It's no one else. It's the people in Jiangcheng!

Xu Tian!

At the moment, Xu is panting and sweating. He looks rather embarrassed.

Nobody knows what happened to him.

However, the coffee in his hand made old Chen's heart break a lot...

"who are you?"

Seeing Xu Tian come in, the Liu family is not happy, and Liu Manyan shouts out directly.

"Me? I'm just a coffee man! "

Xu Tian took a breath and said coldly.

"The coffee man is so arrogant? The service attitude of this store is too bad! No wonder others will make trouble Liu Manyan snorted, yin and Yang strange airway.

However, Xu Tian ignored him and came to this side with a cup of hot coffee. He looked around and said, "who wants ergouzi coffee?"

Chen almost didn't kneel on the ground.

"Who the hell are you? How arrogant is it to send a coffee? You don't want to die, do you? " The people next to Mr. Chen were not happy and yelled at him.

However, as soon as this was said.


Chen's slap on the man's face.

The man rotated around in place, with a hot slap on his face. He covered his face and looked at Mr. Chen wrongly and bewildered.

The rest of us are dumbfounded.

Well done. What's boss Chen doing?

"Boss, this..."

the man tried to speak, but was interrupted by boss Chen.

Shut up Mr. Chen said angrily.

The man was stunned.

"Boss Chen, are you ok?" Liu Jianfei felt something was wrong and called carefully.

Unexpectedly, boss Chen still ignored him. He turned around to say hello to Xu Tian.

But just as he was about to shout out, Xu Tian quickly stopped his words.

"Sir, is that your ergouzi coffee? Do you think it's this one? " Xu Tian handed over the smoking coffee in his hand and said without expression.

Chen's whole body trembled. He was busy holding out his hands and nodding like a chicken pecking rice: "yes, yes, yes... This cup... This cup, thank you, thank you..."

his frightened appearance surprised everyone again.

What's going on?

Just now the arrogant and despotic boss Chen, why suddenly become so gentle and polite?

Liu Jianfei is a half old man in the world. He is keen to smell something wrong. He looks at Xu Tian, but he feels that he is familiar with him, but he still can't remember where he met him...

but Xu Tian continued: "since the coffee has been delivered to you, please drink it immediately. It's cold... But it's not good to drink it!"


Boss Chen is stupid.

"It's so hot. How can I drink it? Do you still urge customers to drink coffee? " Liu Manyan couldn't look down and yelled again.

"Shut up

Chen quickly turned his head and glared at Liu Manyan.

Liu Manyan was slightly stunned.

And then all of them were dumbfounded.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he suddenly opened his mouth, raised his head and poured the cup of coffee into his mouth.

The hot coffee, still smoking, went straight down his throat.

Chen's body was shaking.

The scalp felt numb when others saw it.

This is killing people!

Is boss Chen crazy? Or is the brain pumping?

Or is it the coffee man?

Many members of the Liu family looked at the man and found that he was not a coffee seller at all.

"This guest, my two dog's coffee, is it good to drink?" Said the man, squinting.

"Good... Good drink... Good drink... Cough and cough..." the elder brother Chen covered his neck and made a hoarse and painful voice, and his face turned red.

It's not easy to speak.

"Guest, are you satisfied with the service of our cafe?" Xu Tian has no expression and asks again.

"Full... Satisfied... Satisfied..." old Chen nodded with sweat.

However, the recognition of Chen's boss made the Liu family especially unhappy, especially Liu Jianfei.

"Boss Chen! This man is not a coffee seller, is he Liu Jianfei asked.

Mr. Chen wanted to explain, but his hot throat made him say a few more words, which made him hurt. Even if he forced to say it, it was vague.

"Mr. Chen, you can do what you have done, and leave if you can't do it. Why shame here? You're embarrassed. I can't hold my face! " Liu Jianfei hummed.

"Boss Liu, listen to my explanation..." Chen faltered.

"There's no need to explain! This person should have some identity, but you also know who I am! I, Liu Jianfei, are not afraid of the people you are afraid of! " Liu Jianfei hummed."Oh? Who are you? " Xu Tian side head, looking at Liu Jianfei light way.

"Have you heard of Mr. Xiong Dong of Jiayao Corporation?" Liu Jianfei said coldly.

"Are you Xiong Xian's man?" Xu Tian frowned.

"Good! It seems that you have heard of our Xiong Dong, so I think you should know our Xiong Dong's energy? " Liu Jianfei said.

Xu Tian suddenly turned around and bowed to Lin Yang in a hurry and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect him to be Xiong Xian's person. I'm sorry that I didn't discipline him properly."

"Let's get things done."

Lin Yang did not express his position, only a light urge.

This scene is more and more confusing.

Liu Jianfei's face was unnatural: "did you listen to me?"

"Yes! You say you are Xiong Xian's man? " Xu Tian clenches his teeth and stares at Liu Jianfei.

"Yes, get down on your knees and apologize! There's that kid over there. Otherwise, if Xiong Dong does it, the consequences will be different! " Liu Jianfei hummed.

"Don't say... Boss Liu, don't say it again..." the boss Chen suddenly stepped forward and pressed Liu Jianfei's arm eagerly.

Although his voice is particularly unclear, everyone can see the anxiety on Chen's face.

"Get out of here

Liu Jianfei impatiently pushed him aside and said angrily, "I'm sorry! You are afraid of this man, but I am not afraid! I haven't been bullied like this before

"Is it? It seems that Xiong Dong has great energy? " Xu Tianleng asked.

"You haven't reached that height. Of course you can't imagine it!" Liu Jianfei hummed.

Xu Tian nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


The phone rang a few times, then came out a voice of fear.

"Oh, my God, why do you call me when you have time? Do you have any orders? "

The voice came from the phone.

Liu Jianfei was stunned: the voice is so familiar!

But listen to Xu Tiandao: "Xiong Xian, you are promising! Why didn't I know you were so good now? Do your people dare to ask me to kneel down and apologize? You've got to shout at me

As soon as he said this, Xiong Xian on the phone almost didn't fall off his chair , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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