of the forest! Wait a minute, i... I have something to say! " The man screamed in horror, and immediately fell to his knees and yelled.

"I'm not very patient." Lin Yang said.

How could the man not understand Lin Yang's meaning, hesitated, and whispered, "Doctor Lin, it is... It's like this. Not long ago, someone found out that someone was out of the village of Yaowang! I think Dr. Lin should know that Yaowang village is full of energy, and people in the village usually don't go out of the village. So we sent people to investigate and found that Yaowang village sent people out of the village to find Miss Yan Ke'er, who seems to be the daughter of a big figure in Yaowang Village. Besides, she seems to have spiritual Constitution! So... Our villa master hopes to get miss Yan Ke'er and let her marry our little manor, so that we can tie Jinshi villa to the big ship of Yaowang village! "


Lin Yang was shocked: "Yan Ke'er is actually a person from Yaowang village?"

No wonder she knows how to plant some unique flowers and plants. No wonder she has a unique feeling every time she approaches her.

Lin Yang frowned and thought: "how many people know this news at present?"

"The news has just spread, not many people know about it, but I think it will soon spread." The man said cautiously.

Lin Yang touched his chin, side head way: "you Jinshi villa must Yan Ke'er?"

"Requested by the villa master." The man was busy.

"If so, I'm afraid I can't satisfy you. In my whole life, I will never live by betraying women! You go back to tell you the manor master, let him change a condition! Or I can let the people of Jinshi villa have a frank talk with Yan Ke'er. If Yan Ke'er is willing to marry into you, I will not stop him! " Lin Yang sinks.

"Master Lin, what can you do? Our villa master must be very angry The man was in a hurry and urged.

"If it's really not possible... Then I'll clean up your Jinshi villa together."

Lin Yang said in a low voice and turned away.

"Master Lin! Master Lin

The man is still shouting.

But Lin Yang has turned a deaf ear.

Helpless, the man can only leave in a hurry to catch up with the far away Jin Shiming.

Inside the town.

Jin Shiming's car stops at the door of a restaurant, where people plan to have lunch and then go back.

Just as Jin Shiming entered the hotel, the man from the villa called.

"Villa master!"

"How is it going? When will people be sent to Chuang Tzu? " Jin Shiming asked.

"It's not... Villa master. Dr. Lin refused."

"What? He... He refused? How could it be? "

"Master, it's true, Doctor Lin said that he would not betray women for the sake of living."

"Stupid!" Jin Shiming was very angry: "is there a hole in the head of Dr. Lin?"? For the sake of a woman, to put yourself in a situation of irreparable doom? What on earth is he thinking? "

"Then... What should we do now, the villa master?"

"Hum, this man named Lin really thinks that an Eastern Emperor religion can compete with the thirteen forces of Gufeng? OK, if he wants to die, let him go! We don't care. Sooner or later he will ask me! "Jin Shiming angrily hangs up the mobile phone.

But a moment later, he seemed to be puzzled and angry. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


all the Nangong people fled, and the whole Nangong family was under the control of Donghuang religion.

Lin Yang directed the people to move all the rare treasures of Nangong aristocratic family back to the Eastern Emperor cult, and then led people home triumphantly.

The news of defeating Nangong aristocratic family spread to the Eastern Emperor cult, and everyone in the whole sect was shocked.

We should know that Nangong aristocratic family is not a general powerful clan. If we want to overthrow such a powerful clan, unless it is the donghuangjiao in its heyday, it is impossible to do so in general, let alone the donghuangjiao which has been divided for a long time and has just been unified.

With the brilliant results of this war, the reputation of donghuangjiao is bound to rise to a higher level.

Lin Yang's status in the hearts of the Eastern Emperor's followers will also rise to a new height.

Lin Yang stayed in donghuangjiao for a day, and left the affairs of the church to Liu Ma and others. He promoted long Xinghong of the order team to be an elder. He left Donghuangshan in a hurry and headed for Jiangcheng.

It's been a long time.

Su Yan's injury must have reached a very serious point.

Lin Yang was burning with anxiety.

Get off the plane, Ma Hai.

As soon as Lin Yang got on the bus, he galloped toward the Xuanyi school.

As soon as she entered the medical college, Su Yan was sent to the treatment room. Lin Yang entered alone to heal and detoxify Su Yan...

many people gathered outside.

Qin baisong, Longshou and Xiong Changbai are all here.

In addition, even luoqian also came.

She sat on the bench outside the treatment room, her eyes red, her hands stirred together and prayed silently.

After three hours, the door of the treatment room was opened, and Lin Yang, who was sweating and pale, walked out tired.

"Lin Yang, how's Xiaoyan?" Luo Qian was busy asking.

But... Lin Yang just looked at her, shook his head in silence, sat down beside and lit a cigarette.

Luo Qian breathed and trembled www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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