Xu family in Nancheng, Xu Nandong just returned home, he received a call from Jiangcheng, immediately his face changed.

"Ah Fu!"

"Mr. Dong!" A middle-aged man trotted over.

"Quick, prepare the car and take me to Jiangcheng!"


The man who called Ah Fu ran down in a hurry.

"What's so flustered? Hold on, the sky won't fall The old man Xu Yaonian walked out of the house leisurely.

Since the last time Lin Yang prescribed a prescription, he has been treating it according to the prescription. His body is getting better and better day by day. His spirit and spirit are also full of innumerable things. It seems that he is completely transformed.

"Nothing, Dad. Go back to your room and have a rest." Xu Yaonian said with a smile.

"Asshole, you think you can cheat your father? Tell me if you have something to do! Do I have to beat you with a stick? " The old man angrily cheered, and the domineering words made Xu Nandong, the big man of Nancheng shopping mall, shiver.

"Dad, don't be angry. I don't mean to cheat you. It's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal. Can you be so flustered?" The old man said, "tell me, is there something wrong with Jiangcheng?"

"No, it's frost Xuan's birthday today. She drank too much and vomited in the hospital. I'm in a hurry to take care of her." Xu Nandong said with a smile.

Xu Yaonian closed his eyes and did not speak.

About four or five seconds later, he opened his mouth and said, "no, it's not so simple. I'm afraid something has happened to Shuangxuan. In addition, there's something wrong with ah Tian. If ah Tian doesn't have an accident, you won't go to Jiangcheng in person. You'll let ah Tian in Jiangcheng take care of Shuangxuan, but you don't..."

the old man has lived all his life and is very smart. How can he not see this Inside the door, the door.

Xu Nandong sighed and said hoarsely, "frost Xuan is sick. Ah Tian... Has been caught by Ku long!"

The old man's muddy eyes suddenly rose.

"If so, you shouldn't go to Jiangcheng." The old man said in a deep voice..


"Kulong took ah Tian, and the news must not be concealed. Once the news of ah Tian's arrest is spread to Nancheng, what do you think will happen to Nancheng?"

"The world is in chaos!" Xu Nandong looks ugly.

"So you have to stay here to help ah Tian shake up the pack of jackals, tigers and leopards in the south city!"

"What about... Ah Tian?"

"I'll go." The old man sank.


"it's more suitable for me to go than you! He is also a hero. I don't think he will embarrass me, a bad old man

With that, Xu Yaonian walked directly to the door.

Xu Nandong opened his mouth, but he didn't stop him.




The taxi stopped at the gate of Jinshiyuan KTV.

This KTV is also very famous in Jiangcheng. The luxurious appearance and scale of this KTV are second to none. Just look at the rows of luxury cars parked at the gate, you can see that this is a high-end consumption place.

The horse at the door trotted over and opened the door for Lin Yang.

"Good evening, boss!"

He said with a smile, although the heart of Lin Yang this cheap dress is very despised, but there is no expression on his face.

"Has the boss reserved a box?"

"I'm here for your boss." Lin Yang glanced at the gate.

"Boss?" There's something wrong with the horse.

At this time, the walkie talkie, which was pinned to his chest, rang.

"Ah Ho, let him come up."

"Yes, wolf!"

A Hao's Horse Boy reexamined Lin Yang and said, "go ahead, the Royal VIP box on the fifth floor. Our boss is waiting for you in it."


Lin Yang light road, straight to the inside.

It doesn't need to be carried.

Because the whole KTV is the eyes of Ku long.

Lin Yang quietly into the elevator, press the fifth floor.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

At this time, a group of people rushed over, broke the elevator door, crowded in.

Lin Yang frowned.

These people are actually the students of Shuangxuan's birthday party. The first one is the fat man.

"Oh! How did you come here

Fat man also immediately found Lin Yang, immediately Yin Yang strange gas up.

His voice immediately distracted everyone's attention.

People looked at Lin Yang with surprise.

"You son of a bitch here?"

"How did you come in with this kind of dog?"

"Isn't it that the lowest consumption here is 2000? How can a pauper like him have the ability to spend here? ""How did this happen?"

