Lin Yang is a complete surprise to a group of bitter dragons.

Even the dying Xu Tian, who was tortured in the chair, stared at his eyes and looked at it.

"It seems that we have looked down on this Lin Dong, I said, dare to see my bitter dragon alone, how can not have two suddenly?" Kulong took the lead in returning to God, he dropped the ashes from his fingers and waved easily.


Out of the house, there were seven and eight big men.

Each wore vests, tattooed bodies, and a bright chopper in his hand, which was disgusting and fierce.

"See if you have a hard fist or my knife!" "Said the bitter dragon calmly.

The voice fell to the ground.


All the big men all cut the knife at Linyang.

There is no slightest of attention.

Is this to chop Linyang into meat sauce?

Lin Yang can't sit down and die!

He quickly dodged a few choppers, then turned over and fell behind the sofa.

"Run? You can run away? Surround him! Chop it! " A big man roared.

All the people immediately surrounded Lin Yang.

He seems to have no way to escape at this moment!

But the next second, a more amazing scene appears!

Then he saw Lin Yang suddenly grabbed the solid wood sofa in front of him with one hand and fell hard towards the person who came.

This kind of solid wood sofa said that there was also a weight of 3500 Jin, and was caught by Linyang.

The eyes of the people who saw the scene almost didn't fall.

Those big men once thought about this kind of thing, looked at the roaring sofa, one by one all ignorant in place, then one by one was smashed to fly.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

a row of people fall down.

Lin Yang waved his arm again, and smashed the sofa towards a big man next to him.

The big man scared his knife and turned around and ran, but it was useless. The sofa slammed on his back.


He is like a badminton, hit the wall, and then roll down, no movement.

He had a large area of the back directly, even if his spine was broken.

The miserable look was chilling.

In a moment, all the seven men who rushed in fell to the ground, howling or directly coma.

The rest of the marsups were already at a loss.

Linyang cloud light will be wooden sofa down, then step to the bitter dragon.

The fear of all retreated.

But next second, bitter dragon has taken a black pistol from his arms, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed at Linyang.

Linyang's pace of progress was suddenly stiff.

"Great! fierce! Do you practice family? How young it is! I look like I'm old. " Bitter dragon closed up the shock in his eyes, said with a smile.

He has heard some amazing manpower and gas that has practiced foreign family work for decades. He can lift hundreds of Jin in one arm. But that is also a man who has practiced for decades. How can such a young man like Lin Yang have such strength?

Bitter dragon heart is incomparable shock, but he will not show.

What's more, can you beat a gun if you have a lot of boxing? What kind of society is this, martial arts? It's a joke!

However, at this time, Lin Yang did not stop, but took a step to continue to go forward.

"I have given you a chance. In fact, if you give up resistance and choose to surrender, you will be much better, but you do not, but continue to resist. This makes me very disappointed. Since that, I don't have to be polite again." Lin Yang calm road.

"Oh, I don't know what the so-called stinky boy, Longge, I haven't killed for two years. You can die in my hand. However, in view of your behavior today, I will not stop even if I kill you. Your relatives, friends and lovers will pay for your stupid behavior!" Bitter dragon smiled, eyes showed ferocious and fierce light.

No one dared to be so reckless in front of him.

This person forced him to take the hand, if he does not destroy Lin Yang's relatives and friends, how to stand in Jiangcheng?

Kulong can fight Changbo and gongxiyun in Jiangcheng, relying on a word: ruthless.

The people who were killed by him said that they were not as bad as their wives and children, but he didn't think so. He thought that it was the stupidest way to deal with people or to deal with things and not to grasp their weakness.

So the whole family of this man, he was dead.

But before that, he had to send the famous Lin Dong back to the West.

Bitter dragon squints, then wants to pull trigger.

But when he was about to pull the trigger, he found that no matter how hard he made it, he could not pull his fingers.

It was as if my entire arm was frozen.

"What's the matter with this?" The bitter dragon is stupid.

"Boss, what's wrong?""Shoot, boss."

Next to the younger brother all muddled circle.

Kulong's eyes widened and he wanted to move madly. However, no matter how hard he struggled, his body could only shake very slightly. It seemed that his neck was completely frozen.

"I can't move! Help! Come on The hysterical cry of Ku long.

The younger brother around him rushed over.

But just as they approached, Lin Yang's body leaped, one man punched them, and instantly knocked them to the ground.

Some people also want to take out the gun, but at the moment he just pulled out the gun, he could not move.

The pupils of Ku long were constricted.

"You did it?" He finally reacts and yells.


Lin Yang walked over and gently removed a silver needle from his wrist.

Kulong realized that he had a needle in his wrist.

And when the needle was taken off, the bitter dragon had already softened down and had no strength.

"What is this? What is this? " Ku long cried hysterically.

As if paralyzed, he fell to the ground motionless, only eyes and mouth can move.

"Silver needle sealing acupoints! Haven't you heard about acupoints? Don't you look down on martial arts? I just sealed your acupoint with a silver needle just now, so you can't move, that's all Lin Yang light road.

Kulong's eyes widened in an instant.

Has he ever heard of such a fantastic story?

On TV?

Is that too much?

But this is not the time to think about it.

"Spare me! Please spare my life, Lin Dong. I'm willing to be a bull and a horse for you! I can help you unify the city

The bitter dragon begged for mercy.

Although he is a superior person, he can take it up and put it down at this critical moment of life and death. He comes to beg for mercy with his mouth open, and there is nothing unnatural about it.

It's just that Lin Yang is not a good man.

He doesn't eat it.

"No, I said, I gave you an opportunity, but you didn't cherish it. It's no wonder that I won't change my attitude because others beg for mercy."

"You... What do you want to do?" Ku long shuddered.

"Do you know the kiss of the dragon?" Lin Yang squeezed out a silver needle and asked lightly.

"Dragon... Dragon kiss?" The breath of kulong is frozen.

"There is a acupoint called Dragon kiss at the back force of human beings. You just need to take a silver needle to prick it here..."

when speaking, the bitter dragon's hind strength hurts, like being bitten by a mosquito.

Then he saw Lin Yang pull out the silver needle.

Ku long was staring at him.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. Goodbye." Lin Yang light road.

Kulong's heart beat wildly, and his head almost burst.

At this point, his body recovered.

He quickly got up to pick up the gun to shoot Lin Yang, but he had not climbed twice. His body was convulsing wildly, his eyes were staring at him, and his seven orifices were bleeding. The whole person was just like being poisoned. Soon he lay on the ground without any movement and died.

The hero of Jiangcheng, kulong, died like this.

I'm afraid no one would have expected him to end like this.

Xu Tian, who is sitting on the chair over there, is staring with huge eyes, and his expression is hard to calm down for a long time.

Perhaps this time he understood why Lin Yang dared to say such arrogant words before.

This medical guy... Is definitely not a lifesaver!

He not only saves people, he... Kills people!

When the rope was pulled off, Xu Tian fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath.

"All right?"

Lin Yang gave him two needles to ask.

"Can't die..." Xu Tian said weakly.

"That's good." Lin Yang said calmly: "make a call to let someone take over the bitter dragon's field, and then help with the aftermath. Let's go. Let's go to the next one."

Xu Tian's scalp felt numb, and after a while he regained his consciousness and followed him.

At this time, he realized that there would be a bloodbath in Jiangcheng tonight , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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