After Xu Tian left the banquet hall, he didn't return for a long time, which surprised Lin Yang.

Is it something to leave first? Why don't you say hello?

Lin Yang looked at his watch and shook his head to eat and drink.

Xu Shuangxuan and her classmates are talking and laughing there.

A girl with short hair probably saw Lin Yang sitting there alone drinking, the corners of her mouth up and walked over.

"What's your name, little brother?"

"Lin Yang." Lin Yang replied with a smile.

"You look young. Are you uncle Tian's horse?"

"No, I'm his friend."

"Are you so young to be friends with Uncle Tian? You must be very good at home, aren't you? " The short haired girl's eyes glowed darkly, as if she had fallen in love with a golden tortoise. She immediately sat beside Lin Yang.

If you can make friends with Xu Tian, how can you be an ordinary person?

But Lin Yang shook his head: "my home is not so good."

"Oh? What does your family do? What do your parents do? " The girl said with a smile that Lin Yang was modest.

But Lin Yang is really sincere: "my family does nothing, my mother has passed away, my father has no job."

As soon as this word falls, the wine glass in the short hair girl's hand can't help but tremble, and the smile on her face is also stiff.

"So... How did you know uncle Tian?" The short haired girl asked again with a smile.

Lin Yang thought about it and didn't want to expose Xu Tian's relationship with him. He said casually, "I know some medical skills. I helped Xu Tian's father see the disease, so I got to know him."

"Oh, you are the barefoot doctor!"

Without waiting for the girl with short hair to make a sound, Xu Shuangxuan suddenly turns back and stares at Lin Yang.

The conversation between Lin Yang and the girl with short hair is paid close attention by these people all the time...

"Oh? Do you know me? " Lin Yang had some accidents.

"I heard my sister say that a barefoot doctor cured my grandfather's disease, but it was you." Xu Shuangxuan nodded.

As soon as the words fell, the Fu Wudang nearby snorted: "so, this guy is just a lucky doctor without a license?"

"No, there is evidence now." Lin Yang light road.

He is the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association.

But the next second.

Bang Dang!

Lin Yang's wine cups, bowls and chopsticks were all swept to the ground by a big hand, and all kinds of porcelain and glass were smashed and scattered all over the floor.

Lin Yang Gang's hand, which was about to grab the glass, froze at once.

The other students at the party stopped talking and looked at the head in unison.

However, Fu Wu seized Lin Yang's collar and said coldly, "I thought you were something. I didn't expect that you were just a mean guy. Who gave you the courage to sit here?"

"When did the doctor become a mean fellow?" Lin Yang frowned and said coldly.

He knew why Fu Wu would be so angry. Before Xu Tian stopped him, he felt very ashamed. He had a stomach full of anger in his heart, but he didn't dare to sprinkle on Xu Tian. He planned to show his authority on Lin Yang. He had driven Lin Yang to show his performance in front of Xu Shuangxuan. Now, he simply wants to recover the previous scene.

"What? Isn't the doctor cheap? Besides you, which family doesn't have 30 million yuan or 50 million yuan around this table. How many years do you have to earn as a doctor to save so much money? In front of us, do you say you can't be mean? " A chubby male classmate chuckled.

"Well, how can you say that about Lin Yang? He saved my grandfather at least! We're almost done. " Xu Shuangxuan was a little upset.

"All right, today's frost Xuan's birthday, she's the biggest. Don't make a fuss. What she says is what she says! Come on, everybody drink

The students yelled.

When Fu Wu heard the sound, he calmed things down, but his eyes were full of fierce light.

Before Xu Tian was there, he was still afraid.

Now Xu Tian is not here, and his background is not so good, so he doesn't want to do it as much as he wants?

Sitting next to Lin Yang, the girl with short hair snorted coldly and said, "what? After a long time, she turned out to be a poor doctor! I am blind

Then he walked away.

Lin Yang shook his head, feeling puzzled.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Some students have been drinking too much.

"Come on, let's make a toast to the birthday!"

At this time, that Fu Wu and several boys around exchanged a look, and then together rose to raise a glass.

Happy birthday

The students all stood up, with a shout, and then many people are drunk.

But Xu Shuangxuan is holding a wine cup, his face is somewhat unnatural.

Her cheeks were ruddy, but her lips were pale, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

Lin Yang glanced at her and frowned."Frost Xuan, you drink!" Fu Wu next to the road.

"I... I seem to have some can't drink..." Xu Shuangxuan said apologetically.

"Ah! Frost Xuan, how can this work? It's ok if you don't drink other wine, but you have to drink this cup. It includes everyone's blessing. Do you want to hit everyone in the face in public Fu Wu next to the fat man busy way up.

You can't be happy today Another thin girl said with a smile.

"If everyone drinks it, you don't drink it. You can't do anything special!"

"Yes, yes, Shuangxuan, drink it!"

"Have a drink, frost Xuan!"


the students started to yell.

Xu Shuangxuan is in some difficulties.

"Shuangxuan, drink it. It doesn't matter if you're really drunk. Anyway, it's at school. Your roommates are there. They'll help you to the dorm. It's OK." Fu Wu stepped forward and handed Xu Shuangxuan a glass of wine and said with a smile, "drink it."

"Yes, drink it!"

"Sister Xuan, the rescue team of 501 dormitory is ready!"

"It's going to be OK. Drink it."

People were shouting and persuading.

Xu Shuangxuan has been a little shaken, people look at the liquid in the eye cup, and then want to raise their hands.

But then a voice came out.

"She can't drink it."

This sound is very abrupt at this moment.

People looked at the sound source.

Only then discovered that the speaker is Lin Yang!

"Do you have a part to talk about? If Uncle Tian didn't take you with you, you thought you were qualified to stand here? Shut up and go away Fu Wu Nu shouts.

He drank a little wine, and his temper rose.

Lin Yang shook his head. He didn't want to argue with these young and vigorous college students, so he ignored Fu Wu and said to Xu Shuangxuan: "she can't drink because she can't drink, but because she can't drink well!"

"Fart!" "Frost Xuan's body is very good!" a girl said directly

"Is, others frost Xuan or school badminton team's, the health is very good!"

"Don't talk nonsense here!"

Other students have also spoken.

"I said she was not in good health. She was not. I was a doctor anyway." Lin Yang light road.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

there was a roar of laughter all around.

"Doctor? Just you? "

"There are no certificates. Are you pretending to be you here?"

"Go away!"

The boy is very angry.

"Some time ago, we saw the physical examination form of Shuang Xuan. There is nothing wrong with her body. You barefoot doctor is trying to find a sense of existence. Is that nonsense? Ha ha, you think too much! Now, get out of here Fu Wu stepped forward and pointed to the gate and roared at Lin Yang.

"I'm not talking nonsense. In fact, she's not called a disease. It's just like alcohol allergy, but it's not a complete allergy. If you don't believe it, you can ask Xu Shuangxuan!" Lin Yang road.

As soon as the words fell, people looked at Xu Shuangxuan in unison.

Fu Wu also looked at it.

What Lin Yang said is very reasonable. Although it sounds strange, since he has aimed his gun at Xu Shuangxuan, it is the simplest way to ask Xu Shuangxuan.

At present, only Xu Shuangxuan can give a result.


Xu Shuangxuan did not answer immediately.

She frowned, looked at Lin Yang, and then looked at the students all over the room. After a little hesitation, she suddenly whispered: "I am not ill, and I have no hidden disease. My health is very good. This Doctor Lin was wrong..."

this word fell down, and the whole hall exploded instantly.

Lin Yang was also confused and looked at Xu Shuangxuan in an incredible way , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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