No one would have expected that someone in the world would dare to attack Yaowang village!

It's like eating a bear heart leopard gall!

"Who are these people?"

Niansheng rushes over and looks at the chaotic entrance of the village.

"I don't know. They all wear masks. If someone falls down, they will take them away as soon as possible, and never leave their bodies here! We can't tell who they are! " Next to the road.

"This must have been a premeditated attack, but unfortunately, although these guys are numerous, they can't help me in Yaowang village! Go and open the five poisons array Niansheng said, "today I'm going to make these people come back and never come back!"


The man next to him ran down.

All of a sudden, a lot of blue and purple gas gushed out from the inside of the village king.

Two tower like buildings at the entrance of the village began to move, exposing giant fans installed inside.


the fan turns.

Those out of the fog immediately with the fan wind toward the dense crowd outside the village.

But the surface of those who come into contact with the fog is corroded.


People made a sad cry, one by one lying on the ground rolling, hands crazy to scratch the body contaminated by the mist, that piece of flesh were buckled off.

These poisonous fog, like sulfuric acid, can corrode everything.

The scene was a mess.

The scene was appalling.

"Withdraw again! Withdraw again

There was a cry.

The crowd retreated desperately.

This has been out of the scope of the toxic fog, just stop.

The people in Yaowang village did not chase them out. After all, the other side was numerous, and there was no big poison fog array to protect them. If they attacked rashly, they would surely die.

As a result, the two sides were confronted by the poisonous fog.

"It's impossible that there are so many powerful people in the clan of ordinary power... Who are you?" Niansheng came out and yelled at the crowd.

But... There's no answer from these masked guys.

People in Yaowang village are confused.

"What's the matter? Are you all dumb? Or do you dare not speak freely for fear of revealing your identity? Wearing masks one by one, they are really a group of rats! " Niansheng hummed.

But these people are not angry, still did not say a word.

Niansheng frowned and said, "go to inform the elders and ask them to take people to encircle them from behind. We must capture these people alive! Find out who they are

"Don't worry, master niansheng. The elders have already led people through the secret passage. By then, the Presbyterians will send a message that we will attack back and forth. None of these guys can run away!" Others said with a smile.

"Good!" Nian Sheng's frown stretched out.

He looked at his watch, and the corners of his mouth Rose: "from the dark road to the back of the mountain, it should be about 10 minutes. We should stabilize these people! Buy time for the elders


The crowd nodded.

Before Nian was born, he called out again: "listen, although I don't know who you are, but with the energy of Yaowang village, it is absolutely easy to find out your identity! I would advise you to take your hands off, and I can assure you that I will not hurt you and will not pursue your responsibility! "

The other party should not.

"We just want to know what misunderstanding we have with you and so on! If it can be settled peacefully, we don't want to use force! " Think of life again.

But the other side still should not, but also do not leave.

Seeing this, niansheng felt something was wrong.

What are these guys doing?

If they want to attack Yaowang village, they should find a way to attack Yaowang village from other places, instead of standing at the entrance of the village one by one without saying anything or acting.

It's a total waste of time.

He looked carefully at the men, at the eyes under the masks they were wearing.

Only to find that these people are a little anxious at the moment.

"How long will it take for the elders to reach the back mountain?" Niansheng asked in a deep voice.

"There should be another four or five minutes!"

"Four or five minutes? Forget it, everyone. Let's go I want to drink low.

People were surprised and looked at each other.

"Niansheng! What are you doing? The elders are not in place yet. Let's rush over now. If the opponent is defeated and turns around and runs away, what should we do? And the number of the other side is large, rash action will certainly cause many unnecessary casualties! It's not good for us! " A man nearby immediately stood up and drank solemnly.

"Jingye! I don't feel right. These people are so weird. I have a bad premonition that we must get rid of these people as soon as possible, even if we pay some price. If the time is delayed for a long time, I'm afraid something will happen! " Nian Sheng has a low voice."Hum, this is Yaowang village. How big a storm can these bandits make? I don't even worry about the entrance to Wang village

"That's it. You think too much about it!"

"In my opinion, this is just a mob!"

People around said that they didn't pay attention to this group of people.

"Yes, niansheng, you are right! I just observed that although these people have many masters, there is no tacit understanding between them. If I guess right, it should be the people of several forces who come to harass us! This is a mob. Why worry? When all the elders come out from the back mountain, we will attack them inside and outside and encircle them on both sides, and they will surely die! "

"Then why did they harass Yaowang village?" Niansheng asked.

"This... Is unknown." The man hesitated and shook his head.

"Is it related to Dr. Lin?" Niansheng suddenly said.

The man was stunned and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha... What are you thinking, niansheng? The man surnamed Lin used a reverse needle, and now he is dead! I think the people of Xuanyi school are handling the affairs for him now! "

People around me also laughed.

"You worry too much, miss."

"How could it have something to do with the new forest man who was gone for a long time?"

"You are so funny!"

People are joking and laughing.

However, just then...


An earth shaking explosion suddenly came from the interior of Yaowang village.

In an instant, everyone's smile froze.

Niansheng suddenly realized something, turned around and exclaimed, "that direction... Is not good. We are in the scheme of luring the tiger away from the mountain!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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