Lin Yang found a Yanghua employee to pay for the car, and rushed to No. 222 Mayao road.

The driver got three times the price. He was so happy in his heart that he waved his hand: "this is free!" He set off again with Lin Yang.

No. 222, Mayao Road, is far away. It took more than half an hour to arrive.

It is located in the suburbs, with little traffic and quite quiet.

After getting out of the car, Lin Yang went to the old building on the side of the road in front of him.

Downstairs was a garage with dark walls and a strong smell of oil.

Lin Yang walked up the narrow stairway next to him.

Second floor.

I'm very sincere.

Lin Yang knocked on the door.

But no one came.

Lin Yang frowned slightly and put his ear on the door.

But there was a slight and rapid snort on the other side of the door.

It seems that the people inside deliberately hide their own movement, to avoid being heard by Lin Yang outside the door.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang did not hesitate, directly put his hand on the door handle, and then jerked out a pull.


The door handle was pulled directly to reveal the keyhole inside.

Lin Yang forced a finger in the past.

All the mechanical locks inside were deformed, and the door was easily broken open by him.


The people in the house screamed and ran away.

Lin Yang ran in.

However, as soon as I entered the door, I found that the person inside was luoqian!

"Don't come here. If you dare come, I'll be rude to you!"

Luo Qian did not know from where to take a fruit knife, trembling cry.

But when you see Lin Yang clearly, the fruit knife in her hand can't help but slide down and fall to the ground.


LUO Qian covered his lips with his hands, and his tears whirled in his eyes. Finally, he rushed to Lin Yang's arms and sobbed.

Lin Yang hesitated, or embrace Luo Qian, soft voice comfort.

He can feel that luoqian is very afraid.

Even at the moment, her body was shaking.

"Xiaoqian, it's OK. Don't be afraid. No one can hurt you!" Lin Yang murmured.

"Lin Yang, if you're OK, if you're OK, they all say, you're dead!" Luo Qian full of tears, choked said.

"How could I die? I'll be back in five days, won't I Lin Yang road.

Luo Qian gently nodded, but could not stop wiping tears.

"OK, Xiaoqian, tell me, what happened? What happened to Yanghua? What happened to Xuanyi school? Are these... People from Yaowang village doing this? " Lin Yang got serious and asked.

"These are the so-called medicine king village people, they forced Xuanyi school to hand over Miss Yan Ke'er, but Mr. Qin refused to hand it over, so they began to poison their hands secretly! They first sent some famous doctors to break into the college and began to smash it. Then they let the experts sneak in and assassinate the core members of the Xuanyi school. Fortunately, we did a good defense and stopped them in time, but it also caused a lot of casualties. Moreover, the incident was too bad and had a huge impact, forcing the college to close down. "

"What happened to Yanghua? Ma Hai, what's wrong with them? " Lin Yang asked again.

"They were poisoned..."

LUO Qian cried.


"Because I was studying in the college, and everyone knew that I had a good relationship with Dr. Lin, so the people in Yaowang village planned to poison me. After the riot in the college, Mr. Xu Tian asked me to take refuge in Yanghua. Unexpectedly, I didn't stay in Yanghua for a long time. I found that many people in Yanghua company fell to the ground inexplicably, foaming at their mouths, and their lives were in danger. Mr. Ma was worried that people from Yaowang village would rush in The company asked me to transfer here immediately! But when I left, Ma Zong he... He also poisoned... "Luo Qian autumn eyes overflow tears, full of pain.

"It's impossible for you to be prepared for poisoning by people in Yaowang village... But I saw in Yanghua that many people have died of poisoning. It seems that the people in Yaowang village have killed themselves this time!" Lin Yang looked ferocious and hoarse: "since they are determined to kill them all! Then don't blame me! "

"Linyang, we can't deal with them. The people in Yaowang village are so energetic that we can only escape. We'd better find a way to get out of here and go to other places for a while." Luo Qian's urgent way.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqian, where's your mobile phone? My cell phone is out of power. I'm going to ask Qin baisong about them. " Lin Yang sinks.

"My cell phone is in my room. I'll get it now."

Luo Qian said, busy to go in.

But at this time, a few figures suddenly rushed in, directly toward luoqian that.


Lin Yang's face was tight and his eyes were ferocious.

"Luoqian is here! Get rid of it

"Kill!"In a hurry, several figures jumped to luoqian. One of them directly pulled out a dagger and stabbed luoqian's heart.


Luo Qian makes a cry of surprise.

The sudden crisis left her brain too late to respond.

But in that dagger stabbed to Luo Qian's moment, nearby suddenly stretched out a hand, directly grasped that grasps the dagger wrist.

The dagger is frozen in front of luoqian's heart.

"What?" The man lost his voice.

Luo Qian was scared to retreat again and again.

"Deal with this person first!"

The other two drank together and killed Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's intention of killing is vertical and horizontal, and he makes great efforts.


The man's wrist was broken on the spot, and he made a sad cry.

But the cry has not been released, Lin Yang directly hit the man's head.


Its head is like a watermelon burst, exploded on the spot.


The cry of terror rang in all directions.

Luo Qian almost fainted.

The remaining two were pale and frightened.

Who is this man? Why are the means so ferocious?


Biting their teeth, they pulled out their daggers and stabbed Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang ignored the dagger and directly slapped him in the face of another person.


A strange voice came out again.

The man's half face was fanned down by Lin Yangsheng. His neck was completely twisted by the huge force, and he fell to the ground and stopped breathing in an instant.


Another person took the opportunity to stab Lin Yang in the back.

Ding Dang!

A clear voice came out.

The dagger stabbed Lin Yang's back, but it didn't go in half a minute...


The man is stupid.

"Tell me, are you from Yaowang village?"

Lin Yang slowly turned around, his red eyes staring at him coldly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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