The Liu family has been completely suffocated.

What's wrong with Lin Yang?

Xiong Xian didn't show such an expression when he saw Xu Tian. He could see Lin Yang, as if his soul was scared out of control.

And what does he say about giving up a way out?

Can we kill bear?

"Get up and talk."

Lin Yang sat on the chair and lit a cigarette.

But Xiong Xian didn't dare to get up.

Lin Yang looked at Liu Jianfei, then looked at the gloomy old lady Cai over there. He said calmly, "don't you want me to go to song Jing to explain this? that 's ok! My name is song Jing. Come on

With that, Lin Yang nodded to Xu Tian.

Xu took out his mobile phone number immediately.

About a few minutes later, song Jing came in a hurry.

"Mr. Lin!"

Song Jing was busy shouting.

Seeing the scene in the coffee shop, I can't help but wonder what I guess.

As for the people of the Liu family, they have no voice at the moment.

Especially Liu Jianfei, scalp numbness.

"What the hell is going on here? Is this man really a son-in-law? "

"Why are so many big men so respectful to him?"

"Man Shan, is this really the inverted gate of the Su family?"

The Liu family is stupid.

Song Jing Lin Yang called out.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Lin?" Song Jing said respectfully.

"The celebration banquet will be held as usual. In addition, all the contracts concerning my sister Su Yu will be performed as usual. I will give her some more plays and contact the best brokerage company to praise her for me, OK?" Lin Yang road.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Song Jing did not hesitate to respond, and did not refute at all.

All the Liu family members opened their mouths wide and their heads looked like paste.

If we say that the relationship between Linyang and Songjing is the relationship between the Jin masters, is it necessary for song Jing to do this?

"Well, the matter has been settled, and then it is time for me to fulfill the second request of the old lady!"

Lin Yang said calmly: "I should kneel down and kowtow to the old lady and apologize. It's time to apologize to the Liu family."

Then he stood up.

As soon as he said this, Xu Tian, Xiong Xian and song Jing all looked at the Liu family.

Everyone's eyes are full of senhan.

The Liu family's skin and flesh are numb, and they are all in fear.

Mrs. Cai also knows that if Lin Yang really kneels down, I'm afraid the Liu family will be gone the next day...

"OK, Lin boy, don't make such a fuss! Old lady, I've lost my sight! " Old lady Cai took a deep breath and said calmly.

"So I don't have to kneel Lin Yang asked.

"No, I can't afford it, old lady." Old lady Cai said hoarsely.

"Can't afford it?" Lin Yang looked at her and asked faintly: "besides this accident, other, you Liu family can afford it?"

"How can old Cai take a breath? You want to take it out on my Liu family?? We're your relatives anyway! Lin, do you want to vent your anger on your relatives? "

Lin Yang did not answer old lady Cai's words, but looked at Liu Dabiao in the crowd over there and waved.

Xu Tian, meeting his will, immediately points to Liu Dabiao.

Two strong bodyguards behind him rushed out and rushed to Liu Dabiao.

"What are you doing?? Get out of my way

Liu Dabiao was surprised and angry, and roared to fight back.

But although he is big and powerful, he is not a bit worse than a professional bodyguard.

He was held down by the other side.

"What are you doing?"

"Let go of him!"

"Give me your hands!"

The Liu family came forward one after another to break the hands of the two bodyguards.

But to be more than people, Xu Tian can not empty the Liu family at all.

Seven bodyguards came in directly outside to separate the Liu family.

Liu family can only helplessly watch Liu Dabiao by two bodyguards to Lin Yang.

"Lin! What are you up to? Do you want to kill him Old lady Cai couldn't see it, so she drank.

"You can't kill him. It doesn't matter if you abolish him?"

Lin Yang light road.

The Liu family was breathing heavily.

"Give me his hands." Xu Tian said.


The bodyguards were not polite. They pressed Liu Dabiao's arms on the table directly. Another person pulled out a stool leg from nowhere, so he would smash Liu Dabiao's arm.

"Stop it!"

The Liu family here is crying out.

Liu Manshan stepped forward a few steps and cried out, "Linyang! You can't touch him"Aunt, what? Is there a problem? " Lin Yang asked.

"Do you know that I am your great aunt? This man is my big brother! Do you dare to touch him? Isn't that treacherous? Tell them to let go! Come on Liu Manshan said angrily.

"Let go?" Lin Yang looked at Liu Mansan and said calmly, "why didn't you stand up and plead for me when you Liu family forced me to kneel down and yelled at Mr. Chen to abolish me?"

"This..." Liu Manshan breathes heavily, I don't know how to refute.

"Do it!"

Lin Yang said without expression.


Liu Manshan cried out sadly. Her eyes fell on Su Yu and she cried out, "Xiaoyu! Try to persuade your brother-in-law , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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