Lin Yang gets into the car directly. Xu Tian looks at the people sitting in the back row with palpitation and squeezes out a smile: "good evening, Mr. Lin...

" are you alone? "

"If you bring too many people, you will get attention there. It will be very difficult for me to do so." Xu Tian smiles.

In fact, he deliberately did not take people, the purpose is to let Linyang back.

However, Lin Yang shook his head: "it doesn't matter, you can do it alone."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Take Jiangcheng."

Xu Tian smiles bitterly.

Take Jiangcheng?

Two of you?

Is this Mr. Lin crazy?

It is undeniable that Lin Yang's medical skills can be said to be at the top of the mountain. Jiangnan Province... No, the whole country of China, that is the first existence, but... This gray area is not a hospital, those vicious guys are not patients, you can't play with medical skills.

Xu Tian has seen Lin Yang's hand, and he believes that Lin Yang must also have two sons. But when it comes to this level, can HuaQuan embroidered legs withstand a machete? Can you withstand a bullet?

Xu Tian's heart kept complaining, thinking about how to enlighten Lin Dong, but he didn't know how to open his mouth.

"Why are you driving so slowly?" Lin Yang seems to be aware of something, looking at Xu Tian asked.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, I remember that my niece happened to have an appointment with me for dinner. Why don't we go for dinner first?" Xu Tianyi suddenly looks like a way.

"Why don't you go by yourself when you're done?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Isn't it nearly time to order? What's more, it's said that Chang Bo and his wife are still out of town. It seems that they haven't come back yet. We can't go now and have nothing to do with it? "

"Ma Hai gave me the information that Chang Bo just came back from the airport today. How did he go out of town?"

"Oh, that... He's at the airport and hasn't returned yet..."

"how long will it take?"

"When the airport was in the northern suburbs, roads were built there, and the roads were blocked. I guess it will be at least after 9 o'clock! Let's finish the meal and it's almost over Xu Tian said with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded and said, "in this case, that's OK."

"Well, Mr. Lin, let's go to Jianghua university now!"

"Jianghua university?"

"Yes, my niece is studying in Jianghua University."


"Mr. Lin, you should have heard of it? Jianghua university is rich in beautiful women. This is the place of beauty in Jiangnan province. Could you arrange one later Xu Tian said with a smile.

That's a pretty dirty look.

Lin Yang frowned and said, "Xu Tian, you are also a big man in Nancheng. When did you learn to pimp?"

Xu Tian was stunned and laughed bitterly.

Isn't it not that you don't want to die?

Xu Tian's sufferings are beyond description.

Soon, the car drove into the gate of Jianghua University.

Normally speaking, the off campus bus is not allowed to enter, but to Lin Yang's surprise, Xu Tian actually hung up at Jianghua University.

"I can't help it. I wanted to let Shuang Xuan study in Nancheng University. After all, it's my Xu family's territory. But the girl is stubborn and has to come here. In order to protect her safety, I donated a building to the school and hung her name." Xu Tian said with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded and did not speak.

Entering Jiangda, the car stopped in front of a restaurant at the south gate.

This is the school dining room, the environment is very good, it is said that the parents of rich students donated to build, specially used for banquets or activities.

Today, the decoration here is very beautiful, a colorful and lively appearance.

After entering the restaurant, Lin Yang realized that today was Xu Tian's niece Xu Shuangxuan's birthday.

When they went in, the birthday party was just about to start.

"Second uncle!"

Just listen to a joyful voice sounded, and then see a dress like a white swan like beauty holding a small skirt ran over.

Lin Yang looked at him. Xu Shuangxuan was quite similar to his sister Xu qiuxuan, but more pure and beautiful than Xu qiuxuan.

Delicate nose, white skin, cherry mouth, a long black hair shawl and fall, with the only new white skirt, she is like a fairy falling from the sky.

All the students looked at the door one after another.

"Second uncle? Is this man Xutian in Nancheng? "

"Oh, my God, the handlebar of Nancheng?"

"How can you look so gentle..."

"Shhh, you can be quiet. If you annoy Xu Tian, he blinks an eye and you will evaporate!"

