Lin Yang himself did not expect these people to come so fast.

After hearing Xiong Changbai's words, he frowned and had to put down his work and go to the guest room.

At the moment, seven or eight men and women in the reception room are standing behind a middle-aged man.

The man, dressed in a Chinese tunic with a small mustache, was drinking tea from his secretary.

See Lin Yang push the door and enter, all look together, not from the eyes of a bright.

Lin Yang's face is always amazing, both men and women.

Especially when he was sitting at the top of the reception room, people could not help but admire him.

"It's really a young talent!"

The middle-aged man's eyes show appreciation and gently nod his head.

"Are you Guan Wei from Guancheng?" Lin Yang light road.

"Dr. Lin is right. The people on the road give me a face and call me a great master!" Said the middle-aged man.

"Come on, Guan Wei. What can I do for you?" Lin Yang still called him by his first name.

The men and women behind him suddenly showed anger. They were about to attack, but they were stopped by Guan Wei.

"Dr. Lin is really the miracle doctor Lin. he is young and frivolous, but this is also natural. If I have the achievements of Dr. Lin, what is the point of arrogance?" Guan Wei said with a smile.

Lin Yang did not speak.

"OK, since Dr. Lin is quick to speak, I am not vague! To tell you the truth, Guan Wei came here to ask Dr. Lin for a man. "

"Yan Ke'er?"

"Ha ha, it seems that Dr. Lin knows what I want! That would be much easier. " Guan Wei laughed and waved his arm.

People behind him immediately took out a delicate wooden box and put it on the table.

When the wooden box was opened, there was a pile of books and medicinal materials.

"Guan Wei knows that Dr. Lin is not short of money, so he doesn't bring those common things. What I'm bringing this time is the rare medicinal materials and classical martial arts books collected by Guan's family over the years! I think these things are very attractive to Dr. Lin? " Guan Wei said with a smile.

However, Lin Yang was indifferent. He did not even look at the box and said, "Yan Ke'er told me before you came that she didn't want to leave Xuanyi school. She wanted to study medical skills with me here! So Guan Wei, you'd better take your people out of here! "

"Dr. Lin, you mean... You won't give this woman to me?" Guan Wei squints, leans forward and stares at Lin Yang.

"Is it hard to understand what I mean?" Lin Yang asked.

This remark completely angered all the people who shut the house.


"You broken devil! How dare you speak to our Lord Wei in such a tone? Are you tired of living

"I'm dead!"

They were so angry that they rushed to Lin Yang immediately, intending to force him to submit with tough means.

But when one of them was about to get close to Linyang.


A dark shadow suddenly flickered in front of Linyang.

"No! Be careful, come back quickly! " Guan Wei sniffed out something wrong and immediately howled.

But it's still a slow step...


A cold light passed by.

The man's outstretched arm was directly penetrated by the cold light. One arm flew out and landed on the ground.

The man covered his broken arm and kept howling and retreating.

The rest of the people who wanted to rush up were scared out of their wits and retreated wildly.

When people saw clearly, they found that Lin Yang's side was empty, nothing, the previous dark shadow... Had disappeared without a trace.

"Ghost!" Someone screamed.

"Not a ghost!"

Guan Wei suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Yang. After a moment, he seemed to know something. He frowned and snorted: "no wonder Doctor Lin is so arrogant! It seems that you are protected by a master! It's us who have lost sight. "

"What else can I do for you?" Lin Yang asked.

Guan Wei clenched his fist to death, his eyes twinkled with a strong sense of war.

He looked at the hand of the broken arm who was supported by others, and his anger was more and more surging.

But in the end he held back.

He's not these young people.

He can still see some clues about the skill of the shadow just now. He is not the opponent of the other party. If he moves his hand, he is afraid that he will lose his life...

"OK, Doctor Lin is worthy of the miracle doctor Lin. he is really extraordinary. I have learned from him!"

Guan Wei took a deep breath, stood up straight and said, "in that case, I won't disturb you! Farewell

Finish saying, then want to take a person to leave.

"Hold on!"

Lin Yang suddenly called out.

Guan Wei stopped his pace, looked at him sideways and asked in a deep voice, "what else can I teach you?""Guan Wei! Do you mean to come and go when you come to our Xuanyi school? What do you think of our Xuanyi school? " Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Doctor Lin! I'm trading things for people. It's you who don't want to. We're a business. If business doesn't work out, do you still want to be rude? " Guan asked.

"Why didn't you stop your people from being rude just now?"

Lin Yang stares at him and asks.

Guan Wei's face suddenly became unnatural...

"what do you want?"

"I want to be strong!"

Lin Yang got up and said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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