Yan Ke'er's brain was buzzing, for a time, he thought he had heard something wrong.

Destroy Yaowang village?

It's just a dream. It's fantastic!

If other people say such words, Yan Ke'er will certainly scold him loudly, and will never give up if he is not scolded!

But this came out of Dr. Lin's mouth.

On the strength of Dr. Lin at present, Yan Ke'er thinks that he is qualified at least.

After all, Yan Ke'er has heard of the power of Dr. Lin, such as Yanghua, Xuanyi school, Qilin gate, and forget worry island.

Not long ago, she inadvertently discovered the identity of those masters who are all over the Institute of Xuanyi school.

It seems that those people are all from the Eastern Emperor religion!

What's more, they call Dr. Lin their leader?

Is that not to say that Dr. Lin is in charge of the Eastern Emperor religion?

If there are so many forces gathered in the hands of Linyang, call a board with Yaowang village, it is not a big problem.

However, it is impossible to destroy the village.

"Dr. Lin, how many people have you brought this time?" Yan Ke'er asks carefully.

"I'm alone."


Yan Ke'er exclaimed and gaped.

"What's going on?"

Qin called outside and looked inside again.

Fortunately, Linyang's speed is fast enough, flashing in time, standing in the corner, avoiding Qin's eyes.

"I... I ache... Cry of pain..." Yan Ke'er pretends to be painful, and her small face twisted.


Qin called for a cold hum and drew his head back.

Lin Yang stood beside Yan Ke'er.

"Sorry." Yan Ke'er whispered.

"It's OK. If it's really exposed, I'll take you out of here by force." Lin Yang road.

"It doesn't matter, but Dr. Lin, you... You really only have one person here?" Yan Ke'er swallowed his saliva and asked.

"Yes." Lin Yang said without hesitation.

Yan Ke'er was a little confused and asked in a trembling voice, "what are you going to do?"

Lin Yang looked around his eyes and said calmly, "I want to get into Yaowang village. What can you do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about it! Give me an identity. "

"How can I arrange it for you? I'm a prisoner now Yan Ke'er sighed, and his eyes showed bitterness.

"I heard that the original medicine Wang village people who followed you in Xintian Yaocun told me that your father... Seems to be the village head of this Yaowang village? How could you be a prisoner? " Lin Yang asked.

"It's a long story... Yes, my father is Yan Sankai, the village head of Yaowang village. Unfortunately, he never treats me as his daughter. On the contrary, I am just a noble guide in his eyes! His most proud masterpiece A sad face can be seen.

"Drug guide?"

"Since I was born, people in the village have not treated me like others, because I have a special constitution since I was a child, which is a very rare spirit flower constitution. People in Yaowang village have been longing for this kind of constitution. My appearance has finally fulfilled their dream!"

"Craving? Do you have something in that Lin Yang looks at her.

Yan Ke'er sighs gently, and her smile becomes more and more miserable.

"It's really craving, because my birth was arranged by Yaowang village."

"Who's up there?" Lin Yang asked.

"A man with more power than my father, the real master of Yaowang village!

As early as 20 years ago, the superior gave the task, we must find a person who has the spirit flower Constitution! I don't know exactly what the ceremony is for, but I know that this ceremony is related to the future of Yaowang village. So Yaowang village sent people to look outside and cultivate people with spiritual flower constitution on their own! "

"Self cultivation? How to cultivate this kind of thing? " Lin Yang frowned, suddenly thought of something, his face was ugly: "do you say..."

"yes, it is compulsory to cultivate with drugs! In fact, my sixth child may be my mother! My father had more than 30 children before him

Lin Yang did not speak, but had already guessed some.

"The five brothers and sisters in front of me... All died! My father and my mother were not married. She was just my father's fertility tool. My father forced my mother to take the drugs prepared by the upper level, hoping to transform the mother's body through drugs, and then give birth to children with spiritual flower Constitution! Because of excessive drug use and excessive childbirth, the mother's body is getting worse year by year, and because of the influence of drugs, if the baby is not Linghua constitution, most of them will not be able to keep it! However, after giving birth to five children, my father still did not let go of her physically and mentally devastated mother, forcing her to conceive of me again

"In the end, although I was born into this world successfully, my mother's body broke down completely. On the night after I was born, my mother died in bed. There were four women who suffered the same fate as my mother. All of them were victims of Yaowang village. All of them died in the village. After I was born, my father did not look for those who were used as fertility tools I'm a woman. "Yan Ke'er clenched cherry lips and said painfully.

"What happened to your stepmother?" Lin Yang asked.

"Do you need to ask? She's my father's wife! The women who died before, including my mother, were just my father's reproductive tools! My father never treated them as wives! My stepmother is the daughter of a big family in the village. She is well matched with her father. If my father can become a village head, I can't do without my stepmother's support! Her father would naturally acknowledge her position. "

Yan Ke'er said with a light smile: "one month after my mother died, that is, the first month of my birth, my father married my stepmother. Although I was brought up by my stepmother since I was a child, she has not treated me as a human being. She only treats me as a pet dog. If I want to fight or scold, I can eat when I am in a good mood One day is also used to it! My father never asked me anything. If it were not for my special constitution, how could these people call me "Miss"? In their eyes, I'm no different from a female dog! "

Speaking of this, Yan Ke'er's eyes twinkle and tears fall www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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