Su Yu was more anxious than anyone at the moment.

One is her brother-in-law, the other is her uncle. How did she choose?

But now there is no time to choose.

The bodyguard was going to smash his stick on Liu Dabiao's arm.

At this critical moment.

"Brother in law!"

Su Yu finally collapsed and sat on the ground with tears like a breach of the bank.

"Stop it!"

Lin Yangli drinks.

The bodyguard stopped quickly.

People at the scene were breathing heavily.

Su Yu's eyes were wide and her eyes were whirling with tears. She looked at Lin Yang with her mouth wide open. She seemed to want to say something, but when she got to her mouth, she couldn't say a word.

"Xiaoyu, do you want to plead for your uncle?" Lin Yang asked softly.

"I don't know," she said.

"Xiaoyu, that's your uncle! Your uncle! Don't you want to see the dead? " Liu Manshan yelled again.

This remark almost pierced Su Yu's heart.

Her face was pale, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her spirit almost collapsed.

At the moment, she is completely caught in the middle and can't move at all. No matter which side she helps, she will be criticized...

Lin Yang suddenly gets up and walks over and gently holds Su Yu in his arms.

"Brother in law!"

Su Yu couldn't help it any longer and burst into tears.

The taut string collapses in an instant.

"Xiaoyu, it's OK, it's OK!" Lin Yang patted her on the back and comforted her.

The Liu family did not dare to speak.

"Brother in law, I know, you are for my good, but... I really don't know what to do? I really don't know... "Su Yu choked.

"Xiaoyu! You have suffered too much. In fact, you should not intervene in this matter. However, since you have opened your mouth, your brother-in-law will not blame you. If your brother-in-law knows what you are, and when he is made difficult by them, you will certainly stand up and speak for him. After all, you are such a character. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Brother in law..." Su Yu wiped her tears and sobbed gently.

"Well, go and sit down there."


Su Yu nodded her head gently, turned around and was held by two Liu family members to sit down beside her.

"Let me go! Will you let me go soon? " Liu Dabiao took the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the two bodyguards.

Two bodyguards see this, also can't help loosen a few force.

After all, Lin Yang said that.

Liu Dabiao is probably unable to move.

However, the next second, Lin Yang turned back to sit on the chair, lit a cigarette, and his finger moved: "what are you doing? Go on


The Liu family were all stunned, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Yes, sir!"

The bodyguards called and pressed Liu Dabiao back on the table.

Liu Dabiao was stunned.

Don't wait for the public to react, the bodyguard's stick has been severely waved down.


It's like a bone fracture.


A sad cry rang through the cafe.

Liu Dabiao's hand was bent irregularly. He was shocked to have broken it. The intense pain made him pale and cold sweat. The whole person almost fainted.



"Big Biao!"

Liu's family screamed bitterly. Qi rushed over and pushed aside his bodyguard to help Liu Dabiao, who was tumbling wildly on the ground.

No one thought that Lin Yang actually... Really abolished Liu Dabiao...


Old lady CAI was so angry that she stamped her foot and pointed to Lin Yang and cried, "Why are you... Why? Xiaoyu has already pleaded with you! Why do you want to destroy Dabiao? "

"Xiaoyu really pleaded with me for Liu Dabiao. I saw it in my eyes, but... Did I say that Liu Dabiao was let go because of Xiaoyu?" Lin Yang asked.

Old lady CAI was stunned.

The Liu family were all wide eyed.

"Lin Yang, you..." Liu Manshan opened his mouth.

"It's really good to ask Su Yu to play emotional cards for me. It's a pity that I don't like to talk about emotional things sometimes! When it's time to be rational, you have to be rational! "

Lin Yang said slowly, and then waved.

The bodyguard rushed to find out Liu Manyan in the crowd.

"What are you doing? Murder! Kill people

Liu Manyan immediately screamed.

Lin Yang frowned.

Xu Tian steps forward and grabs Liu Manyan's hair and slaps her in the face.

Pa Pa!Liu Manyan was fanned on the spot, dazed.

"Murder? Can you believe that I killed you on the spot? " Xu Tian's face was ferocious and said coldly.

Liu Manyan trembled wildly, her legs softened and she could hardly stand.

If others say this, no one will believe it, but it will be put on Xu Tian's body, and no one dares to doubt it.

After all, this one's hands are stained with a lot of blood.

Liu's family are trembling.

Su Yu's pretty face was pale, but she lowered her head and said nothing.

"Lin Yang! Do you have to force the eldest aunt's family to death

Liu Manshan rushed to Lin Yang and was very excited.

"What am I forcing you to do?" Lin Yang asked.

"What are you doing now? Are you going to kill my sister? Or do you want to abolish my elder brother? " Liu Manshan's eyes are a little red.

It's about the life of the Liu family. He can't hold on.

But Lin Yang shook his head.

"I have no enmity with the Liu family. From the beginning to the end, it is you who are making trouble! You have not recognized this yet, but instead you blame me. How do you want me to give up and calm down? "

This word falls, Liu Manshan whole body trembles, immediately understood the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

Lin Yang wants an attitude.

To the whole Liu family bow to admit their mistakes!

But... How could that be?

Although the Liu family is not a big family, but in the end is a person with a head and a face.

Ask them to bow down and apologize to a visiting son-in-law... How can they do that?

But now, if you don't, you can't get away from it!

What's more, this visiting son-in-law seems not to be as incompetent as he imagined?

After all, which of these people standing beside him did not stamp their feet and shake their feet...


Liu Manshan turned her head and looked at old lady CAI in pain.

Old lady Cai closed her eyes and knew what Liu Mansan meant.

"Mom, let's go to director que! Director que will help us... "Liu Manyan screamed hysterically.

But the next second, old lady Cai directly said: "all roll over and apologize to Mr. Lin Yang!"

In a word.

All the people of the Liu family... Are in a daze.

Old lady Cai opened her old eyes again, took a deep breath, walked to Lin Yang with a slightly bent body, then bowed slightly and said:

"Mr. Lin Yang, I have offended many times before... Please don't worry about the villains with us. I apologize to you here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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