"Luring the tiger away from the mountain?"

All the people in Yaowang village had scalp numbness and a blank brain.

"The source of the sound... That's the ancestral medicine garden!! no An accident happened to the ancestral medicine garden!! Go to rescue the ancestral medicine garden! Come on

An old man in Yaowang village cried bitterly.

People in Yaowang village were shocked and rushed there.

The scene immediately rioted, and people no longer paid attention to those masked guys, turned around and rushed madly toward the ancestral medicine garden.

"I think I've got it."

"Let's go!"

The masked men discussed and evacuated immediately.

After a while, the crowd ran away.

Niansheng rushed to the ancestral medicine garden in a hurry.

However, near the ancestral medicine garden, there are several figures like statues standing at the gate.

That's the guardian of the ancestral medicine garden.

All of them have extraordinary skills. They are powerful medical practitioners.

But at the moment, they seem to be immobilized, unable to speak, unable to move, and can only maintain the most basic breathing.

People turn pale.

Niansheng rushed over and checked them a little. He found that there was a silver needle in the neck of these people.

"They were sealed with silver needles!"

I want to drink.

"Go inside and have a look!" The old man cried out.

The crowd swarmed in.

The gate of the ancestral medicine garden was made of special steel, and the bomb could not be blown open.

But at the moment, the gate has been smashed by force. The gate is crooked and the fragments are scattered on the ground. A huge hole appears in the sight of the public.

"Was this... Broken by... Manpower?" There was a tremor.

The human force smashes this fan gate? How strong must it be...

I rushed into the ancestral medicine garden to see that it was a mess at the moment.

All the precious herbs in the whole medicine garden were forcibly picked. In addition, the storehouse where the best medicinal materials were stored was opened. All the pills and medicinal materials on the shelves were swept away by people...

"it's over... It's all over..." niansheng looked at this scene, and the whole person was like a fool.

"Oh! The painstaking efforts of generations in Yaowang village are gone! It's all gone

Previously, the old man sat on the ground and cried.

"How can this happen..."

"the medicinal materials we have worked hard to cultivate and the precious herbs transplanted from other places have all been taken away!"

"This must be a fake, I must be dreaming..."

"how could the ancestral medicine garden have an accident? This is the foundation of Yaowang village... "

the people in Yaowang village can not accept the scene in front of them because of their dull expression and incessant chatter.

"By the way, jujube monk! Where is the jujube monk At this time, niansheng suddenly seemed to think of something, and repeatedly called out.

People realized that there was also a hermit expert in Yaowang village, Zao Seng, in the ancestral medicine garden.

Zao monk has been living in the ancestral medicine garden, and his duty is to take care of and guard the medicine garden.

Jujube monk is extraordinary in strength. In Yaowang village, he is the top person who can be ranked on the top. According to the principle, with him, the ancestral medicine garden should be safe and sound.

But now... The medicine garden is robbed. Where's the jujube monk?

Where did he go?

People searched around for the whereabouts of the monk.

Finally! A voice was heard.

"Here's the jujube monk!"

People rush to the sound source.

Just see in the door of the last storehouse, found lying on the ground is difficult to move the date monk.

At the moment, both hands of Zao monk are broken, a leg is also broken, all over the body is scarred, has completely lost combat effectiveness, but fortunately there is still a breath in.

Niansheng rushed forward to give him the needle, but just when he was about to drop the needle, he saw a silver needle in both his waist and shoulders.

Two thirds of the silver needles have disappeared into the body.

"This is... Three needling?" The old man next to him lost his voice.

"Niansheng, do not use the needle, otherwise it will stimulate the effect of the three needling techniques. Once the power of the three needling techniques is aroused, the Zao monk will die!"

"If you don't use the needle, I'm afraid it won't last long!"

"It must be sent to the upper level!"

"Good! Come on, two people, follow me to carry the date monk away

Two people from Yaowang village rushed forward.

However, at this time, Zao monk suddenly made a sound.

A very faint sound.

"Be careful... Be careful!"

"Monk Zao, what do you say?" Niansheng bent down to ask.

"Be careful... Be careful..." the voice is still weak, Zao monk some delirium.

"Be careful what? Zao Seng, speak clearly. " Niansheng asked urgently."Fall... Spirit... Blood..." Zao monk spit out these three words.

"Blood of falling spirit?" I was stunned.

"Is it possible that the people who attacked my ancestor's medicine garden... Have the existence of blood falling spirit?" The old man sank.

"It should be more than that! If there is only a drop of spiritual blood, it will not let Zao Seng do so! You know, in the early years, Zao Seng defeated the genius who had fallen spirit blood! Therefore, I guess that the person who attacked Zao monk should have a lot of spiritual blood! With the help of the power of blood, he has just robbed our ancestral medicine garden! " My life is deep.

"Monk Zao, do you know how much spiritual blood the man has The people nearby asked.

But see jujube monk mouth long huge, eyes are full of fear, difficult occurrence.

"Two... Two... Two..."

"two?? Two drops The people next to me were quite surprised.

"That's not much."

"No, two more? Do you know how precious a drop of spiritual blood is? Moreover, the power of two drops of spiritual blood is quite different from that of a drop of spiritual blood! Don't look down upon the blood of spirit The old man said coldly.

The man bowed his head.

"Now is not the time to talk about this nonsense. Our Yaowang village has been sealed off! There are guards at all entrances and exits. The man has just robbed my ancestor's medicine garden, but he must not have escaped from Yaowang village. I guess he may still be hiding in our Yaowang village. Please search with me and you will find out the man! " My life is deep.


They all called.

But at this moment, a man from Yaowang village suddenly rushed in.

"No! Guys, no! Something's wrong The man was out of breath.

"What happened?" Niansheng looks back.

"Prison riot! Prison riots The man yelled.


All the people's faces changed in horror and trembled subconsciously.

"I don't know who opened all the doors of the prison, and all the prisoners inside ran out!" The man wanted to cry without tears.

Niansheng and others were all fried.

"I must surround the prison! No prisoners are allowed to leave! If one runs away, our Yaowang village will be finished! " Niansheng shouts bitterly.

All of them rushed to the prison.

As for the man who robbed the ancestral medicine garden, he didn't pay attention to...

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