This kind of guy who blows his fist, throws people like a dog, and is invulnerable... What can he be if he is not a monster?

Even though the man in Yaowang village is well-known, he has never seen such a terrible guy...

"don't kill me, don't kill me, I tell you... I'm from Yaowang village, please don't kill me, I'll tell you anything you ask me..." the man was completely stunned and shivered and yelled.

"What does Yaowang village want to do this time? Do you want to kill them all? " Lin Yang asked ferociously.

"The higher authorities should account for it, and we must kill them all... After all, this time, the reputation of Yaowang village has been completely destroyed, and there is no face left. If we don't kill all of them, we can't build up our prestige. The face of Yaowang village will be... Irresistible..." the man was almost in tears.

"That's why you killed so many people? Because of this, you wantonly poison and kill innocent people? "

Lin Yang stares at him, his voice is getting colder, but his inner anger can hardly be contained...

"I... I don't know, this is the meaning above... I really don't know..." the man wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Yang clenched his fists: "how many people from Yaowang village are there in Jiangcheng at present?"

"There are more than 1000 people, all of them are from the village..."


"All the people in this village are the best among the elite. We are the worst group. After all, we just came to kill a woman who has no strength to bind a chicken..." the man trembled.

"How did you find this place?" Lin Yang asked again.

"we have a lot of eyeliner in Jiangcheng, too... There are people who provide us with information..."

"tell me their names." Lin Yang sinks.

"Well... Well, as long as you don't kill me, I'll say anything!"

that man was completely frightened, and put the medicine Wang Cun in Jiangcheng's eye liner.

The more Lin Yang listened, the colder he felt.

The more Luo Qian listened, the more his heart beat.

because of this, there are many people who know them. They are the eyelid of Yao Wang village.

the eye liner of Yao Wang village has been arranged here.

One of them is even next to the luoqian Medical Center...

"the hand of Yaowang village is really far enough Lin Yang cold road.

Buzz... Buzz...

at this time, the mobile phone in the man's pocket suddenly vibrated.

Lin Yang raised his eyes and looked: "open voice, take it!"

"Yes... Yes..."

the man took out his mobile phone and pressed it to connect.

"Ah ho! Miss has gone back! All of you will be back to the village. " There was a deep voice on the phone.

The man opened his mouth and tried to speak, but he didn't dare.


It must be Yan Ke'er!

Lin Yang winked at him.

The talent tried to be calm and said, "I... I know. We'll go back soon."

"OK... Hao, are you ok? How strange is the sound? "

"No... it's OK. It's just too hot... So, I'll hang up first."

The man squeezes out a laugh and is about to hang up.

But Lin Yang stopped him.

Lin Yang winked again.

The man was stunned and immediately understood what Lin Yang meant.

"Oh, by the way, where is the lady now?" The man asked casually.

"Where else? Back to the village, of course! Hum, if the young lady didn't force her to die, otherwise she would kill all the people related to Dr. Lin! "

"So... Is the superior going to let go of Dr. Lin?" The man asked in a trembling voice.

"Let it go? It's naive of you to think of us as superior! This time we have lost so many people in Yaowang village, how can we just forget it like this? Now, I'm afraid that the young lady will do something drastic. I just want to calm her down and finish the long-term plan of Yaowang village. When the event is over, the superior will come back to clean up Dr. Lin's people. At that time, no one can escape. " The voice on the phone is getting colder.

The man's scalp was numb, staring at Lin Yang.

At the moment, Lin Yang looks like water, looks like ice, no voice.


The phone was hung up.

"But, sir, is that all right? Let me go... "The man took his mobile phone and shivered.

But I just finished.


One hand went straight through his chest and broke his heart.

The man shivered and looked at Lin Yang with his eyes wide open. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't write a single word. Instead, he was full of blood!

The man fell to the ground, silent.

Luo Qian almost fainted.He had never seen Lin Yang so violent.

This time he was really angry.

Every move is a dead hand, never talk about any feelings.

"Lin Yang, are you... Are you ok?"

Luo Qian curled up in the corner, like a frightened kitten.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "I didn't scare you...

" no... no...

"it seems that I am still too kind! Yaowang village is more vicious than I thought. "

Lin Yang looked ferocious and said in a low voice: "I must eradicate Yaowang village as soon as possible, and... Kor must be very dangerous now. I have to rush to Yaowang village and rescue her!"

"Lin Yang! I think the first thing you need to do now is not to find Yaowang village to avenge yourself! " Luo Qian hesitated under, low voice way.

Lin Yang looked at her: "what do you mean?"

"Hospital!" Luo Qian did not know how to answer, but simply said these two words.

In an instant, Lin Yang suddenly trembled.



Ma Hai is still in the rescue!

Su Yan left Xuanyi school college, can not get effective nursing, now the situation is bound to be particularly serious!

"Yes! I have to go to the hospital right now! I have to go to the hospital! "

Lin Yang immediately rushed out of the door.

"Ah! Lin Yang, wait

Luo Qian urgent call, followed up.

Take a taxi to the people's Hospital in a hurry. It's overcrowded at the moment.

This kind of mass casualties and poisoning incidents occurred successively between Yanghua head office and Xuanyi school college, which not only caused the influence of public opinion, but also increased the pressure on medical treatment in Jiangcheng.

And after the closure of Xuanyi school, a large number of patients in the college had to be transferred to the city hospital.

As a result, the city's hospitals were overcrowded, and the aisles on each floor of the inpatient department were filled with beds.

City hospital emergency room gate.

Gong Xiyun and others are standing there with sad eyebrows.

Seeing Lin Yang's face full of cold and cold, Gong Xiyun was stunned and then ecstatic.

"Mr. Lin"

Gong Xiyun moved forward.

Lin Yang did not use the face of Dr. Lin. if so, it would certainly attract a large number of reporters and alert the people in Yaowang village.

After all, Yaowang village and other people thought he was dead.

"Don't make a show!"

Lin Yang drank low, looked at the eye emergency room, and said, "how's Mahai?"

"Still in the rescue!" Gong Xiyun looked gloomy: "the doctor said that the probability of success was very slim...

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