Yan Ke'er's words let Lin Yang fall into silence again.

He didn't expect that the life experience of the girl who was only about 20 was so miserable.

However, this mysterious Yaowang village is so dirty and inferior...

"Doctor Lin, I will never object to your killing Yaowang village! What's the use of keeping such a dehumanizing village? They have violated medical ethics and the original intention of medical scholars. Medical skills in their hands are already a kind of force and a kind of power! They are not worthy of silver needles, nor of those herbs Yan Ke'er gnaws his teeth and is indignant.

"So I need your help!" Lin Yang road.

Yan Ke'er thought for a while: "although the scale of Yaowang village is large, the people in the village know each other. Suddenly, there are more fresh faces, and you will be doubted. If you want to get into Yaowang village, there is only one way! That's the man who pretends to be a village man! "

"Who do you think is more appropriate?" Lin Yang asked.

"What's the date today?" Yan Ke'er asks.


"One? God help us! Dr. Lin, on the 1st of every month, young people from all over the village will go out of the village to collect herbs! The deep mountain of Yaowang mountain is extremely dangerous. On weekdays, there are countless beasts and poisonous snakes, and there are even terrible miasma. However, these wild animals and miasma disappeared on the first day. Therefore, today is the best time to collect herbs. Doctor Lin, speed up, maybe you can find a correct identity to mix in! " Yan Ke'er said.

"Well, I'll do it now!"

Lin Yang nodded, but did not move, looked at her and asked, "but, do you really don't want to leave here?"

"Dr. Lin, in fact, I really hope you can leave here. To subvert Yaowang village with one person's power, it's just fantastic. But... I can't persuade you, so I can only do my best to help you." Yan Ke'er said softly: "if I leave, Yaowang village will surely guess that you took me. Then they will attack the people around you. How do you deal with it? So only when I'm here and stabilize the people in Yaowang village can you better implement your plan, can't you? "

Lin Yang looked at her silently, for a long time, a sigh.

"I'll go first."

"Doctor Lin, wait a minute!" Yan Ke'er suddenly called out again.

Lin Yang looks back.

However, Yan Ke'er's autumn eyes are full of tears, shining at him.

"Why can't you... Leave here?"

"As I said, I came here to kill the drug king village. How can I go if the matter is not completed?" Lin Yang looks firm.

Yan Ke'er closed his eyes, tears slide down his face, but it is a smile.

"Come on."

Lin Yang nodded his head gently, his body moved, and disappeared like a gust of wind.

"If you're in trouble, I'll try my best to save you, just as you stood in front of me." Yan Ke'er looks at the direction of the gate and whispers softly.

A dense forest.

"Big guy, take more medicine. The medicine list has been distributed to you. You have to use it for the medicine ceremony two days later! The ceremony is of great significance. If someone makes a mistake, he will be sent to the pharmacy as a guide for medicine immediately

Exclaimed a man with a face full of husks and grimaces.

The men and women in their early twenties were all pale with fear, and they were busy shouting "yes.".

"Split up!"

With a wave of his hand, the man scattered.

In pairs, we were in a hurry.

Obviously, this mission is very important.

"Elder martial brother, are we too far away from the big guy?"

Deep in the woods, a young woman looked around her eyes and said with some worry.

"What are you afraid of? Today is No.1. There are no miasma and no beasts in Yaowang mountain. There are only some snakes, insects, rats and ants that we can deal with. " The elder martial brother beside him said with a smile.

While speaking, his eyes have been secretly falling on his sister's graceful figure.

The younger martial sister felt her brother's strange eyes, frowned tightly and said in a low voice, "elder martial brother, I think we'd better not stay too far away from the big guy. Let's go there! If something goes wrong, it's not good! "

"What happened? What can happen to this? Junior sister! The village told us to pick 15 Tongqing medicinal roots, which only grow on the edge of the marsh. This direction is the direction leading to the swamp! You go over there. Can you pick it? If we don't finish the task on time, we're bound to be severely punished. Can you afford it? " Elder martial brother said seriously.

The younger martial sister's face was full of embarrassment. After thinking about it, she could only nod: "well, well, let's... Let's go there."

"Well, that's right. Don't you believe me? Elder martial brother won't eat you again! " Elder martial brother said with a smile.

They moved on.

Younger martial sister is in front, elder martial brother is behind.

Just walking, elder martial brother suddenly a brisk step, one hand did not know where to take out a piece of white cloth, directly covered the younger martial sister's mouth and nose.The younger martial sister has not yet responded, the nasal cavity is filled with a strong and stimulating smell of medicine, and the whole person faints.

Elder martial brother is very happy, rubbed his hands, looking at the graceful figure of the younger martial sister, the whole person is already excited and can't find the north.

"Younger martial sister, I caught you! Now, where are you going? Hey, hey

The elder martial brother smiles happily, and immediately stripped off his clothes.

But when he had just finished taking off his clothes, he froze.

Because in front of him, I don't know when standing a figure...

"what's your name?"

The figure asked.

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