Lin Yang frowned slightly and looked back.

It turned out to be Su Yu's little Aunt Liu Manyan!

Liu Manyan is Liu Mansan's younger sister. She is about ten years younger than her. She looks like Liu Manshan when she was young.

Next to Liu Manyan is Su Yu's uncle Liu Dabiao.

These people are brightly dressed, with men combing their hair and women making up. They are coming here in full attire.

Lin Yang suddenly realized.

Su Yu has become a big star. Naturally, she is a man of virtue. The Su family is stained with light, and Liu Mansan has to come over to shine. No one is going to stop.

Lin Yang has little contact with the people of the Liu family, and has never met a few of them, but he still needs some basic politeness.

"It's Auntie and uncle. Hello." Lin Yang nodded his head and said hello.

Several people approached, frowned and looked at Lin Yang up and down. Liu Manyan said, "Lin Yang, who asked you to come?"

Lin Yang looked at him strangely: "Xiaoyu asked me to come. What's the problem?"

"Xiao Yu?" Liu Manyan snorted and said, "Lin Yang, I've heard that you seem to be quite close to Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu seems to value your brother-in-law, right?"

"They are all relatives. Why should we not value them?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Lin Yang, I can warn you that you have harmed Su Yan. It is Su Guang's blind and unpromising family that makes you lawless! But my Liu family is not the same. If you dare to harm our family Xiaoyu, I will make you have a lot to eat Liu Manyan said fiercely.

Liu Dabiao beside him also gave Lin Yang a vicious look.

"Evil?" Lin Yang was stunned: "Auntie, how can you say such a thing?"

"You don't mind so much, Lin Yang! I don't want to see you at this party today! Get out of here Liu Manyan is impatient.

"Auntie, whether you want me to attend the banquet or not is up to you. If you have any opinions about me, you can talk to her." Lin Yang light road, turn to go.


Liu Dabiao stopped him directly.

"Uncle, mother... What are you doing? Brother in law Lin didn't provoke you. Why don't you let him in? " Next to Liu Manyan's son can't look down, can't help but shout.

"When adults talk, what do you say to children?" Liu Manyan stares at him a way.

"Xiao Gao, you don't understand! You brother-in-law Lin, you are a backward gate! " Liu Dabiao explained.

"What happened to the back door? You can't hate a person because of this. " Small high road.

"Stinky boy! What do you know? Do you know that your sister Yan's eyes are blind because of him? " Liu Manyan said angrily.

"Ah? Mom, is that true? "

"Can there be a fake? Your sister Yan's mother told me that herself

"Well done, how can brother-in-law Lin blind sister Yan's eyes?"

"I don't know that! In a word, this guy is not a good thing. He is lazy and useless. He is still a backward gate! If I usually don't look at such a person, but I can't pretend I didn't see him today! " Liu Manyan hummed.

"Mom, if you hate brother-in-law Lin, you just ignore him. Why make such a fuss?" The small high face is difficult to color.

"Stinky boy! This is for the good of our Liu family and for your sister Xiaoyu! "

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it! What is your sister Xiaoyu now? Big star! public figure! People like her can't have any negative news. Today, many official media have come to let them pay attention to this guy and dig out some black material from him. That will have a great impact on the future of your sister Xiaoyu! Do you want to harm your sister Xiaoyu? " Liu Manyan's words are just and upright.

Little Gordon was dumb when he said this.

"Lin Yang, listen to me. Today, you can either get out of the Pearl Hotel and get as far away as you can, or I'll beat you all over the place looking for teeth. You're not a man! Choose one of the two, you can choose yourself Liu Dabiao said coldly that although he is older, he is not small. In addition, when he was young, he played boxing for a period of time. His two arms are particularly strong and full of deterrence.

Lin Yang had no expression: "Liu Dabiao, Liu Manyan, in the face of Xiaoyu, I have already been polite enough to you. If you really want to mess around... I'll be happy to accompany you!"

"What the hell did you say? You want to die Liu Dabiao flew into a rage and seized Lin Yang's collar like a raging lion.

"Fight! Call me! brother! He taught me a hard lesson Liu Manyan also exploded, pointing to Lin Yang and roaring.

Liu Dabiao didn't know what was polite. He waved his fist and said hello to Lin Yang's face.

But at the critical moment.

"Stop it!"

Liu Dabiao shivered all over, and immediately knew whose voice it was and stopped immediately.

"Mom?" Liu Manyan also looked back.

Just saw a group of people supporting an old man came over.The old man clubbed his cane, his hair was gray and his face was full of age spots, but his old eyes were quite divine.

This is Cai Qin, the mother of Liu family, Liu Manshan and Liu Dabiao!

Lin Yang met once, a rather serious old lady.

"Grandma Cai!"

Lin Yang slightly saluted.



Liu Manyan and Liu Dabiao are also busy shouting.

"What are you doing here?"

Cai Qin stares coldly at Liu Dabiao and others.

"Mom, aren't we going to help Xiaoyu again?" Liu Manyan rushed forward to explain.

After listening to Liu Manyan's intention, the old lady immediately scolded: "even if it's for Xiaoyu, you can't do it like this! Don't look at the occasion? Want to fight, which reporter photographed, on the news! Do you know how much damage will be done to Xiaoyu's reputation? "

Liu Manyan and Liu Dabiao bowed their heads together, full of apologies and said, "Mom, we know it's wrong."

The old lady glared at them and stepped forward.

"Lin Yang!" She called directly.

"Granny CAI." Lin Yang responded.

"It's all relatives. I don't want to make it too stiff. You should give grandma Cai a face! Go back Said Mrs. Cai, with all seriousness.

"Go back?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"What? If you don't listen to the two of them, will you not even give my face to the old lady? " Mrs. CAI was angry and clubbed her stick.

Lin Yang thought about it and nodded: "OK! Since the old lady opened her mouth, I'll leave! I heard that there is a new coffee shop across the road. I'll try it! Don't say goodbye

"You know what you are!" Liu Dabiao hums coldly.

"Leave early, isn't it? It's a waste of time Liu Manyan couldn't help shouting.

Lin Yang hears the sound and looks at her.

"What? Not convinced? " Liu Manyan hums coldly.

"No, I just want to ask you a question!" Lin Yang road.

"What's the problem?"

"In this world, is there any regret medicine to take?"

After that, Lin Yang walked out of the gate directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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