The students were surprised and jeered.

They still owe Fu Wu's blessing. Fu Wu came here in advance to make a reservation. Although Xu Shuangxuan had an accident, it didn't affect them to come here. Hey, they don't care about Xu Shuangxuan. What they care about is whether they have a good time today!

Lin Yang frowned and suddenly asked, "which box are you in?"

"Three sixes, what? You want to drink? Want to enjoy it? Oh, you deserve it The fat man spat.

"Even if I lead a dog into the box, I won't let you come in!"

The girl with short hair was also there, cursing.

Lin Yang nodded in silence without saying a word.

The elevator opened on the fourth floor.

The fat man walked straight out of the elevator door.

However, to their great surprise, Lin Yang did not come down, but went directly to the fifth floor.

"Isn't the fifth floor closed to the public? What is this dog doing on the fifth floor

"I don't know, but I heard that the fifth floor is Longge's private floor. Except for his people and guests, ordinary people are not allowed to enter. I heard that a man was drunk and ran to the fifth floor without authorization. As a result, Longge chopped his hands and threw them out of the KTV."

"It's so terrible... Doesn't it mean that the boy is doomed?"

"Haha, let's wait for a moment. Later, he will be thrown into the street by brother long!"

"Ha ha..."

a group of people joked and entered the box and began their enjoyment.

And forestry has also reached the most luxurious box door of the whole KTV.

The door was pushed open.

Several people are sitting inside smoking.

As for the chair next to him, there was a man who was covered in blood, black and blue.

That's Xu Tian.

He is a little delirious, the fingernails of ten fingers have been pulled out, and it is obvious that Ku long punished him.

No way, Xu Tian has already violated his bottom line. He is not going to let Xu Tian go easily this time.

"Are you Lin Dong?"

A man with a black eye mask and a beard on his face cocked his legs, pulled his buttonholes, and looked at Lin Yang Dao faintly.

The rest were surprised at Lin Yang's youth.


Lin Yang directly found a seat to sit down, also did not look at Xu Tian, said: "find a few people, go and throw the people in box 666 to the street for me."

Ku long frowned. He glanced at Lin Yang with a calm face and asked, "who are the 66 boxes?"

"Fu Wu's classmate."

"Then... Throw it out."


Others nodded and immediately went down to arrange.

A moment later, there was a sad cry in the corridor.

Then seven or eight students were left in the street, one by one fell dizzy, in a mess.

The fat man and his party were completely confused. They didn't know what had happened. They could only call Fu Wu.

"Are you satisfied, Mr. Lin? Now we can negotiate the terms? " On the fifth floor, Ku long looks at Lin Yang without expression.

"Don't talk about it. I'm very satisfied."

Lin Yang stood up and said calmly, "in view of your behavior just now, I will be lighter when I start later, how about?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Is this man mad?"

"Boss, is he really Lin Dong of Yanghua group?"

People yelled and were confused.

This time, even Ku long couldn't understand.

How can he dare to say such arrogant words in the face of such a vicious group of people alone?

"I think you are dishonest! Kneel down for me At this time, a strong man in a black vest could not see. He rushed over with a roar, and the bus paw would be severely thrown on Lin Yang's face.

But at the moment of his slap, Lin Yang suddenly grabbed the strong man's wrist with a backhand, and then the other hand turned into a knife and hurled at his elbow.


There was a shrill sound.

He saw that the big man's arm was cut off in an instant.

Blood gushed.


The big man let out a miserable cry, and Lin Yang pinched his back hand again and grasped the big man's neck. A strong man who was close to two meters and weighed more than 200 Jin was directly lifted by Lin Yang, and then he ran into the wall beside him.


The wall cracked.

I don't know how much power is transmitted, the whole building seems to shake.

Lin Yang loosened his fingers.

The big man's body seemed to have no bones. He slipped slowly and fell to the ground and fainted directly.

Such a strong hitter, is this solved?All the people on the scene, including Ku long, were dumbfounded.

Lin Yang slowly put down his hand, looked at several people and calmly asked:

"now, can you understand my words?"

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