Jiangcheng people's hospital.

Fu Wu and some of his classmates, who had a good relationship with Xu Shuangxuan, gathered outside the rescue room. People were sad and miserable.

"What's the matter with you?"

A middle-aged woman with glasses came over and glared angrily at Fu Wu Ji: "a birthday party can kill you! You are also good! Now the school is trying its best to deal with the news media. The headmaster wants me to tell you not to talk nonsense. Anyone who dares to talk nonsense will be dismissed! "

As soon as this word came out, several female students were scared to cover their small mouths and did not dare to make a sound.

But Fu Wu sneered.


No one can be expelled from his family! Who doesn't know his brother Gan is a bitter dragon in Jiangcheng! Who doesn't know that he Fu's family is a famous financial group in Jiangcheng, open him? Who dares?

"Hum, I didn't expect that this girl's film is so unsinkable. It seems that it's impossible to drink wine. Let's ask brother Gan to find a way for me. Instead of bending around and binding it to my bed, I'll see if she still pretends to be pure!" Fu Wu hummed coldly.

At this time, the phone rings.

Fu Wu slightly a Leng, take out the mobile phone to connect.

"Fat man, what's the matter? Have you not gone to this world to sing k? "

"Boss, we... We were thrown out by your brother's men!" On the other side of the phone was the voice of the fat man wailing.


Fu Wu was stunned.

"Boss, we didn't do anything to offend brother long. Why did he get so angry and throw us on the street? You'd better call Longge. I'm sure it's something you did that made Longge angry and implicated us. " The fat man cried.

"Fart, I haven't contacted him for a week, so I found him a box tonight." Fu Wu scolded.


"don't worry, I'll call Longge first."

Fu Wu was a little confused, and then hung up the fat man's phone and dialed Ku Long's number again.

However... The phone was called several times, but it didn't get through.

"What's going on? Why didn't Longge answer my phone? " Fu Wu felt something was wrong. He finally chose to go to this world to find Longge in person.

As soon as he left, the emergency room light went out.

Xu Shuangxuan was pushed out.

A group of students and teachers gathered around.

"What's up, doctor Xuan?"

"Doctor, is Xu OK?"

"Doctor, was the operation successful?"

People asked.

Fortunately, the doctor got used to this kind of scene and directly shook his head and replied: "the operation is very successful, but Xu's situation is not optimistic. She is not a simple alcohol allergy, but a very rare syndrome. At present, she will not be in danger of life. She will come back to wake up tomorrow."

"Really? That would be great! "

"Wake up tomorrow? God bless you

"Scared to death!"

Many students clapped their chest, the big stone in their hearts put down, and their faces were full of smile again.

They are also worried that if things get too big, they will have to take responsibility, which seems unnecessary now.

Teacher Fu, who came over with her, was also very happy.

But at this time, the doctor added: "although she can wake up, but she can't move at present, need to lie in bed to recuperate."

As soon as the words fell, the boiling voice became quiet.

I don't know how long before someone asked weakly, "doctor, what does this mean?"

"Let me be clear. She is paralyzed at present."


All people's faces were white for several circles, staring at the doctor strangely.

"How can this... This... This... This work? Doctor, do you have any idea? Try to find a way to save Xu! " Teacher Fu is in a hurry.

If it is spread out, it will definitely have a huge negative impact on the school. Moreover, Xu Shuangxuan's family background is not ordinary. It is said that her father and uncle are both wonderful figures in Nancheng. If Xu Shuangxuan has such a thing, will his Xu family let go of these related people? I'm afraid her teacher will suffer first.

"We will not give up, but at present Xu's disease is not clear enough, this is a rare disease, we can only do our best." The doctor sighed, then turned to leave, leaving the teacher and a group of flustered students.

Accompanied by the housekeeper, Mr. Xu went to the hospital and learned about Xu Shuangxuan from the doctor.

Hearing that Xu Shuangxuan was paralyzed and unable to move, the old man burst into tears.

But he still held back and went to Xu Shuangxuan's ward.

Looking at Xu Shuangxuan's pale face, the old man Xu trembled with anger.

"Call teacher Fu."

"Good Lord."The housekeeper left, and a moment later, teacher Fu entered the ward. She waved her hand hastily to show that she didn't know about it.

Mr. Xu was not unreasonable. He knew that there was no teacher's business in this kind of birthday party, so he called the students in.

"Who forced Shuangxuan to drink wine?" Mr. Xu asked coldly.

The people were cold and trembling with fear.

Some people can't help it. They want to say it's Fu Wu, but they are stopped by their companions.

"You want to die? Talk about brother Wu? Wu elder brother knows, must not kill you? "

"What about that?"

"Look at me!"

The man said in a deep way, and whirled up and said, "grandfather Xu is a man surnamed Lin. he forced Shuangxuan to drink wine!"

"Lin?" Mr. Xu was slightly stunned. He thought of Lin Yang for the first time, but soon he shook his head and thought: "how can it be Dr. Lin?"? But Dr. Lin has never seen frost Xuan, and there is no communication between them. "

"Do you know who it is?" Asked Mr. Xu.

"It seems to be called Lin Yang!" The man thought for a moment.

Is it really Dr. Lin?

Mr. Xu's eyes widened.

"Master, it can't be Dr. Lin. Dr. Lin certainly knows what's going on with her. He will never persuade her to drink." The housekeeper next to him whispered.

"I know, these little bunnies have lied. I think frost Xuan must have something to do with them!"

"What is your plan?"

"You deal with it. Just give me some lessons. Don't overdo it."


"Send someone to stay at night. I'm going to talk to the bitter dragon. Have you got in touch?" Xu said.

"No The person next to him shook his head with a phone: "I have made more than ten calls, but I can't contact Ku long."

"Can't he see the old man?" Old man Xu's eyes were heavy, and he turned and vomited. He said, "no matter what, let's go to this world first. If we don't see Ku long there, the old man will sit there and wait. Anyway, if he doesn't hand in ah Tian to me today, I won't leave!"

"Good Lord

Soon, Xu's car stopped at the gate of this world edge.

At the same time, a taxi has just left the world.

Xu's face is swollen in the car.

"Sir, are you sure you won't go to the hospital?" The driver glanced at the miserable Xu Tian through the rearview mirror and couldn't help asking.

"No, please drive faster." Lin Yang looked at the time channel on the mobile phone.


After 40 minutes, the taxi stopped in front of the club.

Lin Yang and Xu Tianxia got out of the car and went inside.

"This gentleman..."

the waiter looked at Xu Tian and asked in surprise.

"Is Gong Xiyun, your boss, here?" Lin Yang asked.


The waiter was so frightened that he kept an eye on himself. Then he asked carefully, "how many of you are...

" I am Lin Dong of Yanghua group and this is Xu Tian of Nancheng. Please tell your boss and let her come to see me as soon as possible! "

As soon as he said this, the waiter didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately turned around and said a few words with the walkie talkie on his chest and ran away.

Soon, the door of the luxury club was closed and the sign of suspension was hung.

A large group of tall, model like men in suits came down the stairs.

In front of them, there is a woman dressed in revealing sexy clothes.

She squints at Lin Yang and Xu Tian here and walks over with a smile on her face.

"Are you Lin Dong?" She stood in front of Lin Yang, her small hands around Lin Yang's neck, and her body was almost close to Lin Yang's body.


"Ha ha, Lin Dong is as handsome as the rumor goes, baby. No matter what you are here for and what you want to do, I can promise you and cooperate with you. But before that, can you make me happy?" The woman covers the lip to smile, the eye is enchanting the soul to ask.

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