After Chang Bo put down the phone, he was sweating and wet.


"Chang Bo! What can I do for you

"Go and check the bitter dragon for me! Come on


A moment later...

"Chang Bo, Ku long... Ku long, he is... Dead!"

When he got the news, Chang Bo sat down on the sofa, his hands shaking slightly.

How could Ku long die?

Is this too sudden?

That's a big guy in Jiangcheng!

"Sir, what shall we do? Do you really want to kowtow to that boy? " A man next to him frowned.

"Kowtow on your knees? Do you know what it means to kowtow on your knees? That means that my uncle Chang will bow down to Chen Chen Chen, who will be my boss! I'm Changbo. I'm old enough to kowtow to a young man in his 20s? It's going to be passed on. Do you want my old face? How can I be a man in the future? " Chang Bo Qi's continuous shooting table.

People want face and tree skin. At Changbo's age, he has no shortage of money. What he lacks is name!

"But master, the bitter dragon is dead, and Gong Xiyun, that bitch, has surrendered. Overnight, we are the only one of the three forces in Jiangcheng. If they want to attack, we can't stop it. If we don't surrender, we'll surely die!" The man said with a bitter face.

"I know, I know... But kowtow, I'd rather die!" Chang Bo gnaws his teeth!


"don't try again! I tell you little five, I'm not a bitter dragon! I'm not Gong Xiyun. I didn't have them when I was in Jiangcheng. They were afraid! I am not afraid! Go, get your car ready at once. I'm going to go to Nanpai! "

"Yes, sir



this generation is related to KTV.

Mr. Xu is still sitting in a box with his eyes closed.

Several bodyguards following him were at the door.

The housekeeper came in a hurry, but with a sad face.

"What? Is Ku long willing to see me as an old man Xu Yaonian asked.

"Well, master, I can't contact Ku long." Housekeeper helpless way.

"He's not here?" Xu Yaonian was stunned.

"I don't know, but I just got the news that the second master seems to be gone!"

"What?" Xu Yaonian suddenly got up: "when did you leave?"

"At 10 o'clock last night, you didn't come long!"

"Did the people of Ku long take him away?"

"No, he seems to have gone with only a young man."

Young people?

Xu Yaonian quickly called Xu Tian, but he still couldn't get through.

"Master, maybe Ku long didn't plan to embarrass the second master. He's mostly home now. Let's go back to Nancheng first. I'll send someone to watch here. I'll make an appointment with him when I see Ku long!"

"No problem!" Xu Yaonian nodded heavily, and he got up to leave. But at this time, the phone rang again from the Butler's waist.

When he got through, he turned pale.

"What happened?" Xu Yaonian asked.

"There's something wrong with Dong Ye..." the housekeeper's voice trembled.

Xu Yaonian breathed heavily and yelled, "come back to Nancheng immediately!"




back to the company, Lin Yang sat in the boss's chair, enjoying the scenery out of the window through the French window.

Xu Tian is sent to the hospital for treatment, and the rest will be handled by Ma Hai. Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen have full cooperation in purchasing all the industries owned by the two people. Lin Yang means that everything in the hands of Ku long and Gong Xiyun must be embezzled within one day.

After all, they are gray area characters. Many things in their hands are illegal. Lin Yang should not take them too easily.

After cleaning up Ku long and Gong Xiyun, the rest of Changbo will be more relaxed.

"Lin Dong!"

Ma Hai enters the office.

"How are things going?"

"It's already 7788. Through normal channels, we have successfully acquired all the bars, clubs, hotels, KTV and other entertainment places under Ku long and Gong Xiyun. The rest is some handover ceremony."

"Good. Chamberlain got the news. He should know what to do."

Lin Yang's purpose is to beat the mountain and shake the tiger. Because Chang Bo's power is worse than Ku long and Gong Xiyun, it's not easy to kill Chang Bo. Chang Bo has many confidants. If Chang Bo dies, these confidants will fight to avenge him. At that time, people around Lin Yang, especially Ma Hai, would be in danger.

"Mr. Lin, we still have a problem at present, which is about management!" Ma Hai suddenly said.

"What?""The managers of these entertainment places are all mixed up on the road. Although they don't know etiquette, they have gained experience after so many years. If we call new people to manage them, it will be more troublesome and the running in period will be longer."

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's more appropriate for Gong Xiyun to manage these people."

"Let her take care of it, but one thing has to be changed, that is to change their ruffian spirit. I'm not on the road. I don't play that game. If anyone doesn't accept it, bring him to me!" Lin Yang light road.

Ma Hai was startled and immediately respectfully said, "good Mr. Lin."

After Ma Hai left, Lin Yang also walked out of the company.

He swayed around and decided to go to luoqian's hospital.

Although experienced the last thing, but luoqian recovered quickly, the hospital is still in normal business, but let him unexpected is that Su Yan is also here.

Seeing Lin Yang's arrival, Su Yan's face changed suddenly, her eyes showed guilt and pain, and she immediately got up and went out in a hurry.

I dare not say a word to him.

Lin Yang frowned, did not speak, did not stop.

But to the door, Su Yan's body or stopped.

"Sign the divorce agreement in a few days."


Lin Yang nodded directly.

Su Yan's eyes turned red. She bit her lips and turned to the taxi outside.

"Are you really going to divorce her?" Luo Qian came and asked in confusion.

"I have told her that I respect her choice. Although I don't know why she wants to divorce me, since it is her request, I will support it."

"It proves that you don't love her much!"

"My marriage with her is just the request of the elders. We haven't touched each other very much in the past three years. Should we say we like it? Yes, but love? I don't know! "

Lin Yang shook his head and sat down, and said faintly, "what's more, I won't stay in Jiangcheng for too long."

Luo Qian tiny Leng: "where are you going?"

"Yanjing." Lin Yang deeply took a breath: "after all, there I came out from there."

Luo Qian's eyes revealed a deep confusion, this time she suddenly found that she knew nothing about her husband.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, and then several people in uniform rushed directly into the hospital.

"Who is in charge?" One of them asked.

Luo Qian tiny tremble, rise to startle to ask: "I am, a few comrades, what do you want?"

"We have found that the fire-fighting facilities here are not complete and there are potential safety hazards. We need to close the Medical Center for rectification. Please stop business immediately!"

Then he produced a series of documents.

Luo Qian was stunned.

"Well, comrade, how could such a thing happen?"

Luo Qian also wanted to explain, but it was obviously useless.

Within ten minutes, the hospital was closed.

"What's going on?" Xiao Dong and Luo Qian are both stupid.

Lin Yang frowned.

Suddenly, a phone call came from Ma Hai.

"Lin Dong, something happened to the pharmaceutical factory!"

"What?" Lin Yang breathed heavily.

"Two of our new drug factories have been closed down! The reason is that there are hidden dangers in the factory. In addition, our new drug factory has not seen the production license. The production of new drugs is blocked. All the medicinal materials we buy are hoarded and can't be started at all. There are also problems in the capital chain... "

MA Haishen said.

Hearing this, Lin Yang's face was heavy, and he could smell something wrong.

This is no coincidence!

"Someone's targeting US. Check to see who did it!"

"Good, Lin Dong." Ma Hai nods.

But at this time, a cool laugh came.

"Mr. Lin, don't look into it. I did it!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang slightly turned his head, but saw Chang Bo leading a group of people and came over with a smile on his face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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