Lin Yang knew that three days ago, the film "War Tiger" had been put on the line of every courtyard and officially screened.

Song Jing was not optimistic about the film.

After all, the plot of this film deviates from the current mainstream. The audience likes to watch Marius or court Chuanyue opera, but it is a very rare war film with a small audience.

In addition, the film itself uses a new lineup of people, and there is no traffic star. If it is not for the scene of Dr. Lin, there will be little attention at all.

But Dr. Lin is a good sign.

Yang Hua is so popular in China, and Dr. Lin is also the object of attention of countless people. Song Jing believes that it should be no problem to sell the film for 500 million or 600 million yuan.

However, it was only three days after it was released, which directly broke many domestic film box office records, and the box office was close to 2 billion mark.

The box office of the premiere alone reached nearly 500 million.

Each big platform gives the comment score above 9.5!

It's a miracle.

, you know, the announcement of the play is not very awesome. But the box office is so explosive that it means that the reputation is excellent. Once the word of mouth is broken, the box office will be more and more popular in the later period.

"Mr. Lin, I estimate that the final box office of this play will be close to 6 billion! In the whole domestic film history, no drama has such a high box office! Lin Dong! Thanks to your wise guidance, you have such a brilliant film Song Jing was so excited that he couldn't speak easily.

"It can't do without your efforts." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin is so modest. By the way, Mr. Lin, there will be a celebration banquet at the Pearl Hotel tonight. I wonder if it is convenient for you... Oh... Miss Su Yu will also be here! She's a big star now Song Jing said with a smile.

Lin Yang didn't want to go, but when he heard that Su Yu would come, he thought about it and agreed.

"I'll be there in the evening, but not as Lin Dong, I'll have a drink with Su Yu and go away! Don't disturb me too much Lin Yang road.

I haven't seen this girl for a long time.

"Good! Good! Mr. Lin Dong, I'll make good arrangements! " Song Jing nodded quickly.

Lin Yang put up the phone and vomited.

He didn't mean to conceal Lin Dong's identity. In fact, in this form, he was not suitable to contact Su Yu again.

We should know that the blind eyes of Su Yan was caused by his involvement. Now, the thirteen League of Gushan still keeps an eye on him. If those people knew that Su Yu was close to Lin Dong, they would inevitably be noticed by the thirteen League of Gushan. At that time, Su Yu would be in trouble.

After turning back, Lin Yang took a bath, put on Ma Hai's dress and had a rest.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Ma Hai personally drove Lin Yang to the gate of the Pearl Hotel.

In front of the hotel gate, luxury cars gather and people come and go.

A large number of reporters gathered at the door, carrying long guns and short cannons, shooting people in and out.

Tonight, people who can get in and out of the Pearl Hotel are rich or expensive. Ordinary people can't get close to them.

"You don't have to drive in. I'll walk in myself." Lin Yang road.

"Mr. Lin, please call me as soon as you can Mahai busy road.


Lin Yang pushed open the door, took out the invitation card and walked inside.

At the moment, he is Lin Yang's original appearance.

The security guard wanted to stop him. Seeing the invitation in his hand, he was quite surprised, so he let it go.

But it didn't take long to walk in.


A shrill trumpet sounded.

Lin Yang was stunned. He turned his head and saw a pink Maserati following him.

He looked at the spacious road beside him and did not give in.

Little by little...

the harsh whistle sounded again.

Lin Yang turned a deaf ear and walked on his own.


Maserati turned slightly and rushed to Lin Yang. The window was pulled down. Several fashionable men and women directly stretched out their heads and swore.

"Are you deaf or blind? Can't you fuckin 'hear me honking the horn

"Yes, what's up?" Lin Yang asked.

"You hear that, then you won't make way for me, motherfucker?" A man with yellow hair and Earrings cursed.

"Sir, the road next to you is so wide. Don't say you have a car. Another one is enough. Why should I make way for you?" Lin Yang said slowly.

"You want to die

Several people were furious and drove the car to the front of Linyang with one foot of gas, and then all the people on the car rushed down to start.

But at this time, a red haired girl suddenly stopped the crowd and whispered in a low voice:

"brother Wei, don't mess around. The official reporter's car is coming. You have to move your hand and report to the police tomorrow!"

A few people were stunned, looked back, and saw a business car with the logo of China Entertainment newspaper driving in. A reporter was sticking his head out of the window and looking this way.Wei Ge's man saw this and suppressed his anger. He pointed to Lin Yang and said, "boy, you're lucky. I'll see."

Then they got on the bus and drove into the parking lot.

Lin Yang frowned and did not answer. He was about to leave. However, another voice sounded from behind.

"Lin Yang? Why do people like you come to such places , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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