
The door of a low house was kicked open.

Then he saw elder martial sister Fang and others swarmed in and surrounded Xiao Hong, who was cooking medicine.

Xiao Hong was stunned and looked at the crowd.

"Do you have anything to do Xiao Hong asked.

Elder martial sister Fang rushed up, grabbed Xiao Hong's collar and roared angrily, "you idiot, do you know what you have done? How dare you challenge the second elder? Are you out of you mind? What do you think you are? "

"Now everyone in the second elder's side hates us. It's you who made the trouble! Our five elders went to apologize early in the morning!! You're the one who did it

"Do you dare to provoke the two elders? Did you eat the bear heart leopard gall? I tell you, the matter has become a big one. Now pray that this matter has not reached the ears of the village head or the higher authorities. If you let them know, the five elders will not be able to protect you! "

They all scolded.

"Elder martial sister Fang, don't be impulsive."

Xue Fu hurried forward, separated them, and then looked at Xiao Hong with a sad face: "elder martial brother Xiao, how can you be so reckless?"

"I'm not reckless. They're not as good at needling as I am." Xiao Hongdao.

"Why are you so stubborn?" She didn't know what to say.

"You're stupid. Why drag all of us? Now everyone of the elder martial brothers and sisters over there is hostile to us. Who is not the elite of Yaowang village? Who is not our elder? How can we get a foothold in Yaowang village Sister Li hummed.

"In my opinion, Xiao Hong! You go to the second elder and ask for your sins! " I don't know who called.

"Yes, go and plead with me quickly."

"Don't hesitate!"

"Get out of here and plead with me!"

The crowd yelled.

But just then, a disciple rushed in.

"Where is Xiao Hong?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hong looked at the man.

"The five elders have an order. Please go to see him quickly." The disciple sank and left.

"Oh." Xiao Hongyun is light and the wind is light.

"Go to see the elder."

They are busy with Xiao Hong running towards the five elders.

Since the spread of the event, the disciples of the five elders have been like frightened birds.

The power of the two elders in the village only exists in the two village heads and superior officials. Therefore, the resources in his hands are extremely rich. Which of the disciples he recruited is not the elite among the elite and the genius among the talents? Can they be compared with the five elders?

Moreover, the two elders took advantage of their power to place many of their disciples in various departments of the village, with great energy.

If you have a feud with the second elder, the five elders will not be able to move in the village.

So people can't wait for Xiao Hong to apologize.

In the courtyard outside the house of the five elders.

Five elders cangmiao stood in front of a tree, looking at the fruit on the tree, his face full of helplessness and worry.

"Elder, Xiao Hong is here!" Someone called.

Cangmiao turns around.

Just saw a group of people clattered in.

Xiao Hong is the leader.

But now he has been surrounded by a large number of disciples.

They were filled with indignation, and they wanted to make him guilty.

"Yes, elder." Xiao Hong made the ceremony without delay.

"Xiao Hong, do you know the crime?" Cang Miao sinks.

"I don't know." Xiao Hongdao.

"What do you say?"

"Now it's time for you to talk hard?"

"There is no remedy! There's no cure

The disciples around were filled with indignation.

Cang Miao raised his hand and motioned for silence.

"Xiao Hong! The two elders have a special status in our village, and they are highly appreciated by their superiors. Although I am also an elder, I have to be submissive in front of him. We all live in Yaowang village. If we offend the two elders, have you considered everyone? Have you ever considered me, elder? " Cangmiao frowns.

"Elder, I will solve this matter." Xiao Hongdao.

"How do you solve it? Just now I went to the two elders to explain this matter to him. Unexpectedly, they would not even see my face! He must be angry. If he didn't give an account of it, he was afraid that it would become more and more serious! Xiao Hong, I'm for your own good. You can't afford to offend the second elder. In front of him, you are no different from the ants on the ground. Listen to master's advice, you can go to the second elder quickly and kowtow to him to apologize. Maybe you can make a change! " Cang Miao said solemnly.

"Yes, go and apologize quickly!"

"Make a quick apology!"

The crowd yelled and glared at each other.

However, Xiao Hong still turned a deaf ear.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, followed by a roar:

"where is Xiao Hong?"

As people watched, a large group of young men and women rushed into the courtyard."These are the people from the second elder's side!" A disciple recognized this group of uninvited guests and immediately called out.

The faces of the disciples around him changed.

A man came out of the crowd here.

The man with long hair and shawl, with a handsome expression and a strong pride in his eyes, swept the audience.

"It's senior brother Qiao!"

"He's here..."

the people here look very ugly...

"who is this person?" Xiao Hong asked inexplicably.

"Elder martial brother Xiao, how do you know elder martial brother Qiao?" Next to schaeff was stunned.

"I don't have a good memory. Maybe I knew it before, but I don't know it now." Xiao Hong said.

"Is there anything like that?"

Schaeff was puzzled, but patiently explained.

"This man is the chief disciple of the second elder, named Qiao Zhanbei. His medical and martial arts attainments have reached a very high level. He can even compete with some elders in Yaowang village. He has a high level of seniority among the disciples in the village. No matter who he is, he must be called elder martial brother Qiao."


"however, what scares people is not his identity, but his means. It is said that he is very good at using poison. Anyone who offends him is poisoned by him. Even the death of several disciples in the village seems to be related to him. However, the villagers can't do anything about him because there is no evidence. I also heard that elder martial brother Qiao once tried poison with living people The path is so vicious that ordinary people dare not provoke him Xue Fu says, small face all white a circle, palpitation.

Xiao Hong did not speak.

"Who is Xiao Hong?"

I saw that Qiao Zhan Bei's eyes swept and cried out.

"Brother Qiao! My elder is still here. How can you be so rude? " A disciple couldn't help speaking.

When Qiao Zhanbei came, he didn't even do rites. Naturally, the disciples were angry.

But the next second.


Joe slapped North in the face.

The disciple sat down on the ground.


"Brother Qiao, you..."

people are shocked.

"What are you? How dare you blame me? " Joe drank bitterly against the north.

The crowd trembled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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