"Very slim?"

Lin Yang's eyes are tight.

He's also a doctor, and naturally knows what it means to be small.

Lin Yang looked at the door of the emergency clinic and suddenly asked, "where is Su Yan?"

"This..." Gong Xiyun hesitated for a moment, did not dare to say.

Lin Yang was so angry that he roared: "tell me quickly where Su Yan is?"

"Lin Dong, Miss Su Yan is... In the ICU..." Gong Xiyun was shocked and quickly replied.

Lin Yang's face was black and ran to the ICU directly.

The people next to me were in a fog.

"Who is this man? Why is boss Gong afraid of him...

"I don't know! It's full of drag. "

"There should be a lot of it."

The subordinates don't know Lin Yang, and naturally they don't understand why Gong Xiyun, the underground queen who dominates Jiangcheng, is so submissive...

when he got to the ICU, Lin Yang finally met Su Yan.

At the moment, Su Yan is lying quietly in the hospital bed, pale and in a coma.

But what made Lin Yang nearly collapse was that at the moment, her arms and feet were full of tubes, and her shoulders and forehead were covered with silver needles. It looked terrible, especially cautious.

What's more, the bare part of her shoulders is a piece of pitch black, and people who can see clearly that Su Yan's shoulder bones have become necrotic.

According to normal people, it is necessary to cut off the arms.

Lin Yang breathed, and immediately rushed in and lifted the blanket on Su Yan's body.

It was found that the same was true of her feet and knees.

In other words, Su Yan's limbs were all necrotic.

If the diagnosis and treatment is not good, her hands and feet... Will not be able to hold.

Lin Yang retreated again and again, breathing almost frozen.

"It's not a symptom of Jue Ming Hua poison. What's going on here?"

"This is the symptom of the poison in Yaowang village!"

There was a gentle voice behind.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned and suddenly turned back.

But he saw a man standing behind him in a gauze like a fairy in the sky.

It's Liu Rushi!

"Miss Liu?"

"Doctor Lin, I'm relieved to see that you're OK." Liu Rushi said softly.

Although Lin Yang didn't show his true face to the public, Liu Rushi's brilliant orchid heart has determined his identity from Lin Yang's words just now.

"Not long ago, Yaowang village attacked Xuanyi school, and Mr. Qin baisong urgently sent someone to transfer Miss Su Yan. However, the strength of the people in Yaowang village was so strong that Xuanyi school could not resist it. After paying a painful price, Miss Su Yan was successfully transferred from Xuanyi school. It was only... Miss Su Yan was shot several times, and the silver needles were poisonous. Miss Su was in danger People have never heard of the toxin and can't be rescued. Fortunately, my master and I came from huaitian province with xuanzhu grass, which can last for life, and cooperated with my master's Taiyi needle. Only then did Miss Su Yan's life be saved. But even so, her limbs... Were hard to deal with... "Liu Rushi sighed lightly, and her eyes were full of guilt.

Lin Yang brows locked, quickly step forward, for its number pulse.

After a moment, his face grew more and more ugly.

"The poison in Yaowang village can't be said to be severe, it can only be said to be strange. Its toxicity runs in the small face, so it is difficult to discharge. Moreover, it also affects the poison of Jue Ming flower, causing the Jue Ming flower poison which I suppressed to attack again!"

Lin Yang hoarse way: "immediately arrange the operating room, I want to give first aid for Su Yan."

"Dr. Lin, the poison on Miss Su is very irritable. A little stimulation will increase the toxicity. If you don't handle it properly, I'm afraid Miss Su Yan will be very dangerous..."

Liu Rushi murmured her lips and said cautiously, "I think it's better to give a temporary infusion to stabilize her toxin, and then carry out the operation tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What kind of operation? " Linyang side head.

"Limbs... Resection..." Liu Rushi whispered.

Everyone knows what it means.

Lin Yang stares at her coldly and shakes his head after a moment.

"You just accumulate the toxin in her limbs, and then forcibly remove it to save her life. This method is really effective, but even if she can survive, what's the difference between her and death? Do you think Su Yan can accept it? "

"That's better than dead!" Liu Rushi immediately said.

Lin Yang didn't answer. He took some herbs from his arms and handed them to Liu Rushi.

Liu Rushi's gem like eyes suddenly tightened several circles, and her small mouth also opened into an "O" shape.

"This is..." her voice was trembling.

"Take the decocting medicine. When I have finished my diagnosis and treatment, I will feed her to take it."

Lin Yang light road.

Liu Rushi's delicate white hands carefully take those precious herbs, looking at these things, her spirit is a little trance.

"No wonder you don't agree. It seems that you are sure..." Liu Rushi gently nodded: "OK, then I'll go to prepare!"Liu Rushi walked out of ICU.

Lin Yang immediately asked the nurse to transfer Su Yan to the emergency room.

At this time, Gong Xiyun walked quickly.

"Lin Dong..."

"how is Mahai?" Lin Yang asked hoarsely.

Gong Xiyun mumbled his lower lip, lowered his head and did not speak.

"Show me." Lin Yang Ning road.

"Good, Lin Dong."

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