The students have a lot of discussion, one by one looking at Xu Tian's eyes is very complex, there are worship, some are afraid, some are excited, some are disgusted.

Xu Tian is used to this kind of occasion. After all, he has a good reputation."Shuang Xuan, happy birthday. The second uncle came in a hurry and didn't bring you any gifts. When you go back, you can go to the second uncle's shop and choose what you want." Xu Tian said with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle!" Xu Shuangxuan's eyes were bent and he was smiling very well.

Xu Tian was taken to the front table for dinner. All the people sitting here had a good relationship with Xu Shuangxuan or had a good family background, while those with ordinary relationship or family background sat at other tables.

At the front of the stage, there are students performing, singing and dancing, eating and drinking, the atmosphere is very good.

Lin Yang is arranged by Xu Tian to sit down and eat at the front table. However, his butt has just landed.

"What are you doing?"

There was a roar of rage.

Everyone trembled.

Lin Yang is no exception.

He frowned and looked at the sound source, but he saw a male classmate with his back and glasses coming over a few steps and pulled Lin Yang up.

"Fu Wu, what are you doing?" Xu Shuangxuan Liu eyebrow a Cu immediately question.

"It's nothing. It's just that some people don't understand the rules. I'll just tell him." The male classmate named Fu Wu glared at Lin Yang, then turned to Xu Tian and said with a smile: "Uncle Tian, your men should sit on the side of the table. This is the host seat. If you let him sit here, many people will be unhappy. Let him go to the other side."

"Who told you he was my man?"

Xu Tian got up in a rage and yelled.

The man was stiff and looked at Xu Tian in surprise.

"Let me go!" Xu Tianyi pulls Fu Wu's hand from Lin Yang's arm.

Because of Xu Tian's excitement, he is very powerful, and forcefully pulls out a seal for Fu Wu...

Fu Wutong shivers.

"Second uncle!" Xu Shuangxuan was also in a hurry. He stood up and took Xuwu's hand.

Xu Tian released Fu Wu.

He shook his hand and said coldly, "yellow boy, uncle Tian is too lazy to argue with you. If you come here, you can eat and drink for me. Don't mind your own business. Are you active in my people?"

When Fu Wu heard the voice, his face was very ugly.

"Well, second uncle, Fu Wu is also kind-hearted. You should know that all the people sitting here are from Jiangcheng aristocratic family. If you arrange a subordinate to sit here, it will not only affect your reputation, but also bad for everyone! He did it for your own good. "

"The others are not my men, they are my friends! There is no distinction between high and low, not to mention you are so young, so you value this? What is the standard? " Xu Tiansheng's airway.

"Oh, well, all of you are sitting down. What do you call this? Forget it, it doesn't matter. Sit down and eat! "

Xu frost Xuan helpless smile way.

Xu Tian this just makes a little convergence, then wants to apologize to Lin Yang, Lin Yang takes the lead to wave: "sit down."


Xu Tian sits down.

But at this point, his cell phone rings.

Xu Tian took out the phone and looked at it, slightly stunned.

"Don't worry about me if you have to deal with it in advance." Lin Yang had a drink.

Excuse me, Mr. Lin

Xu Tian smiles apologetically and leaves the door with his mobile phone.

"Two silly, where are you?" Xu Tian asked with his mobile phone.

"Uncle Tian, I'm at the gate of the river. Come here quickly. I found a big secret about Chang Bo! It may be the lifeblood of Chamberlain's trade lines! " The other end of the phone is Xu Tianfang's informant two silly voice in Jiangcheng.

Hearing this, Xu Tian was quite excited and said in a low voice: "wait for me! I'll be there soon

With that, he ran to the school gate in a hurry.

However, out of the school, but no two silly figure.

Xu Tian frowns and asks the two fools in the phone again.

"Where are you? Why didn't I see you? "

"Uncle, come to the road and I'll pick you up."

"By the road?"

Xu Tian is slightly stunned, looking at the road with not much traffic flow and the sparse school gate, suddenly, an ominous premonition comes up.

Xu Tian suddenly turns to return to the school gate, but at this time, a man in a windbreaker appears behind him. Without saying a word, a knife is against his back.

"Uncle Tian, uncle long wants to see you!"

A husky voice sounded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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