
Everyone in the conference room was startled.

Guan Wei immediately understood what Lin Yang meant.

The news that Yan Ke'er was born in Yaowang village has spread far and wide. At present, all kinds of forces are staring at her, and everyone wants to get her to climb the big tree of Yaowang village.

Guan Wei is by no means the first to come here.

Therefore, Lin Yang must establish his prestige.

This is a warning to others.

This is to shock the tiger and set an example to others!

Guan Wei frowned and looked around his eyes in a low voice: "Doctor Lin! The people below are not sensible. I blame this. I didn't stop them in time. I can apologize for that. But if you use this as an excuse to make trouble, is it a little too much? It's not easy to bully us when we close the city and pass the house. "

"So I'm a bully?" Lin Yang asked.

"What do you want? Kill us all? " Guan Wei was a little annoyed.

"It's not necessary to kill all of them. Let's waste one hand."

"What do you say?"

"You're... Disgusting!"

"Are we really soft persimmons?"

Guan's family members were furious, one by one excited and gnashing their teeth.

Lin Yang turned a deaf ear and said, "the sword is dark. Let's do it."

"Yes, Lord!"

Lin Yang's side sounded a hoarse voice, and then a dark figure rushed out, just like a ghost floating to these Guan family members.

"Kill me!"

Guan Wei was in a hurry and roared.

They all rushed forward.

But the ghost figure was so terrible that they couldn't touch it at all.

The ghost figure is like a swimming fish in this group of Guan family, each shuttle, will be accompanied by bursts of crisp fracture sound.





The sad cry sounded together.

I saw that the left arm of those who shut the house were all folded into a 90 degree angle by the reaction. The bones were broken, and they looked miserable and howled one by one.


Guan Wei was also shocked.

But the figure came out of the crowd and rushed towards him.

Guan Wei was so angry that he slapped and killed the figure: "asshole! Get out of my way

However, the figure did not show weakness, but also a palm collision with it.


Two palms collide.

But Guan Wei's strength is not as good as his opponent's. after the collision, the surging brute force directly shakes his body's strength, and at the same time, he frantically impacts his arm bones.


Another strange noise came out.

The arm bone of Guan Wei's hand actually came out of the flesh and broke on the spot.

The intense pain caused Guan Wei to send out a miserable cry, and he was nearly fainted.

Xu Tian and others outside were scared and rushed into the meeting room immediately.

At the sight, everyone was stunned.

"Throw them all out!" Lin Yang drank heavily.

Xu Tian's whole body trembled. He responded and straightened up and said, "yes!"

With that, he ordered his men to drag Guan Wei out of Xuanyi school.

As for the sword's dark heart, it disappeared in Lin Yang's side again.

The incident that Guan Wei and his party were thrown out of the Xuanyi school spread to the ears of the major clansmen.

For a time, countless people who wanted to go to the Xuanyi school to find Dr. Lin were all deterred and did not dare to visit again.

A few hours later, Guan's family returned to Guan Wei.

Looking at the miserable appearance of Guan Wei and others, Guan's family was furious, and everyone said that they would tear Dr. Lin into pieces to wash away their shame.

But the owner of Guan's family is very calm.

Guancheng hospital.

"How are you, Willy? Are you ok? "

A dignified man with white temples walked into the ward and asked Guan Wei, who was lying on the hospital bed with his arms cast in plaster.

Guan Wei's face was pale and tight, and he looked rather weak.

"Big brother." He called and whispered, "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Don't say such words. It's really my fault. I didn't expect that Dr. Lin was so bad that he refused to hand over Yan Ke'er. He even injured you. It's totally provoking us to close our house! This little quack is too arrogant

"Big brother, if you only regard him as a quack, you are very wrong! This Doctor Lin is not as simple as you think Guan Wei took a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" Guan asked, staring at him.

"Brother, you may not know that it is not Dr. Lin who injured us! It's the guard around him

"Guard?""Yes, elder brother, the strength of the guard is not so strong. We people are easily disabled by him, and I can't even take any move from him..." Guan Wei's eyes showed fear and fear.

Guan's face surprised: "how can it be? Willy! Everyone in the martial arts circle knows your strength. There are not many people who can defeat you with one move! As far as I know, doctor narin is a powerful medical martial art. I still think it is possible that he defeated you with one move. But if you say that one of his bodyguards can defeat you with one move... Are you sure that man is his guard

"No mistake!"

Guan Wei took a deep breath and said solemnly, "elder brother, the man obeyed the Doctor Lin's advice and did not leave, so he hid in the side of Dr. Lin. what's not his guard?"

Guan thought about it, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He was busy drinking: "did you record a video?"

Guan Wei was stunned, patted his brain and said, "yes, I forgot about it. Before I left, my elder brother installed a video recorder on me in case of any accident. The video recorder must have recorded the figure of the guard of Dr. Lin! Come on, big brother, get my coat

Guan immediately went to the chair next to him and took Guan Wei's coat.

In the middle of the coat, the pinhole camera was removed from a button and handed it to someone else.

Someone else immediately got the machine to play.

Soon, the machine screen appeared Guan Wei and Lin Yang confrontation screen.

Guan looked at it again and his expression was grim.

"This should be the guard of Dr. Lin... I can't imagine that there are such terrible people around Dr. Lin...

" brother, we have to find another way to deal with this matter. " Guanwei road.

"It's not only about this, but I've got to find it back."

Guan's master hummed, obviously he didn't intend to give up like this.

Everyone nodded.

Although Dr. Lin is not easy to deal with, Guan's family is not easy to bully. How can he be so peaceful.

However, at this time, Guan's eyes inadvertently aimed at a corner of the screen, and suddenly his whole body trembled and his face changed.

"This... It's impossible..."

"brother, what's the matter with you?" Guan Wei looked at him in surprise.

However, Guan had no time to answer him. He stepped forward and stared at the screen. To be exact, he was staring at the finger that Lin Yang casually put on the table in the screen...

after half a sound, his lips trembled, his face turned white, and he said in a voice: "this person... Can't be enemies...

this person can't be the enemy of him...

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