Looking at the back of Lin Yang's departure, the Liu family are really angry.

"What the hell is this fool talking about?"

"Regret medicine? I regret him! What are you going to put on? "

"I can't be angry! If I don't slap this brain handicap, I'm not happy! "

Liu Dabiao was angry and rolled up his sleeves to catch up with him.

"Big Biao? Get the hell out of here Old lady Cai cried angrily.

Liu Dabiao suddenly stopped his pace, turned his head and looked at old lady Cai: "Mom! Don't you see that kid's arrogance? "

"What do you care about him? It's a great day for your niece! Are you going to make trouble here and embarrass your niece? " Old lady Cai hummed.

"Well, good! Let that boy go. "

"Come on in. The celebration party should start soon. Smile for me! Today, our Liu family is going to be on TV! Don't lose Xiao Yu's face! "


The Liu family happily entered the hotel.

The lobby of the hotel is very luxurious at the moment. The magnificent hall is hung with exquisite blue palace lights. Jazz music can be heard in a rhythmic or slow manner. A group of Jeweled women are beginning to be held by a group of gentlemen, singing and dancing on the dance floor in the middle of the hall. The fragrance is full of fragrance.

Journalists gather in specific areas, and if they want to cover, they have to ask for permission.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the hall is very harmonious, even if there are various cameras facing, people's expression is very natural.

After the Liu family came in, the younger generation were excited one by one and could hardly control themselves.

"My God, Yang mi'er!"

"Is that Liu Jianhua?"

"And baby! That's baby

"They are all famous stars."

"Oh, my God, there's a big crowd!"

"It's really a celebration banquet that attracts the attention of the domestic entertainment industry! It's a great honor for us to come to such a celebration party! "

"It's all the light of Xiaoyu."

The Liu family are very excited.

"Oh dear, big brother, sister, mother! You've come! "

Liu Manshan, a gorgeous dress, came over with a smile and warmly welcomed her.

"Oh, my sister, Congratulations!"

"To bring up such an excellent daughter! Congratulations

"Manshan, you're amazing!"

Family members boasted.

Liu Manshan's heart is like eating honey, sweet to death, the whole person is also very proud.

Today, she is also the leading role!

"All right, all right. Don't let your family deal with this. Come on, I'll arrange you to sit down! There are too many guests here today, all of them are dignified. As the family members of Xiaoyu, we have special seats, so don't sit around. " Liu man said with a smile.

"Ha ha, we still understand that."

"Auntie, can I go and ask for some autographs later?" Xiao Gao said carefully.

"What is a signature? Which star's signature do you want in the future? Tell your sister directly! It's all little things! " Liu Manshan is a hero.

"Thank you, aunt." Xiao Gao is very excited.

The family chatted, and everyone felt proud and proud.

How can we not be proud to be under the same roof with so many famous people?

At this moment, they feel as if they have stepped into the upper class.

Even a few second-line stars came to talk to them, making their vanity more satisfied.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"Look, it's Miss Su Yu!"

"The heroine of" battle tiger "appears

"Miss Su Yu is really beautiful, much more beautiful than on the screen!"

"Yes! It seems that the status of the first sister in the entertainment industry will change! "

The guests were filled with emotion.

Reporters, one by one, greet the photographer with a microphone, and then rush to Su Yu to interview her.

However, Su Yu refused politely one by one, and then came to this side with a worried face.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here? This table is all from my family! Your mother, I'll take care of it! Go and greet your guests Liu Manshan said with a smile.

"That... Mom, did any of you see brother-in-law Lin?" Su Yu inquired anxiously.

"Brother in law Lin? Which brother-in-law Lin? "

"It's Lin Yang's brother-in-law, of course." Su Yu emergency road.

As soon as the words fell, the Liu family was stunned.

Liu Manyan and Liu Dabiao are at a loss.

Old lady Cai frowned slightly.

"Xiaoyu, what can I do for you Liu Manyan couldn't help asking.

"Auntie! This... It's not convenient for me to tell you! I can only tell you one thing. If brother-in-law Lin doesn't arrive, the celebration party will not be held. " Su Yu hesitated and said cautiously."What?"

The Liu family were all shocked.

"Miss Yu, what do you mean? What's the relationship between the celebration party of your crew and an outsider? What's the matter? Is it difficult for you to break through the door of the Su family, or is it impossible for the emperor to do so? " Old lady CAI was a little upset and said coldly.

"Grandma, you are a little too heavy..." Su Yu is not.

"Too heavy? I think you're making a fuss! You invited Lin Yang to the celebration banquet, didn't you? It's nonsense! Xiao Yu, how can you invite him? Who asked you to invite him? " Old lady Cai hummed.

"Grandma, it was song director who asked me to invite him!" Su Yu took the message directly.

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of the people on the seat jumped.

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