The leader of donghuangjiao this time is Yuanxing, the supreme elder of donghuangjiao.

Since Lin Yang saved his life, Yuan Xing was grateful to Lin Yang and vowed to follow him to death.

There are a lot of problems in Lin Donghuang religion.

Especially after the end of the battle of doctors, many people of the Eastern Emperor thought that Lin Yang might have died, and the elders at the entrance of the hall had a different heart and coveted the throne of the cult leader.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the Eastern Emperor religion itself, Lin Yang left Liu MA in the church and took charge of the order team of long Xinghong.

Conference room.

"The people from Yaowang village are coming? How fast! I thought they had to wait another two days. "

Yuan Xing stroked his beard and his eyebrows wrinkled.

"Mr. Yuanxing, what should we do now?" Qin baisong asked.

"Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth! Since Yaowang village intends to use force, what are we afraid of? " Yuan Xing hummed.

"That's right. In short, Miss Yan Ke'er must not be handed over. Otherwise, what will we look like to see Dr. Lin?" Yi Guilin got up and said, "I'll arrange for someone right away."


The people made a decision and began to guard immediately.

Three hours later, a Bentley car stopped at the gate of Xuanyi school.

A man in sunglasses and a Zhongshan suit got out of the car, opened the door of the back seat and stood by for five minutes.

Five minutes later, the man closed the door and drove away.

And the moment the Bentley left.

Drop! Drop!

a flurry of flutes suddenly sounded from the outside of Xuanyi school.

Then a large number of snakes, insects, rats and ants turn over the wall and rush to the interior of the college.

For more than ten years, the car stopped at the gate again, and nearly a hundred people got off the car.

These people are all from Xuanyi school.

"Grab it directly!" "Who dares to stop it?" said the first man without expression! Kill


The crowd swarmed in.


In a shabby and shabby hut.

Beside the bed stood a famous young man. He looked at the dying old man and shook his head gently:

"Lao Yi... I didn't expect to see you for several years, but you have become so old. It's a pity..."

"master... I didn't expect to see you again before I died. I really have no regrets." The old man tentatively stretched out his hand and held Lin Yang's wrist, excitedly.

"Lao Yi, you have too much obsession. You have become sick and exhausted. You could have easily lived to more than 100 years old, but now you are seriously overdrawn and your life is not much! What a pity! It's a pity. "

Lin Yang shook his head again and again. He untied the needle bag from his waist and took out the silver needle: "I will help you to live for another three or five years."

"No! Teacher, don't... "The old man suddenly said.

"Well?" Linyang side head.

"Teacher... I've lived enough... I'm tired too. I follow the instructions of my ancestors and stay here for a lifetime. I don't want to keep it any longer. I want to... Have a rest..." the old man opened his mouth and his voice became weaker and weaker.

Lin Yang looked at the old man silently and sighed: "well, since you say so, then i... depend on you!"

"Thank you, teacher..."

the old man trembled and took Lin Yang's hand: "then, the man's cave will be handed over to you..."

"I'm here just to heal my wounds." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Teacher, you are the only one who has understood the cave of heaven and man for thousands of years. If you don't guard this place, who should The old man said weakly.

"Lao Yi, I haven't finished my business, so I won't stay here for a long time. What's more, the cave of heaven and man doesn't need to be guarded. It just needs to wait for the right person by itself! Now that I'm healed, it's time to leave. Don't worry, I'll take care of your affairs! As for the man's cave on this day, put it here and wait for the one who is destined. " Lin Yang low voice comfort way.

The old man looked at Lin Yang and then sighed with relief.

Slowly, the old man's eyes closed.

Lin Yang sighed and put away the needle bag.

Lao Yi has no children and no worries. He wants to leave, but Lin Yang will not force him.

"Let me see you off again, old Cheng!"

Lin Yang gets up and intends to carry the old man to the grave.

At this time, the sound of light and rapid footsteps sounded outside the door.

"ZHUGE family, Zhuge Yu, I want to see the immortal Yi. Please hurry up and save my father!" A respectful voice floated in.

"You're late. God Yi has passed away!"

Lin Yang came out and calmly looked at the seven and eight people outside.


The crowd turned pale.

"God Yi... Died? It's impossible! Yi Shenxian is an immortal. How can he die? It must be fake! " A girl can't accept, full of tears."If you don't believe it, his body is in it, and I am going to bury it." Lin Yang Tao, also lazy to ignore these people, into the house busy to live.

"Little brother, wait a moment!"

At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly went up and saluted him with arch hands: "brother, can you ask who you are? But the high man of the Yi gods? "

"Me? I'm not. " Linyang shook his head.


Several people looked at each other, and they were disappointed.

"What is the relationship between the little brother and Mr. Yi? Why is it here? " The middle-aged man asked again.

"I am the master of Laoyi." Light road, Linyang.

All of us were stunned by the crash.

"What? Yi... Master of Yi immortal? "

"What are you kidding? Yi gods have died! You dare insult him? It's too much! "

"How old are you? It's not my son yet! "

"Young people don't know the etiquette! What is the way? "

The people were very angry, and they were all staring with a beard.

Lin Yang frowned, and was lazy to explain to them, carrying the body of Lao Yi and went to the funeral.

"Wait a minute, little brother!" At this time, the middle-aged man asked.

"What's wrong?" Asked Linyang.

"Brother, I want to ask, do you know how to do medicine?" The expectation of the middle-aged man.

"Understand a little."

"Can you help us to see a patient? The patient has a unique identity. He is not very ill now. If he is not cured, the influence will be unprecedented. The little brother and Yi Shenxian are not there. We can only turn to you. Anyway, please follow us to see it! " The middle-aged man said with all the expectation.

"I'm not free! You look for someone else. " Lin Yang Tao, not in the heart.

"Little brother, listen to me!"

The middle-aged man was anxious, thinking, suddenly approached Lin Yang, took out a certificate from his coat pocket and handed it over.

Lin Yang took it, opened a look, eyes immediately congealed.

"Brother, this matter... Matters a lot! The impact is severe. If you can cure it, please help! " Middle aged man.

Lin Yang thought, whispered: "I said, I am not free, but I can open some medicine to let him continue his life!"

"What about follow-up treatment?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Wait until I'm free, and then." Light road, Linyang.

Several people were sullen at the sound.

But no one dared to speak.

Because they have gone nowhere.

The middle-aged man took out a note, wrote down the phone number and handed it to Linyang.

"Sir, this is my contact number. If you have any need, please call me."


Lin Yang took it with his hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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