Mahai is much better than Su Yan.

He was lying in the bed, breathing faintly, his eyes half open, as if his consciousness was still there.

Seeing Lin Yang coming in, Mahai's eyes should be opened immediately.

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but the two lips trembled so hard that he could not speak.

Lin Yang went up before, for him to call pulse, and turned over eyelids, already understood everything.

"All paralysis below the neck, facial paralysis, breathing with the aid of ventilator, because of mild poisoning in the nerve center, intermittent consciousness, and continuous reduction of life characteristics."

Lin Yang hoarse way, take out silver needle, in the neck of Mahai a needle.

Mahai closed his eyes slowly and slept.

"Lin Dong, he is in this situation..." br >

there is cure! But it needs to be brought in, at least for about a year. " Linyang low voice.

Fortunately, many herbs were brought from the drug garden, the ancestor of Yaowang village. These herbs are the key to the detoxification of the toxin in Wangcun.

If you don't have these things, whether it's Suyan or Mahai, you will die...

great Gong was relieved.

Mahai is the housekeeper of Yanghua group. If he has any accident, Lin Yang will be in great trouble.

Next day or two, Lin Yang spent almost every hospital in Jiangcheng.

He recruited the people of Xuanyi school again, distributed herbs, taught them the method of treatment, and asked them to detoxify and heal those who were poisoned.

The casualties were too heavy for Linyang to come to work alone.

He was in a very heavy mood these two days.


Lin Yang spits up a cloud and sits in the chair in the hospital corridor.

"Have a little."

There is a voice of Luo Qian coming from the side.

"I'm not hungry yet."

"You haven't eaten in two days. If you really don't want to go to the restaurant, here I'll buy it for you!" Luo Qian holds a bag and smiles.

Lin Yang shakes his head bitterly.

He took a box of rice and picked it up.

Luo Qian sat beside him, looking at him silently.

But I saw that the face of Zhang Gangyi was full of fatigue...

br > the small face hurt, should be no big obstacle Luo Qian disguised his worries and pain, and asked with a smile.

"Rest assured, it's OK." Lin Yang hesitated to say something.

"I know, after all, you are a great doctor. Can you treat any ill diseases in this world?" Luo Qian laughs and laughs.

Lin Yang was silent.

Luo qian can not find the topic, can only get up: "I will buy you some drink."

"No more."

"It's OK. There's an automatic vender over there."

Then he hurried.

Linyang ate, suddenly thought of what, sighed, put the lunch box aside.

The Eastern Emperor taught there... It must be a loss too. [br >

"you are one who gets a thousand knives!! You are here indeed! "

At this time, a call and scold sound in the whole corridor.

Many passers-by people looked at the sound source.

It is clear that Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang.

Lin Yang looked at the two people.

"You brute, see what you have done to my daughter! You got a thousand knives! You can't die! " Zhang Qingyu is full of red, emotional excitement, pointing to Linyang to break a scold, is to rush up to scratch.

Su Guang stopped her in a hurry.

"What's your madness in the sunny rain? The patrol said that the cause of our daughter's injury is still under investigation. It has nothing to do with Linyang. How can you blame him at will? " Su Guang is in a hurry.

"Why not blame him? After my daughter's eyes were injured, the brute sent her to Xuanyi school for treatment. After so long, the treatment did not work. This happened! This is not his harm, who else? You can't die a thousand knife! " Zhang Qingyu was ferocious and cursed loudly.

"Don't you mean Dr. Lin arranged for our daughter to treat?" Su Guang can't help but walk.

"What is Lin Shenyi? All the doctors died and returned to Dr. Lin! It's the dog that's the one who killed it! If it wasn't for him, my daughter would not go to Xuanyi school! It's him! You let go of me! I'm going to kill this bastard! "

Zhang Qingyu was struggling crazy. Suddenly, she pushed Su Guang away and rushed directly towards Linyang to scratch Lin Yang's face.

But her hand has not yet reached out.


A crisp slap rang through the hospital corridor.

The corridor is quiet.

Passers by were staring at them.

Only see Lin Yang raised his hand, cold stare at the face covered face and sit on the ground Zhang Qingyu.

Zhang Qingyu was completely ignorant, she only felt the hot pain on her half face, and her brain was blank.

It was a while before she could tell what had happened."How dare you hit me?? How dare you hit me?? I'm going to kill you Zhang Qingyu suddenly jumped up, and the whole person, like a fierce ghost, rushed to Linyang in a sad way.

Next second.


Another slap.

Zhang Qingyu retreated again, his face swollen.

This time, she was completely confused.

Stare at Lin Yang.

The eyes were... Full of indifference.

"Linyang!! Are you rebellious? Even your mother-in-law? "

Su Guang was angry and yelled.

"Mother in law? Yes? You treat me as your son-in-law? " Lin Yang asked coldly.

"What do you mean?" Su Guang asked angrily.

"Zhang Qingyu came here to insult me, regardless of the nature. She just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction with me! Just take me out of my anger. Do you really treat me as her son-in-law? " Lin Yang asked coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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