When Yan Ke'er woke up, she was already lying in the sanatorium of Yaowang village.

"Miss, are you awake?"

A voice with a slight coldness came.

Yan Ke'er slightly side head.

Beside the bed stood a girl in emerald green clothes.

The girl looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, with delicate features, but her face was covered with frost and her eyes were full of disgust.

"Little fish? Is it you? "

Yan Ke'er makes a weak voice.

She knew the girl.

Because the girl had been serving her before she fled Yaowang village.

"Miss, you are hurt badly now. I hope you can recuperate here. There are two days to go before the ceremony of medicine sacrifice. This ceremony is related to the lifeblood of Yaowang village. Please don't let the maids be embarrassed!" The little fish said without expression.

"In a dilemma? Yes? You're talking like I'm making trouble? " Yan Ke'er showed a sad smile and despair in her eyes.

The little fish didn't pay any attention and turned to walk outside the door.

"Miss, have a good rest. In half an hour, I will come to change your dressing for you. Don't try to run away. Mr. Qin is on guard outside. Don't think of suicide or self mutilation, because it will only make you more miserable!"

After that, the little fish has gone out.

Yan Ke'er didn't say anything.


This is Yaowang village!

Suicide under the eyes of Yaowang village... Unless you can make your whole person be ground into meat mud or fried into small pieces, you can't kill yourself simply by cutting your throat and hitting your head. The powerful medical skills of Yaowang village can pull the people who have just died back from the ghost gate.

Yan Ke'er doesn't have the conditions to break herself to pieces, so she can't even commit suicide now.

This is the most desperate.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I also want to live well. It's a pity that my father didn't give me a chance. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yan Ke'er closed her autumn eyes and burst into tears.

At this moment, however, a familiar voice suddenly sounded nearby.

"You seem to have suffered a lot."

Yan Ke'er shivers all over, the autumn eye stares big, tries to twist the neck, looks to the bedside.

"Dr. Lin?" Yan Ke'er loses her voice.

Lin Yang gave her a silent gesture.

Yan Ke'er immediately wanted to raise her hand to cover her mouth, but as soon as her small arm moved, she pulled the wound. The pain in her heart made her show her teeth and gasped.

"Well? What's going on? "

The people outside seemed to hear what was going on inside, and immediately lifted up the curtain and walked in.

Yan Ke'er is shocked and looks at the side.

However, Lin Yang beside the bed has disappeared without a trace.

It's like a ghost...

Yan Ke'er is silly.

Where does Lin Yang hide?

"What's the matter with you?"

In came a tall, strong man with a scar on his face.

Man's breath is strong, like a beast.

It is said that the more powerful he is, the stronger he is When the tiger returned to the village, the tiger's paw was broken by his life, showing the horror of its power.

The village sent this man to look at Yan Ke'er, but also did not want her stepmother and miss Hui to hurt her again.

Just let Yan Ke'er very strange is, Lin Yang is how to avoid Qin Zhao sneak into here?

"I... I'm nothing. I just pulled the wound when I moved my lower body." Yan Ke'er is weak.

"You are so weak, why do you move your body? I warn you, don't play tricks! But the above has explained, if you extremely do not cooperate, they will choose to take off your limbs! " Qin called cold way, then turned out of the room.

Yan Ke'er's scalp is numb and his face is pale.

Take off your limbs?

that's not a human *?

She was too cold to think about it.

But in fact, yaowangcun will do so.

* because of human beings, the village of Medicine Wang has not done it!

They've done even worse, more terrifying things.

Yan Ke'er swallowed his saliva in secret and did not dare to make a sound.

When Qin calls to leave, she calls carefully.

"Dr. Lin... Dr. Lin..."

"don't make any noise. This man's hearing is different from that of ordinary people. He is very alert! Be careful that he hears you. " Lin Yang's slight voice rings in Yan Ke'er's ear.

Yan Ke'er is stunned and looks sideways.

Lin Yang did not know when he stood by his side.

"Where did you hide just now?"Yan Ke'er asks unexpectedly.

There are only four beds and several bedside tables in the sanatorium. It's impossible to hide people. But Lin Yang just disappeared. How can she not be curious?

"I've been here all the time."

"But I just... Didn't see you..."

"I've been standing behind the man just now." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Stand behind him?" Yan Ke'er is stunned.

"Yes, he's big, so you can't see me, and he can't see me with his back to me."

Yan Ke'er couldn't think about it. His tongue was knotted: "but you said that this person's hearing is different from ordinary people's, and his smell is also very outstanding. How can you be... Can't be found by him?"

"Is he a medicine man?" Lin Yang light road.

"Dr. Lin also knows the medicine man?" Yan Ke'er said unexpectedly.

"How can I not know? People who use medicine to transform their bodies since childhood are killing machines made by some black hearted doctors and martial arts. They are different from those who take medicine bath and take medicine to maintain themselves. They use drugs to improve their physical skills, such as strength, smell, eyesight, reaction ability, etc. just now that person is a pure medicine man. Although the medicine man's force is terrible, but There is a fatal weakness, that is, they will have rejection or comprehensive reaction to some special drugs. I dropped a few drops of honeysuckle flower liquid on my body. The smell of the flower liquid will paralyze his sense of smell and hearing, and make him unable to detect it. Because of this, he can not perceive my existence! Even at the moment, he doesn't hear you very clearly

Lin Yang explained.

"I see." Yan Ke'er sends out admiration.

Only Dr. Lin is so familiar with all this.

"Miss Yan Ke'er, I should take you back." At this time, Lin Yang suddenly said.

"Go back?" Yan Ke'er was stunned and shook his head: "no, I won't go back, I'll stay here..."

"do you want to die here?"

"I don't die here. There will be many dead people."

Yan Ke'er showed a sad smile: "in fact, I should have stood up and went back with the people in Yaowang village. If it was not for my fear or my hesitation, so many people would not have died, and Miss Su Yan would not have come to such an end. There are Mr. Qin baisong, Mr. Longshou, Mr. Ma Hai. They are all caused by me. They are all me...

said With that, Yan Ke'er sobbed gently.

After learning that Yanghua and Xuanyi school were attacked by Yaowang village, Yan Ke'er, who had been hiding in the plateau with Qin baisong, finally stopped running away. She carried Qin baisong on her back and took the initiative to find the people in Yaowang village, followed them back, and forced them to stop fighting anyone around Lin Yang.

In exchange for peace.

"Dr. Lin, you go back... I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me. I owe you, I owe you too much. It's a pity that I can't repay you in this life. I'll repay you well in the next life. Now, please leave quickly..." Yan Ke'er said in pain.

Lin Yang looked at her silently and did not leave.

For a long time:

"since you don't want to go, I don't ask you, but I come here, the most important thing is not to save you!"

Hearing the sound, Yan Ke'er suddenly opened her eyes:

"what did Dr. Lin do here

"Destroy Yaowang village!" Lin Yang said quietly.

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