"You can't be an enemy?"

Guan Wei was stunned and said in amazement, "brother, what are you talking about? Is it hard for us to forget the disgrace of Guan family? "

Guan took a deep breath. He wanted to talk, but he glanced at the people around him and waved slightly.

The crowd understood and immediately turned away from the ward.

Guan Wei became more and more curious.

When there were only two people left in the ward, Guan Wei said, "brother, what's so mysterious? What happened? "

Guan went to the screen and pointed to Lin Yang's finger: "do you know what this is?"

"No... I don't know..."

"this is the exclusive ring of the leader of the Eastern Emperor, which is called the ring of the Emperor God!" Guan said hoarsely.


Guan Wei gasped.

He can't have heard the name.

This is a famous big religion in China!

Compared with the Eastern Emperor's religion, their guanchengguan family is like a bright moon and a firefly!

"The God ring of the Eastern Emperor is the exclusive ring that can only be worn by the leader of the Eastern Emperor!"

"Elder brother, do you mean that Doctor Lin is the leader of the Eastern Emperor?"


"This... How could this be possible?" Guan Wei scalp numb, skull a burst of pain, spin and busy asked: "can it be fake?"

"What about the guards around him? I think those guards should be experts from Donghuang cult! "

"Big brother, what should I do now? We have offended Dr. Lin. if he gets upset one day, we can't afford to settle with us. " Guan Wei said with a sad face.

"Don't worry. If Dr. Lin really wants to deal with us, you can't come back alive." Guan's master hummed.

"Big brother, what are we going to do now?"

"Yan Ke'er, this line is not working! It's impossible for us to challenge Donghuang religion... Since it doesn't work, we have to give up. "

"Alas..." Guan Wei sighed.

"Don't lose heart. Although we can't get on the line of Yaowang village through Yan Ke'er, we don't have no way to go."

"Brother, do you mean..."

"isn't there Donghuang religion?"

Guan lowered his voice.

Guan Wei breathed, his pupils dilated. After a moment, he nodded anxiously: "brother, I know what to do."


in front of a luxurious hotel.

A scruffy man looked at the girl beside him with worry.

The girl is also very embarrassed to wear, a dress has many holes, some skin exposed to the air, hair messy, like a long time not washed, face also has a lot of dirt.

Nevertheless, she could not conceal her beautiful features.

Passers-by frequently look sideways and point.

"Miss, the housekeeper asked us to go to Nalan family for help. Why are you here?" The man was in a hurry.

It turns out that this girl is Nangong Yunqiu who escaped from Nangong family...

"what's the use of going to Nalan family? Nallantian is not the opponent of Dr. Lin at all! Didn't you see him running away? We're going to make the same mistake if we look for him! So we can only find stronger people to help us! "

"Stronger people?" The attendant beside me was stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense, just follow me!"

Nangong Yunqiu takes a deep breath and walks into the hotel.

The manager of the hotel looked at Nangong Yunqiu, who was in rags. He wanted to stop her, but saw her delicate face and stopped her pace.

When I got to the top floor, I went to wash my clothes.

The restaurant is full of birds.

A man with dark skin and naked upper body is blindfolded and grabs hot women in bikini everywhere.

It seems that the whole dining room is full of laughter.

Nangong Yun autumn Leng next, busy to go in, but was stopped by the waiter at the door.

"Miss, the restaurant on this floor has been contracted by the gentleman inside. You can't go in." The waiter said with a smile.

"I... I'm a friend of the gentleman." Nangong Yunqiu busy road.

"Is it? May I have your name, and if you are a friend of your husband, I can go in and inform the gentleman. " Said the waiter.

"My name is..."

Nangong Yunqiu is a little anxious. She knows that even if she gives her name, the other party may not meet her. In such a hurry, Nangong Yunqiu pushes the waiter away and forcibly rushes into the restaurant. She kneels down on her knees, crying and yelling:

"you are proud on the ice! Please make decisions for my Nangong family

All the people in the restaurant were stunned.

The blindfolded man was also stunned.He took off his blindfold and looked at Nangong Yunqiu, who was kneeling on the ground crying. His face was full of doubts.

After looking at it carefully for a while, his face suddenly appeared.

"Are you... Nangong Yunqiu? The second young lady of Nangong family

"It's me, brother ice king! We've met before! " Nangong Yunqiu said with tears on her face.

"I remember that we had a face-to-face meeting when you joined your father at the youth meeting! Miss Nangong, what's wrong with you? Why are you so embarrassed? " Bingshang Jun asked unexpectedly.

"Brother bingshang, our Nangong family is finished... Our family is finished! Please help me! Help me

Nangong Yunqiu was so excited that she didn't say a word. Suddenly, her eyes were black and she fainted.


The women around were startled.

"Quick, arrange for a doctor at once and send her to be treated!"

The king on the ice shouts.

"Yes, sir."

"Well, ladies, that's all for today! I had a good time. You go back first

On the ice, Jun took out a stack of money from his coat pocket and put it on the table. He quickly left the restaurant.

About an hour later.

Municipal hospital beds.

Ice Jun quietly listen to Nangong Yunqiu's cry.

After she had finished speaking, Mr. bingshang went to the window, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette, regardless of the big words "no smoking" on the wall.

"Are you sure... That Doctor Lin has become the emperor of the Eastern Emperor religion and tried to defeat Nalan Tian?"

"Yes... And that Doctor Lin said that his defeat of nalantan was just the beginning, and you are the next one! He's going to sweep the list of pride! If it hadn't been for my Nangong family's timely action, Nalan Tian would have died there! Brother Bing, I'm not only here to ask for your help! I'm here to remind you too! If Dr. Lin finds you, if you don't prepare early, you may not be his opponent! " Nangong Yunqiu said slightly nervously.

Mr. bingshang shook the ash and said with a smile, "Miss Nangong, don't add fuel to stir up the hatred between Dr. Lin and me. I have never met him. I can't make me hate him just by your words."

Nangong Yunqiu was stunned and her face was not very natural.

"But don't worry. I'll go to seek justice for your Nangong family. I owe your father a favor. This time, you should pay back the favor."

On the ice, Jun put out his cigarette end and turned to walk outside the door.

"Brother Bing, where are you going Nangong Yunqiu asks urgently.


Outside the door, the voice of Jun on the ice came.

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