After sending the ticket away, Lin Yang cleaned up a little and then returned to Jiangcheng.

He has been here for more than three days and should go back.

This place is called Xianren mountain. There is a cave of heaven and human in

mountain. It is a natural cave formed by the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of nature.

In ancient times, many famous doctors once transferred some patients with complicated diseases to this place for treatment, and there was always a man guarding the cave to prevent people with ulterior motives from destroying the cave.

This generation is Lao Yi.

Lao Yi has been here all his life, childless and lonely. If Lin Yang hadn't found this place unintentionally in the early years, he would not have had such a cheap master if he had not found him here by accident.

Lao Yi stayed here all his life. He would see doctors in the surrounding villages or mountain people on weekdays. Later, he became famous. He would treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, save countless people, and have excellent medical skills. In addition, he lived in the mountains, so he was called the God of Yi.

Lin Yang came here not for Lao Yi, but for the cave.

Affected by the sequelae of the reversal needle, he can only be cured in this cave. In addition, he ransacked the ancestral medicine garden of Yaowang village, and he has a large number of rare and rare medicines in the world. With these rare drugs that can live the dead, it is not difficult to remove the sequelae of reversal needle.

But Linyang did not fully recover, this period of time he still need to take good care of, otherwise the power of the reversal needle will still threaten his life at any time.

In fact, Lin Yang has considered living in this cave for another period of time, and the sequelae of reversing acupuncture is completely clear.

But... He can't wait!

Yaowang village may threaten Xuanyi school at any time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang immediately set off and rushed to Jiangcheng.

His mobile phone is out of power, unable to inform Ma Hai and others. He left in a hurry and didn't even take cash. He had to stop a taxi to drive to Jiangcheng.

The taxi driver was rather reluctant.

He looked up and down at Linyang.

Although Lin junyang's shabby clothes are more difficult to escape from the shabby clothes of Lin junyang, they are even more difficult to escape from his shabby clothes.

It takes him at least 10 hours to drive from Xianren mountain to Jiangcheng. The taxi fare is sky high.

"Brother, take a taxi from here to Jiangcheng. I don't want to go there for thousands of people. Do you have money?" The driver couldn't help asking.

"If you go to Xuanyi school, I will pay you double the price." Lin Yang road.

"What? Xuanyi school? Brother, are you right? The Xuanyi school is gone! " The driver chuckled.


Lin Yang breathed a shudder, his body suddenly leaned forward, staring at the driver with wide eyes: "you say it again! What's wrong with Xuanyi school? "

"Xuanyi school is gone! You don't know? It was seized yesterday! A lot of people have been arrested! All the patients inside have been transferred to the city hospital! Now all the doors of Xuanyi school are closed! " The driver looked at him strangely.

"No way!"

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and he was gnashing his teeth: "Xuanyi school makes great efforts to help the world, teach medicine, make free diagnosis and cure diseases, and save countless people! Why is such a place closed down? You must be mistaken

"What kind of bars do you carry? It's all in the papers! A serious medical trouble broke out in Xuanyi school yesterday, killing many people! It's so noisy that it has to be closed temporarily! You won't go to the news yourself. What's the point of arguing with me? " The driver was angry and yelled angrily.

Lin Yang a listen, pupil constriction, brain confusion.

"Boy, if you don't have money, get out of the car, don't affect me to attract customers!" The driver snorted.

"Go to Yanghua! I'll give you double the money Lin Yang sinks.

"Double? Just you? Can you spare a dime from all over your body? " The driver didn't believe it.

"Three times!" Lin Yang, drink again.

The driver was stunned and looked at Lin Yang's expression.

Seeing that it didn't seem to be joking, he thought and hummed, "OK, I'll believe you once! I tell you, the car has a camera, if you dare to be a overlord car! I will call the police and get you! "

With that, the driver stepped on the gas pedal and drove towards Jiangcheng.

Lin Yang was silent.

On the bus, he was particularly nervous.

He never thought it would be so serious.

Even Xuanyi school has been closed down.

Is this the energy of Yaowang village?

The situation may be worse than expected.

I don't know what happened to Qin baisong.

Is Xiaoyan safe now?

The driver drives very fast.

But it took nine hours to reach Jiangcheng.

However, it was only when the taxi Chaoyang Hua headquarters arrived and left that several streets around it were blocked.

"Was there an accident? Why so many cars? "The driver looked ahead curiously.

Lin Yang had a bad feeling.


The driver quickly drilled the car to the side of the gap to avoid the ambulance behind.

However, ambulances passed by one after another...

a total of six ambulances went.

"Is there a major traffic accident? Why are there so many ambulances? " The driver poked his head out of the window and asked strangely.

At this time, Lin Yang pushed the door open.

"Damn it! You really want to escape the order! Stinky boy, don't run

The driver got out of the car to catch up.

But Lin Yang seems not to hear, a strong Chaoyang Hua headquarters to run.

However, when he ran to Yanghua headquarters, his pace stopped.

The entrances and exits of Yanghua headquarters have been blocked, and a large number of medical staff carry stretchers to take out bodies one by one from the company's interior...


Those are bodies!

Lin Yang's pupils are locked and the whole person is in a daze.

He could see that the people on the stretchers were... Dead!

Although the medical staff will continue to take rescue measures, these people have lost their breath and heartbeat, and have no way to return to the world...

at this time, Lin Yang saw a familiar figure, and his whole head was about to explode.


He immediately rushed up, quickly pinched the needle and put it on the man's neck.

In an instant, the man trembled.

"Hello! What are you doing

"Who are you?"

Medical staff carrying stretchers rushed to stop.

"I am his friend!"

Lin Yang hastened to explain, and then called out to Ma Hai: "Mahai! Mahai! How are you? "

"Lin... Lin Dong?" Ma Hai opened his eyes and said weakly, "you are back at last..."

"what happened? Who did this? " Lin Yang asked urgently.

"Go... Go to No.222 Mayao road... Go... That..." Ma Hai said weakly.

At this time, the medical staff also pushed Lin Yang away.

"222 Mayao road?"

Lin Yang Zheng is in place, murmuring to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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