Lin Yang fell into silence.

The atmosphere in the room is particularly weird.

They all looked at him.

Qin baisong, Longshou, Yi Guilin and others dare not breathe.

Other people are willing to give up with Lin Yang at all costs. This young master of gold doesn't pay attention to so much. He just tears his face.

But Scorpio sect also has this confidence.

Previously, the scorpion sect sent someone to find Lin Yang and called for Yan Ke'er, but Lin Yang didn't make friends with him, so the scorpion sect beat up several people in Xuanyi school. It was Yi Guilin who beat them away.

Since then, Liang Zi has been settled.

Naturally, this young master Jin will not have a good face for Lin Yang.

"So if I don't give it to you, you have to help Yaowang village deal with me. Do you mean that?" Lin Yang asked, looking at Mr. Jin.


Mr. Jin spoke directly without hesitation.

"Then we are enemies." Lin Yang road.

"Do you want to be the enemy of Scorpio Mr. Jin narrowed his eyes and asked.

Lin Yang looked at his eyes.

However, he saw the evil spirit on his face, and he had already used his energy secretly.

The two masters behind him also moved their energy.

People at the scene were nervous.

I'm afraid it's not a fight!

However, Lin Yang sighed and moved his hand away from the emperor.


With a faint smile, he took the emperor shenhuang back and looked at it carefully.

Many aristocratic people shake their heads in secret and smile at the corners of their mouths.

Dr. Lin still counseled!

But Lin Yang got up, his hands attached, and wandered back and forth in the conference room.

"The emperor has arrived. Doctor Lin has nothing to do here. Goodbye!"

Mr. Jin is going to leave.

"Don't go in a hurry!"

Lin Yang light road.

"Anything else?" Young master Jin looked at Lin Yang and asked.

"In fact, I always eat soft rather than hard! I don't like the fact that you're here today

Lin Yang said while wandering.

"What if you don't like it? He who knows the current affairs is a hero! Can't Dr. Lin understand that? " Someone sneered.

"So you don't know me! In fact, from the very beginning, I knew what you were coming for, and I also held an attitude of opposition from the very beginning. "

"Against it?"

The crowd was stunned.

"Dr. Lin, you promised us everything just now." Someone whispered.

"It's one thing to promise, and another to do it."

Lin Yang said quietly.

When the sound falls.


The door of the conference room was suddenly closed.

Everyone's face changed and they suddenly stood up.

Mr. Jin squinted at him.

"What? Is Dr. Lin angry? Want to do something to us? "

"Ha ha, Dr. Lin, if you have such an idea, I can only say that you are too stupid. If you offend a Yaowang village, it's OK. Now we still have to offend more than a dozen clans. Do you know what this means? This means that you will be doomed! Do you think you can cope with the attacks of so many aristocratic families at the same time? "


"Killing us is not good for you, and it will only make enemies! If Yaowang village doesn't take action, the clan family behind us will destroy you. Do you believe it

"Dr. Lin is still too young and wants to show off for a while."

"It's easy for young people to be impulsive."

"That's a naive idea

Everyone laughed.

No one took Lin Yang's words seriously.

Mr. Jin also shook his head, grabbed the melon seeds on the table and continued to crack: "Lin, I will not tell you whether this idea is stupid or not. I will ask you, what are you fighting against so many of us? An Yi Guilin can't help you

"Yi Guilin?"

Do you really think that you are relying on Guilin to shake your head

The voice dropped to the ground, and four tall and straight figures suddenly appeared in the four corners of the conference room.

And the indoor temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

All the people can't help but shiver, just notice this person that appears suddenly.

"Are these?"

"Doctor Lin's man?"

"When did they come in?"

"Who are these people?"

People were a little nervous and looked at the four people who suddenly appeared.

But then.


A scream came out.The faces of the crowd changed, and they looked at the sound source in a hurry.

I found that the scream was actually from a scorpion master behind Mr. Jin...

"Mi Xin! What's the matter with you? "

As soon as Mr. Jin's face sank, he immediately asked.

"These are... Yingyu!! These people are yingyu The man named Mi Xin trembled and pointed to the figure in the corner of the conference room and cried out eagerly.

"Ying Yu?"

The people next to him couldn't help but tremble: "isn't that the forbidden guard who only appears next to the leader of the Eastern Emperor? Why are they here? "


People in the conference room were shocked and shocked.

This name is very important in their mind!

The man named Mi heart suddenly realized what he was doing and looked at Lin Yang's fingers.

In an instant, he was struck by lightning.

The trembling voice came out:

"that's the Donghuang Shenjie?? Is this man... The emperor of the east? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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