
Old lady Cai thought she had heard something wrong, so she asked again.

"Grandma, it's song Jing director! He asked me to bring brother-in-law Lin! If brother-in-law Lin does not come, the celebration banquet will be cancelled! " Su Yu's face was full of anxiety: "so I want to ask you whether you have seen Lin's brother-in-law?"

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

Including Liu Manshan!

If we cancel the celebration banquet, let alone how the outside world will guess, at least it will be very bad for Su Yu's reputation!

For a star in the most critical moment of star career, this celebration banquet will inevitably affect Su Yu's life.

In addition, people from all walks of life and even the entire entertainment industry are paying attention to this celebration banquet. Once it is cancelled, will people not be able to imagine repeatedly and have a great impact?

"Daughter, is it so serious?"

Liu Manshan's voice is trembling.

"Mom, you should have heard me say that the reason why I joined this crew was introduced by brother-in-law Lin!" Su Yu Road.

"Introduced by Lin Yang?"

The Liu family was taken aback.

"Manshan, why didn't you mention it?" Old lady Cai felt that something was wrong and drank it sideways.

"Mother! Who can believe such a thing? How could a visiting son-in-law know song Jingda? I think it's just what Xiaoyu said to protect that rubbish... ".

"Now it seems that Xiaoyu has not lied." Old lady Cai said.

"Grandma, listen to you so... You seem to know where brother-in-law Lin is?" Su Yu was acutely aware of the wrong look of the crowd and couldn't help asking.


Liu Manyan, Liu Dabiao and others blinked and faltered.

"Girl, we don't know where Lin Yang is... How can you come to ask us? We don't know him well? " At this time, Liu Manyan opened his mouth and squeezed out a smile.

"That's right, girl. If you want to find him, call Lin Yang, what are you looking for us for?" Liu Dabiao is also busy speaking.

"His phone can't get through, and I just asked the hotel manager. Brother in law Lin's invitation card has been brushed. He has a record of entering the hotel. The record shows that he entered the hotel at the same time as you. I thought you should meet. He didn't come in for such a long time, so I came to ask you!" Su Yu said anxiously.

"But we really don't know where Lin Yang is." Liu Manyan said.

She looked at old lady Cai secretly.

The old lady said nothing.

Liu Manyan just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daughter, try to find out again. Maybe he went to the toilet." Liu Man Shan comforts a way.

"The toilet has been looked for, no one."

Su Yu sighed.

At this time, a person dressed as a secretary trotted over and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked, "Miss Su, why did Mr. Lin leave the hotel?"

"Leave the hotel?" Su Yu was shocked.

The woman took out her mobile phone and played a video: "this is the picture I took from the hotel monitoring room just now. The picture shows that Mr. Lin left the hotel shortly after entering the hotel."

"Leaving the hotel?" Su Yu was stunned: "but the celebration banquet is about to start!"

"He may have something to do. Can you contact him?" Asked the woman.

"I can't get through the phone. I guess I can't find it for a while..." Su Yu said bitterly.

"If you can't find it! Is it different with him or without him? " Liu Manyan quickly got up and said.

"That's right. With so many of us, why don't we go around him alone? Come on, Xiao Yu, go and tell director song that I'll have a good drink with him later! " Liu Dabiao a pair of bold and forthright Mu Yan Road.

However, Su Yu shook her head and said in a low voice, "Auntie, uncle, I said earlier that if brother-in-law Lin did not come, the celebration banquet would not be held."

Several people smile a stiff.

"Xiaoya, you go to inform the next song director, tell him that... People have not come, let him cancel the celebration banquet." Su Yu sighed.

"Yes, Miss Su."

Ask Xiaoya's person to nod, turn to leave.


The Liu family was shocked.


Old lady Cai couldn't sit still. She suddenly got up and stopped the woman named Xiaoya.

"Is there anything else for the old lady?" Xiaoya asked in confusion.

"Don't go, don't go to find song director! This matter... We'll discuss it again! Talk about it again! " Old lady Cai drank in a deep voice, and her old face was full of Cong su.

"Grandma, do you know where brother-in-law Lin is?" Su Yu cast her eyes and asked old lady Cai carefully.

Old lady Cai is silent.

"I don't know. I... we don't know."

Liu Manyan is busy.

"Little sister, don't make fun of my daughter's future! If the celebration party is cancelled, it won't do her any good! " Liu Mansan stares at Liu Manyan and asks coldly.Obviously, she saw something wrong.

"Sister, I..." Liu Manyan was speechless.

"All right, don't say it."

Old lady Cai suddenly vomited and said in a deep voice, "girl! If that's right, your brother-in-law Lin should drink coffee in a new coffee shop across the road! You'll find him there at once, and most likely you'll find him! "

"He's drinking coffee across the road?"

Su Yu was stunned.

Xiaoya was also surprised.

How did this happen? If you don't attend the celebration party, go for coffee?

Su Yu is not a fool. After thinking about it, she guessed something. Looking at a group of Liu family members, she carefully asked, "grandma, is it related to you that my brother-in-law left the hotel?"

"What do you mean, girl?" Liu Dabiao frowned.

"Uncle, if your brother-in-law doesn't come to the celebration banquet because of you, I'm afraid no one can invite him back except you!" Su Yu bit her silver teeth and said firmly.

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