The fight against doctors is a big problem. The people in Xuanyi school are in a mess.

Now the topic is exploding all over the country.

Every day, people not only have to deal with the reporters and the media, but also have to entertain famous doctors from all over the country.

How can they miss such a battle?

Fortunately, Xiong Changbai and others were waiting for him.

At present, Xuanyi school is very lively.

"Ha ha ha ha, Bo song! Long time no see! "

As soon as he entered the gate, a red faced old man bowed his hand to Qin baisong.

Qin baisong was stunned when he saw the visitor.

"Lao Lu?? Why are you here? "

"How can I miss such a grand event?" The old man stroked his beard and laughed.

"Grand event?"

Qin baisong's face is not very good-looking.

He looked at the old man in front of him, thought for a moment and said, "Lao Lu, we are old acquaintances. What do you think? I can still guess one or two. You won't leave Yanjing without special things. Although this battle is also the peak of ancient Chinese medicine, you can't come here in person?"

"He he, who knows me, is also Bai Song!" Lu Nongchao laughed, and then approached: "Lao Qin! Since you say so, then I will not bend around, it is the so-called do not climb the three treasures hall! I'm here to meet the above requirements. "

"Up there?"

Qin baisong breathed: "you mean...

" yes, ancient school! " Lu Nongchao nodded.

Qin baisong is silent.

With a smile on his face, Lu Nongchao paced back and forth with his hands attached to Qin baisong's side. He also made a sound in his mouth.

"There are four schools in ancient Chinese medicine in China: the southern school, the northern school, the ancient school and the hidden school! You Qin baisong is from the southern school, but I belong to the ancient school. It's a pity that the southern school is the weakest among the four factions, and he was beaten by Dr. Lin! It's a pity. "

"The southern school and the northern school are just secular medical schools, which have no real name. It depends on the medical skills and energy, but also on the ancient school and the hidden school." Qin baisong sinks.

Lu Nongchao smiles: "Bai Song! You should know something about the energy of the ancient school. "

"A little bit."

"That's good. In this way, I can also save a lot of nonsense! Bosong, I'll tell you the truth. This time, I'm called here to hope that Dr. Lin can cooperate with our ancient school! "


"Based on the analysis of several unique prescriptions mastered by Dr. Lin, it is unanimously agreed that there must be some unique medical classics in the hands of Dr. Lin. those people generally believe that the unique medical classics in the hands of Dr. Lin are very likely to be the" qingnanshu "written by Hua Tuo, an ancient miracle doctor Lu Nong Chao road.

"What? "The book of youth" Qin baisong was shocked.

"Bosong! In fact, Dr. Lin was in a disadvantageous position in this battle, but it was not that he could not mediate. If Dr. Lin was willing to share the book of youth with our ancient school, then our ancient school was willing to come forward and reconcile with Yaowang village to make it calm. What do you think? " Lu Nongchao said with a smile.

"I've been with my teacher for so many years, and I've never heard of any" green envelope book "in his hand! Lao Lu, these are just your guesses. You can't count them! " Qin baisong hummed.

"Ah! Even if there is no Qingbao book, there should be other peerless medical classics! Bosong, don't be angry! I tell you! Your teacher Lin has always offended our ancient school! He destroyed the religion worship of our ancient school, and Yingjia! It's all caused by your teacher. We haven't settled with him yet! "

"Reckon? That's not what they deserve? " Qin baisong spat.

"Bosong! What do you mean Lu Nongchao was a little upset: "I just asked you to talk to Dr. Lin! Is this to hurt him?? I do it for his good! I'm not afraid to tell you! If your teacher refuses our ancient school this time, he will surely die! "

"What? You old school want revenge on us? Yes, then try it Qin baisong is also tough. His old eyes stare at Lu Nongchao road.

"We, the ancient school, have to wait until now to get revenge on you? Are you confused? Have Alzheimer's disease Lu Nongchao cursed.

"What do you mean

"Oh! Qin baisong! Even you don't know what's going on. I don't think the whole Xuanyi school is clear about it? "

Lu Nongchao chuckles and suddenly takes out a new h-cell phone from his pocket.

He is a bit out of place with such a fashionable mobile phone at his age.

But see his fingers a little clumsy point, and then turn out a video, presented in front of Qin baisong.

Qin baisong looked a few times. He was a little impatient.

But looking at it, he was completely stunned.

Old eyes also become stunned, shocked... Finally, fear!!

"This... This is true?" Qin Baisheng asks.

"Now the battle of doctors is in full swing, which is what the people of Yaowang village have done! They didn't just want Dr. Lin to die this time! I want him to be ruined! Yaowang village, is to completely destroy your Xuanyi school! You don't even understand this. How did you become the vice president? "Lu Nongchao said with a sneer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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