The people of these clans and clans all know what it means.

That's the keepsake of the leader of the Eastern Emperor cult!

Only the emperor is qualified to wear it!

In addition, these bodyguards, who only belong to the emperor of the East, are there. Another important identity of the Doctor Lin has been revealed.

"How can we get in touch with the eastern doctors of the forest?"

"And he is actually the leader of the eastern cult? Never heard of it before

"False? This... This must be fake! "

"I can't believe it, it's too sudden..."

people are gaping and whispering.

No one can accept the shock.

"Don't be deceived by him. All this is false! It's all Doctor Lin's play! Don't be fooled by him

At this time, a man with a full face and a beard stood up and snorted in a cold voice: "I went to the Donghuang cult two months ago. At present, the Donghuang cult is still in a state of fragmentation, and there is no leader at all. How can a leader emerge now? Is it doctor Lin? Well, in my opinion, you think we don't know about the Eastern Emperor religion and deliberately use this to frighten us! "

"It makes sense."

"I have never heard of a new leader from the Eastern Emperor."

"It must be false."

Some whispered and nodded.

Lin Yang did not speak and looked at the man lightly.

That person also came to temper, cold hum way: "Doctor Lin! I'm leaving here! I tell you, you can't do less than anything you promised us! If I don't see anything before the doctor fight begins! Then don't blame us! "

Finish saying, it is a shake hands, take a person to walk toward the gate.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Yang did not look up to see him.

But the people were burning.

However, the man's attitude was particularly arrogant. When he stepped forward, he would reach for the handrail.

But the next second, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Looking for death!"

The man seemed to have expected that Lin Yang would start. With a roar, the hand that touched the doorknob suddenly retracted like lightning, and then he punched fiercely and smashed into the figure in front of him.

At the same time, several of his subordinates also joined hands to attack the vital parts of the figure.

One man locks his throat.

It's one person.

One man attacked and killed the dead.

This is a killing move!

There's no love left in the hand.

Everyone's eyes were frozen.

I'm afraid it's not about killing people!

Next second...



Two strange voices came out.

The two hands that killed the figure suddenly stopped.

A look, it is the figure's two arms raised, perfectly clasped the attack to kill the two hands.

However, the figure had only two hands, not three heads and six arms. It could not completely resist so many attacks.

Sure enough.



The man suffered a direct blow to his heart and throat.

The muffled noise spread.

Everyone at the scene was startled.

Staring at the figure.


however, the figure was still, with cold eyes staring at the person in front of him.

"Well?" The man was a little weak, subconsciously back two steps, feeling not quite right.

Generally speaking, ordinary people will be shocked even if they eat such an attack, but the other party can't stand still...

is this abnormal?

The man gritted his teeth in secret, growled and tried to punch again.

But his fist was just raised.


Suddenly, the figure suddenly and violently broke the two wrists that he was holding, and the owner who dragged the wrist ran hard at the man.


The man's fist had not yet touched the figure. He was like a sandwich, and was hit by the people around him.

The man fell back again and again. He was very disappointed!

After stabilizing his body, he saw his wrists broken and sent out a miserable cry. He was very angry.

"Up! All of them, kill the man


The rest of the people were biting their teeth and all jumped up.

"No mercy!" Lin Yang suddenly said.

At the scene, people's spirits could not help shaking.

At the moment of this, the figure suddenly held his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and then moved his arms.

Fast as a shadow.

People did not see whether the man pulled out his sword, but saw a silver flash passing in front of him.

All the people who rushed to him were frozen in place, and became rigid one by one.And the figure is also a step back again, back to the corner.

The people looked dull and did not know what had happened.

But the next scene shocked everyone on the scene!

There was a hairy slit in the neck of those who were fixed in front of the shadow emperor, and then a little blood spilled out. Their heads also slowly slipped from their neck and fell to the ground.

The red liquid gushed out.

These people, including the previous one who thought Lin Yang was cheating, all fell to the ground and there was no movement.

All the people in the conference room got up from their chairs.

People widened their eyes and looked at the bloody scene with horror.

A sword!

All killed?

Is this the strength of yingyu?

Is this the foundation of Linyang?

All people's brains are blank and almost stop thinking.

"My character is to repay kindness and revenge. The benefactor to me is the relative, and the enemy is to me until death! Since you want to threaten me with my life, we are the eternal enemies! I killed you today, and tomorrow I will step down your ancestral clan. The strength of Donghuang sect will be enough in three days! "

Lin Yang light way: "start clearing the field."

"Yes, Lord!"

The shadow emperor's low cry, Qi draws out the sword, then must start.

"Wait a minute!"

At this critical moment, Mr. Jin called out in a hurry.

"And the last words?" Lin Yang asked.

Master Jin bit his teeth and said, "Doctor Lin, you can't do this!"

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Lin Yang asked.

"Doctor Lin, I just want to advise you! Maybe you are really the leader of the Donghuang sect, but you are facing the enemy of Yaowang village. Yaowang village is no worse than your Donghuang cult. Do you really think you are a sure bet? " Mr. Jin went down.

"Does this have anything to do with my killing you?" Lin Yang asked.

"If you kill us, the forces behind us will spare no effort to retaliate against you. At that time, you will not only have to deal with Yaowang village, but also deal with the crazy revenge from more than a dozen clans. Even if you have the Eastern Emperor religion, you will only end up with a miserable defeat! Is this what you would like to see? "

"What do you mean?"

"Let us go, maybe we won't get involved in the matter between you and Yaowang village again!" Young master Jin hummed.

But this word just fell, Lin Yang whole person disappears suddenly.

Young master Jin breathed and retreated abruptly.

But it's too late.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of him like a thunderbolt, accurately pinching his neck.

It's Lin Yang!

He exerted a slight force.

Mr. Jin's feet are hanging in the air, and the whole person is lifted up abruptly...


Two masters of Scorpio teaching behind him were shocked and immediately stepped forward.

But just as they moved, a sharp sword suddenly crossed in front of them, making them dare not move at all!


They trembled.

The atmosphere in the conference room was almost frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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