Lin Yang's words made Qin baisong and others realize.


At this juncture, how can those sectarian families stand by? They have to get a foot in.

After all, they didn't come to Xuanyi school to ask for Yan Ke'er before. They held a grudge.

Lin Yang makes them feel bad, how can they make Lin Yang comfortable?

Now there are people from Yaowang village who are afraid of Doctor Lin?

Dr. Lin was suffocated by a single Yaowang valley. If there are any more defectors and stand on the other side of Yaowang village, what will Dr. Lin take to fight against the people in Yaowang village?

Conference room.

A large number of representatives of clan families sit inside, smoking or drinking tea, one by one leaning their heads and supporting their forehead, looking at their two legs, natural and arrogant.

The conference room was smoky.


The door was pushed open.

Lin Yang, Qin baisong, long Shou and others came in.

Looking at the smoky conference room, everyone frowned.

The people in the meeting room saw Lin Yang coming in, one by one the corners of his mouth rose and exchanged eyes in secret.

"Ah, Doctor Lin! Good to meet you

"It is said that Dr. Lin has the posture of heaven and man. When I see him today, it is true that the rumors are true."

"Doctor Lin, you are all right!"

Many big men got up and bowed their hands to Lin Yang and said hello.

"Hello, everyone."

Lin Yang unexpectedly squeezed out a smile and bowed his hands to the people. He walked to the top of the table in the conference room.

But after a few steps, he stopped.

However, he saw a young man with a braid sitting on his seat.

The young man stood on the table with one foot, his back against the chair and knocked melon seeds.

There are two tall and straight figures standing by.

The breath of all three was extraordinary.

And the most striking is a line on the man's arm.

It was a mark like a scorpion.

Lifelike, but ferocious!

"Scorpio teaching?"

Next to the inquiry, Yi Guilin cried out in a low voice.

This kind of martial Taoist scene is easier to deal with than Yi Guilin.

"Yi Guilin?"

The young man spat out the melon seed shell in his mouth, glanced at him, and said faintly: "I can't believe that the master of the Qilin gate can be a lackey of others, and still be a lackey for such a young man! It's really ridiculous. You've lost all the faces of the ancestors of the Kirin clan! "

"What do you say?"

Yi Guilin was furious.

"Did I say anything wrong?" The man continued to spit out melon seed shells carelessly, completely ignoring Yi Guilin.

"Arrogant and domineering son!" How can Yi Guilin bear this anger? Raise your arm right now.


Lin Yang drank lightly.

Yi Guilin looked at Lin Yang, just to suppress the anger in his chest, so he gave up.

"What do you mean, sir? Sitting in the master's position is just enough. Why do you still challenge Mr. Yi? Don't you know how to behave in this way? " Qin baisong, who can't see it, asks in a deep voice.

"I don't know how to behave? Do you have any opinion? " The young man said calmly.

How provocative!

"You can't be taught!" Qin baisong was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"All right! Stop it

Lin Yang stopped the angry people and casually found an empty chair to sit down.

The young man continued to eat melon seeds.

People around are also a banter expression, the eyes are full of ridicule.

Qin baisong, Longshou and Yi Guilin are more and more angry, but Lin Yang does not want to care, and they have no way.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's not waste our time. Since you have come from afar, you must have something to do. Since you are sitting here, it doesn't matter. If there is anything Lin can do for you, he will do his best and will not refuse." Lin Yang light road.

As soon as the words fell, people laughed.

Such polite words are not like what Lin Yang, who once strongly rejected them, would say.

"Oh, I want Yan Ke'er. You are arrogant and refuse me. How come you are now? What a joke A man with a goatee sneered.

"He knew he was afraid! But it's also true. If we all go back to Yaowang village, it will be enough for him! " The man next to him grinned.

Lin Yang's attitude made people forget themselves.

"Dr. Lin has said that, then we will not go around."

A middle-aged man with an inch head and dark skin said directly, "Doctor Lin, we are here to help you!"

"Help me?"

"Yes, you and the doctor of Yaowang village are about to fight against each other. The whole city is full of wind and rain! It's said that this battle is about family life. We think that Dr. Lin is so young and promising that it would be a pity if he was killed by the great doctor of Yaowang village. So we came to help Dr. Lin and win the battle! " The man said with a smile."How are you going to help me win?" Lin Yang asked.

"Just sit at home!" The man smiles.

"Sit still?" Qin baisong was in a daze, and he didn't know what he meant.

However, Yi Guilin and Lin Yang understood immediately.

Sit still? It's nothing to sit on! It means being honest.

The meaning of these people is quite straightforward.

If Linyang doesn't give them any benefits, they will not be honest, and they will certainly stand by the side of Yaowang village to deal with Linyang.

This is the last thing Lin Yang wants to see.

Their demand is to ask Lin Yang to spend some money to appease them.

Qin baisong also responded, immediately gnashing his teeth.

This is blackmail!

This is naked blackmail!

"Too much! What a shame Qin baisong secretly scolded.

People all around smile, looking at Lin Yang is not worried.

"What should I do to make you stay at home honestly?" Lin Yang swept around and asked calmly.

"Everyone's needs have been written, Dr. Lin. you can have a look at it!"

People took a piece of paper from their pockets and put it on the table.

The Dragon hand rushed forward and collected the paper full of words and handed it to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang glanced around roughly, and there was no change on his face.

"Teacher, what did they write?" Qin baisong hurried forward to ask.

Lin Yang handed it to him.

Qin baisong grabs them and scans them.

After a moment, his face turned white.

"What? To transfer 60% of Yanghua's equity to them? "

"Still have to hand over the secret recipe of specific medicine of cerebral infarction, rhinitis?"

"Even the top ten precious medicines of our Xuanyi school are not let go? Give them all unconditionally? "

"This... This is too much! This is to empty our Xuanyi school and Yanghua! " Qin Bai puffed his beard and glared: "it's impossible! It's impossible to agree! "

"If Dr. Lin is not willing to agree, then don't blame us for being dishonest!"

Previously, the man squinted and laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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