
The man was stunned for a long time before he regained his mind, and then he snorted: "I tell you, the coffee is not good to drink! I'm only waiting for five minutes! Five minutes later, the coffee was not delivered. I won't drink it! "

"Yes, sir."

Lin Yang nodded, took out his mobile phone again and dialed the number.

"The gentleman said you must be there in five minutes! Or he won't drink! Do you understand? "

Hang up.

Lin Yang stood aside and waited.

"What? He'll be there in five minutes? " The man raised his eyebrows.



The man's eyes shook, but not happy.

The reason why he made up a coffee name was to find an excuse to get angry, but he actually had ergouzi coffee!

Who the hell can invent this shit coffee?

Isn't this a wonderful world?

The man was a little angry.

He found that he was a little bit led by the nose by the other party. After thinking about it, he suddenly got up and said, "OK, it's five minutes."

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

"No, sir, it just took two minutes..." Luo Qian said.

"Two minutes! It's clear on my watch that five minutes have passed! Do you still want to deceive me? "

"You... You're clearly confusing black and white!" Luo Qian was very angry.

This man is just trying to find fault!

"Miss, pay attention to your words. I'm also a man of honor. How dare you say I've turned black and white? What a shame

The man said angrily, "are you a big bully? I want to have a cup of coffee, you not only push against me, but also insult me like this? What a fool! Come on! Smash it! Let the unscrupulous businessmen know that our common people are not easy to provoke! "


The men's men all rushed up and began to smash.

Tables were overturned and a large number of dishes were smashed.

There was a constant ringing in the shop.

The few guests fled screaming.

Many pedestrians gathered outside the house, one after another.

Some people tried to call the police, but they were stopped by other people arranged by the man.

"You are... Too much! Too much! "

Luo Qian stomped his feet and took out his mobile phone.

But she just took out her mobile phone, the man on this side was very quick, suddenly rushed up and slapped on the mobile phone.


The mobile phone fell to the ground and fell into pieces.


Luo Qian is stunned, more is the whole body trembling of gas.

Unexpectedly, the man refused, staring at Luo Qian and shouting: "what are you doing? Are you going to hit me? "


Luo Qian is stupid.

But listen to the man shout: "this pair of dog men and women want to kill me! They're going to kill me

"How dare you kill people in broad daylight?"

"Are you demons?"


"Call me!"

Those who smashed it immediately rushed to beat Lin Yang and Luo Qian.

Look at their posture, it is completely regardless of men and women, will fight to death.

Luo Qian's pretty face turned white.

Lin Yang's face was expressionless, and he looked at it so faintly.

But at this critical moment.

"Stop it!"

There was a big drink.

Everyone stopped.

However, Liu Jianfei walked out of a group of Liu family members beside him, and he was in front of Lin Yang.

"Are you?"

The man asked with a frown.

"My name is Liu Jianfei, this friend, please don't be impulsive! Everything is easy to discuss! " Liu Jianfei said with a smile.

"Liu Jianfei? I don't know. I advise you not to mind your own business, or you will get hurt later, and don't blame us. " The man hummed.

"My friend! Give me face! I work under Mr. Xiong. " Liu Jianfei sank.

"Mr. bear? Which bear always

"What else could it be? Of course, it's the bear general manager of Jiayao Liu Jianfei said.

When the man heard this, he looked shocked: "are you the general bear?"

"Not bad."

"Oh, I'm so disrespectful!" Men busy road.

"You're welcome."

They talk.

Lin Yang was watching in silence.

Everyone knows that this man is Liu Jianfei's old brother Chen in his mobile phone. They are playing double roles.

The purpose is to force Linyang.

This play is for him.

After almost chatting, Liu Jianfei turned his head and looked at Lin Yang."Lin Yang! This person's means you should also see, he even Luo Qian are not in the eye, I want to deal with you, should be easy! I'll give you one last chance now! If you listen to my mother's advice, go to song Jing and apologize to my mother, I'll let this man leave. If you don't want to, then I don't care whether this person will kill you or maim you... I'm afraid no one will know! So, tell me, your answer now! " Liu Jianfei said coldly.

Lin Yang shook his head: "I don't think he can hurt me or kill me."

"Do you really want to die?"

"If you sincerely apologize to me, in fact, there are not so many things. It's a pity that you can't let go of your arrogant heads." Lin Yang road.

"You... Good! Good! In this case, I don't care about you! Boss Chen, call me! " Liu Jianfei was so angry that he didn't act with boss Chen any more. He just yelled.

"Hum! Do it Boss Chen is not polite, he just drinks and shouts.

A crowd immediately rushed to Lin Yang.

"Stop it all

At this time, another roar sounded from the door.

The crowd was stunned and looked at the gate.

A figure came in with a cup of coffee.

Chen looked at the figure, and in an instant, he was struck by lightning and petrified in the same place www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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