This move, let everybody is filled with righteous indignation, anger.

However, no one dares to criticize!

After all, it's Joe and North!

Who dares to provoke him?

"I'm Xiao Hong!"

Xiao Hong went straight out of the crowd.

"You? Well, it doesn't look like that! " Qiao Zhan glanced at Xiao Hong in the north and said without expression.

"Joe, fight north! What do you want to do with me Xiao Hong said.

"Asshole! What are you? How dare you call our senior brother Qiao by his name? How dare you The disciple next to him was very angry, pointing to Xiao Hong's nose and swearing.

"What? I can't call his name? " Xiao Hong looked at the man and asked.

"Of course, how can you call elder martial brother Qiao by his first name? Don't you know etiquette? " The disciple hummed.

"Courtesy? Does Qiao Zhanbei know what etiquette is? My elder is here. As a disciple, he came here and did not salute the elder. He does not respect us. Why should I respect him? " Xiao Hong had no expression.


the crowd was speechless.

Qiao Zhan Bei's brow did not help frowning.

He hesitated, looked at the five elders cangmiao over there, hesitated or went forward.

"I've met the five elders!"

"Oh? It's Zhanbei. What are you doing here Cang Miao said, the language is more polite.

After all, he was the second elder's beloved disciple, and he could not afford to offend him.

"I'm here to exchange needling skills with younger martial brother Xiao Hong!" Qiao shouts to Beida.


The crowd was boiling and looking in amazement.

Qiao Zhanbei continued to say in a loud voice: "not long ago, younger martial brother Xiao Hong put down his words in front of my master and many of his classmates. He said that anyone who disagreed with him could have a competition with him in acupuncture skills. He would not refuse to come! I'm here to have a competition with younger martial brother Xiao Hong about acupuncture. "

There was an uproar.

"This..." two long old faces show difficulty.

"Oh? So you're here to challenge me? It's OK. I'll take it! "

Xiao Hong said directly.

The voice fell to the ground, and all people's eyes were focused on Xiao Hong.

"Oh, this fellow is really arrogant

"It seems that he doesn't know the strength of our senior brother!"

"If he knew, he would dare to say that he did not know the height of heaven and earth? Ah, it's also because our master didn't care about him at first. Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant? "

"It doesn't matter. After today, he should know how much he weighs!"

People here whispered and hummed.

"Elder martial brother Xiao, are you crazy? Do you want to compare needling skills with elder martial brother Qiao? Do you... Do you know what his strength is? " Xue Fu stamped her feet in a hurry, and her eyes glared.

"I'll fix it myself." Xiao Hong said calmly.


"younger martial sister, don't pay attention to him! What a man! He doesn't suffer from any loss and has no long memory Elder martial sister Fang hummed.

Shiv sighed.

"Xiao Hong, how can we compare it?" Qiao Zhan Beidan asked.

"Since it's acupuncture competition, of course, it's most appropriate to find a patient who needs acupuncture. Well... I heard that our Miss Yan Ke'er is in recuperation due to injuries. Her body is injured and her fingers are broken. How about we compare her injuries with her injuries?" Xiao Hong thought about the next way.


The crowd looked at each other.

"I have to ask the five elders to come forward." Joe's battle with Beidan road.

"If it's just ordinary treatment, I don't think it's against it." Five elders cangmiao hesitated to go down.

"That's settled! Let's go now. " Xiao Hongdao.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly cried Qiao Zhanbei.

"What's the problem, elder martial brother Qiao?"

"It would be boring to compete with a highland like this! Let's add some chips. " Xiao Hong said.


The crowd was shocked.

"Yes, chips! If I win the acupuncture contest, I will ask our younger martial brother Xiao to take the five elders to my master in person and kowtow to him and apologize to him! " Xiao Hongdao.


All the disciples of the five elders were angry.

"Brother Qiao! What do you mean? You... You even want our elder to kowtow to the two elders? " Elder martial sister Fang was anxious and angry. She pointed to him and said excitedly.

"The five elders have the responsibility to discipline their disciples! What's wrong with thanking my master? " Joe's battle with Beidan road.


people are impatient.

The five elders were also very angry and said seriously, "Qiao Zhan Bei! You are too presumptuous

"Five elders, are you worried that your apprentice can't fight? If so, please kowtow to my master as soon as possible! So as not to be humiliated later on! "

"You..."Five long old-fashioned whole body shivers.

Qiao Zhanbei Yue said so, the more difficult he was to force Xiao Hong to apologize.

Otherwise, would he not lose face?

Qiao Zhanbei is afraid that cangmiao, the five elders, will compromise, so he will not be allowed to step down.

"Joe, fight north! I agree with your chips, but even if I am willing to apologize, my master is not willing to! I can't help it! " Xiao Hong said.

"You go

The five elders suddenly roared and got excited.


A group of disciples were frightened and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Isn't that the old face? If I don't fight, I will lose more face. It's better to fight! Xiao Hong, if you compare with him, I'll knock this one! " The five elders roared.

People at the scene were stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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