Even if the people at the scene are not Wang Qiao, there are a large number of elite and talents under the command of the two elders.

Let's not say that every steward is a famous doctor in the world. Just talk about which of these disciples trained by Wang Qiao, the second elder, is outside. It's all secular doctors and immortals in the world.

In front of so many people, this guy named Xiao Hong... Actually said such a thing?

Is this contempt for all??

Have people ever suffered such insults and provocations?



"Xiao Hong! Do you want to die? "

"What are you? How dare you say such crazy words in front of the elder? "

People came back to their senses and got angry.

"Kneel down!"

A man yelled at Xiao Hong.

"Yes, kneel down! Kowtow to the elder and confess

"Get down on your knees!"

"Get down on your knees, do you hear me?"

In the face of the scolding and accusation, Xiao Hong turned a deaf ear and said, "what? Am I wrong in telling the truth? If you think I'm wrong, you can point it out. "

"Asshole! What you said just now is that our elder's needling skills are not as good as yours? " A Guanshi points to Xiao Hong's nose.

"I can detoxify the strange poison, but the elder said that it would be impossible to detoxify it if I replaced him. Therefore, it is not that I said that the elder's needling skills are not as good as mine, but he said it himself. If you have any questions, you can ask the elder!" Xiao Hongdao.

"Doggerel! Strong words make sense The steward was furious.

"If you are not satisfied, you can try to detoxify! If you can solve it, I'll give up. "


"too arrogant!"

"I ran into my luck, so arrogant?"

"Which elder's disciple is he? How can there be such a rebellious person in Yaowang village? "

All the people were in a hurry to defeat him, and they wanted to devour Xiao Hong alive.

Even Wang Yi was extremely angry, staring at Xiao Hong and gnashing his teeth.

However, Wang Qiao, the two elders, was not angry from the beginning to the end. Instead, they looked at Xiao Hong in silence.

"Shut up." At this time, Wang Bridge suddenly opened.

A little boiling ancestral hall quieted down.

But listen to Wang Qiao: "Xiao Hong! I want you to demonstrate the needling technique used to cure the poisoned disciple in front of me immediately! Do you hear me

"Elder two, do you want to learn my needling skills?" Said Xiao Hong.

"What do you say?"

"Dog! You are too arrogant

The crowd was ignited by Xiao Hong's words, and they roared and swung their fists at Xiao Hong's face.

They can no longer contain it.

They must teach this maniac a good lesson!!

But the fists of these people had just hit. Xiao Hong's body was like a swallow and a man was like a swimming fish. He swam around the disciples and his fingers pricked at the acupoints on the disciples.

In an instant, the bodies of these disciples were like statues, and they were frozen.


People around him were shocked.

The two elders were also surprised.

"Elder two, if you want to learn my needling skills! I think you have to ask for the consent of the five elders first. After all, I was taught by the five elders. The elder has training. I can't impart his needling skills to others at will! I hope you understand! " Xiao Hong said calmly.



People are so angry!

"I can't stand cangmiao's useless needlework? I take you seriously The two elders said coldly with a gloomy face.

"In that case, I won't show you! If you don't mind, I'll leave Xiao Hongdao.

Wang Qiao's eyes were cold and his fists were pinched.

Obviously, he can't bear such a arrogant guy.

"What a shame! Do you want to leave after insulting my elder?? Stop for me A disciple couldn't see it. He roared and pressed Xiao Hong's shoulder.

Xiao Hong turned his head slightly, looked at the disciple, and then looked at the eye King Bridge. He said, "elder two, are you going to teach Xiao Hong a lesson? If so, please do as you please. You are an elder, and you are numerous. How dare Xiao Hong fight against you? I'm standing here. Xiao Hong will never frown, whether you want to abolish me or kill me. "

"Damn it! Do you dare to talk cheap? that 's ok! Then I will help you The man roared and threw his fist at Xiao Hong's nose.

But at this time, Wang Qiao murmured: "stop it!"

The man was stunned: "elder..."

"if he has an accident here, the villagers will laugh at us! Moreover, he is not guilty. If he is moved, it will not be easy for the authorities to explain it! " Wang Bridge black face, a wave of hand, hoarse way: "let him go!"

"But... Elder..."

"let him go!" Wang Qiao, drink again.beyond doubt;indisputability.

They had no choice but to watch Xiao Hong leave.

Xiao Hong strides towards the gate.

But after a few steps, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and his pace was stagnant.

"By the way, gentlemen, there is one more thing I forgot to say!"

People looked at him in unison.

However, Xiao Hong's side head said: "previously I said that your needling skills are not as good as mine, and you seem to disagree with me. In this way, if anyone is not satisfied, you can come to the five elders to challenge me! No matter who it is, I will accept the battle, and anyone who comes, including... Elder two, you

After that, people will not be able to walk out of the gate.

Three seconds later, the ancestral hall exploded.

The whole Yaowang village is boiling!

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