Qin baisong didn't care about LV Nongchao's sarcasm. He immediately said, "send me this video right now, quick!"

"OK, I'll send you to see doctor Lin. by the way, if he is willing to cooperate, he will be a member of our ancient school from now on! No one can bully him! And if he doesn't want to cooperate, it's not just Yaowang village who wants to settle accounts with him! And our ancient school

Lu Nongchao sneers, sends the video and turns away.

Qin baisong went to the research room to find Lin Yang with his mobile phone.

Although the battle between doctors is about to begin, Lin Yang is still soaking in the research room day and night, analyzing and studying the antidote of Jueming flower poison.


Now, Su Zhi is the best.

"Teacher! Teacher

Qin baisong opened the door and yelled.

Several people in the research room looked up at him one after another.

"What's so flustered?" Lin Yang frowned.

He didn't like to be disturbed when he was studying drugs.

Qin baisong didn't reply. He ran up quickly and took out his mobile phone to play the video.

Lin Yang looks at the video, frowning slightly.

The picture is on a national road.

Late at night.

A man with a bamboo hat and a medicine basket was walking slowly along the national road.

There were few people around.

Before long, a group of people in black suddenly gathered around.

There is a black petal pattern on the back of these people's clothes.

This is the unique print of Heihua religion.

All the people who surrounded the men with bamboo hats were the elite of the black flower sect.

It's just.

These black flower cult elite who surrounded the bamboo hat people were just about to start, all of them suddenly fell to the ground, motionless.

From the beginning to the end, the bamboo hat man did not make any movement.

He just looked at these people lying on the ground, and then looked at the eye surveillance camera, and then left quietly.

The picture is extremely strange!

It's chilling.

"I heard Mr. Yi Guilin say that last month on the National Road outside the suburb of Mishi, more than a dozen elite members of the black flower sect died on the side of the road for no reason. The autopsy could not find out the cause of their death. However, these elite members of the black flower sect are all top experts. Their strange death is still an unsolved mystery. Now, I'm afraid we know the truth!" Qin baisong said hoarsely.

"This man... I remember yesterday when the student gave the challenge book, he was standing behind the left side of the student!" Lin Yang said.

"Yes! Therefore, those who poison and kill more than ten elite members of Heihua sect are people from Yaowang village! But... Mr. Lin! Did you see him do it? " Qin baisong was a little excited.

"No Lin Yang road.

"Put down more than a dozen people quietly, this kind of method is too terrible!"

Qin baisong may not know the strength of these black flower sect elite, but this silent means of making more than a dozen adult men fall to the ground can be called the art of ghosts and gods.

Is this what ordinary doctors can do?

In addition to what niansheng said yesterday, Qin baisong felt that the situation was not as simple as he thought.

"Well, I see! Go to work. "

Lin Yang did not seem to rest assured on this, light back a sentence, then continue to bury himself in the research.

This almost didn't kill Qin baisong.

"Teacher!! You can't fight this fight! " Qin baisong shouts.

"Can you refuse now?"

"Of course not!" Qin baisong immediately said: "now the ancient school has sent people to contact you. They hope to get some medical classics from you. If you want, they can negotiate with Yaowang village for you and stop the battle of medicine!"

"Yaowang village will not stop." Lin Yang said: "in addition to taking Yan Ke'er away, there is no other way to let them leave! Since the ancient school has the antidote Wangcun, it must know the character of the people in Yaowang village! I don't think it's proper. What's more, I don't have any medical classics. If they want to learn my medical skills, you can tell them and let them report to the Academic Affairs Office of Xuanyi school college. I am a man of no class! There's no need to be so much trouble! "

"This..." Qin baisong was speechless.

"All right, Poisson, get out of here. Don't disturb me any more."

Lin Yang Dan Dao continued to immerse himself in his own research.

Qin baisong's old face turned white and did not know what to do.

And at this time.

there was a loud knock on the door.

Lin Yang frowned.

Qin baisong hastens to open the door.

It's Dragon hand.

Under Lin Yang's treatment, the Dragon hand has completely recovered, that is, the body bone is much weaker than before."Doctor Lin! There are a lot of people coming outside. I want to see you by name! " Dragon hand cries out.

"Who are they?" Lin Yang asked.

"They are all people of martial arts! And from all walks of life, there are many representatives of aristocratic families! " Dragon hand road.

The words fell to the ground, and everyone in the research room looked ugly.

"What are these people doing here?" Qin baisong asked.

"Take advantage of the fire!" Lin Yang said faintly.

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