"Chang Bo?"

Luo Qian's face changed suddenly.

"Lin Dong, you are still good. Ku long and Gong Xiyun have not been able to deal with these two people for several years, but you, a businessman and a doctor, have been able to deal with them! It's amazing! I admire you Chang Bo came squinting and clapping his hands.

"With your energy, you can't seal my factory. Is it Nanpai who started?" Lin Yang light road.

"Of course! You are already the enemy of the southern faction. How can the southern faction sit and watch you grow up in Jiangcheng? I just expressed my will to the southerners, and the southerners will support me fully. I tell you, you want to face more than that! " Chang Bo said with a smile.

"What else?" Lin Yang asked.

"Let's wait and see."

Chang Bo laughed and was about to leave. But after a few steps, he suddenly stopped. The man looked at Lin Yang and said with a smile, "Lin Yang, I'll show you a clear way."

"Say it."

"At noon tomorrow, you will find me, kneel down in front of me and kowtow, and transfer the right to use the prescription of rhinitis and cerebral infarction to me. I can't say that I will let you go, OK?" Chang Bo said with a smile.

"No way! Are you dreaming here Luo Qian was angry and cried.

Now these two prescriptions are not only creating countless funds for Linyang, but also the capital for him to base himself on Jiangcheng. Because of the potential of these two prescriptions, Linyang can have many unique advantages in Jiangcheng. Once these two prescriptions are lost, all these things established by Linyang will be destroyed, just like the collapse of mountains and the disintegration of the southern faction It is possible to exterminate Lin Yang or even solve him secretly.

Although Luo Qian did not intervene in this matter, as the granddaughter of luobeiming, she was also aware of some rules and regulations.

"No? Ha ha, whatever you want, Lin Dong. I'll give you back the words you gave me. Your chance is only once. I hope you can cherish it! I'll wait for you

Chamberlain left with a triumphant laugh.

As for Luo Qian, she was so angry that she almost didn't pick up the stone on the ground and hit people.

Lin Yang thought of the next, side head way: "small Qian, these days you go to small winter that live next, I come to deal with this matter."

Luo Qian hesitated: "Lin Yang, I think you still want to contact the Xia family of the next Ning family or Yanjing. This southern faction is not easy to provoke. You have to ask them to come forward. Maybe there is still room for maneuver."

"I don't like to ask for help. What's more, the matter is not serious enough. Don't worry, I will solve it. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

Luo Qian sighed: "if you need my help, just open your mouth."

"I know."

Luo Qian left.

Her ability is limited, she also knows, lost Luo family, she has no energy at all, for this kind of thing can only do watch.

Lin Yang turned to take the car back to the company, Ma Hai also came to the office at the first time.

"Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen have already started to deal with this. The situation is worse! Xiao Yi should have intervened in this matter, otherwise these comrades would not have come to the door all of a sudden. " Ma Hai spread some documents in front of Lin Yang and said solemnly.

"Didn't I ask them to deal with this man? Why it's not done yet. "

"With the support of the southerners, even if Jiwen has some news that can pull him off his horse, it's hard for us to move him." Ma haisighs.

Lin Yang frowned again. After thinking for a moment, he said, "the state of China is the place where the law is taught. Since he has violated the law, he has to bear the corresponding responsibility and inform Ji Wen to prepare to report to the relevant departments."

"Yes, Lin Dong." Ma Hai nodded and handed over a document.

"What is this?"

"Here are some details of our support for the Su family. By the way, Mr. Lin, the development of the Su family has become extremely rapid after our support. Everything is just like what you think. The Su family has been considering taking back all the rights from Su Guang. As for Mrs. Su, she has been in the intensive care unit for half a month, but her condition has improved, and she really hasn't died." Mahaido.

Lin Yang sneered: "now I think it should be old lady su. As soon as she opens her mouth, Su Guang, the big filial son, will certainly let all the rights go out. When the time comes, Su Yan and his family have worked hard for so long, but they have nothing to gain, but the Su family has made a lot of money. As for our Yanghua group, there will be no reward at all!"

"It's killing the chicken for its eggs."

"But the Su family has no way to go! But what I didn't expect was that the Su family was so short-sighted. " Lin Yang shakes his head.

Ma Hai didn't speak.

Then the Secretary knocked at the door and came in.

"Mr. Lin, chairman of Shenghua group, Miss Su Yan, would like to meet with you to talk about the future cooperation and development direction of the company. I wonder if you have time."


"At two o'clock in the afternoon, the venue is the meeting room on the third floor of Shenghua company. The participants will be determined by Miss Su Yan."

"Give me a reply. I'll be there on time.""Yes, Mr. Lin!"

The secretary left.

"The Su family has started!" Mahaido.

"You go and prepare for it. This time I want the Su family to be doomed!" Lin Yang stood up.

Ma Hai nodded seriously and went down to start.

After a simple meal in the company, Lin Yang prepared to get off the bus and go to Shenghua group's company.

Now Su Yan can be said to be a busy man. The Yueyan group founded by him has taken over the Su family's group. The whole person is very busy every day, so he has a car with tens of thousands of yuan to go to work.

But she knew that all this was done with the help of valuable people.

As for the noble man, he was the mysterious Lin Dong of the Yanghua group.

In the office, Su Yan sits alone in the office with her eyes closed.

She only saw Lin Dong once in that court. Although she didn't see him clearly, she could know how handsome he was even if she only showed half of his face.

Money, talent, and so enthusiastic to help, no matter which woman will have a strange feeling.

Su Yan is also a normal woman. If she doesn't feel in her heart, it's deceptive. But she also attaches great importance to marriage. Even if she doesn't have much emotional foundation with Lin Yang, she won't easily say divorce. After all, she is a person who sticks to her stand.

But now, the situation can not tolerate her any more.

Su Yan eyes some red, she does not want to do so, but the reality has forced her some desperate.

"Chairman!" Next to the Secretary to see Su Yan so, some can not bear.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you all right?"

"I... I'm ok..."

"your husband will understand you."

"Let's talk about it." Su Yan smiles.

The secretary put down the document and said, "Mr. Su Guang and Mr. Su Bei have arrived, and Mr. Lin's car has just arrived at the door of the company. The meeting can begin."


Su Yan took a deep breath, got up and went outside.

Several department managers of Shenghua group were sitting in the conference room. In addition, Subei, suguang and Su Zhen all arrived.

This made Su Yan a little surprised.

Since the end of the year, Su's shares in the group are only about 90% of the shares held by the group, which is just like that of the group? And it's still in this meeting?

Su Yan felt something was wrong.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

"Ha ha, I'm ready to set up a company. Can't I come here to learn from my experience?" Su Zhen said with a smile.

Su Yan frowned and didn't say anything.

Then the door was pushed open.

Lin Dong, dressed in black and wearing a top hat, came in accompanied by Ma Hai.

Su Yan was stunned and rushed to meet him.

Other members of the Su family and senior management of the group also rose to step forward.

"Is Lin Dong here?"

"It's hard for Lin Dong!"

"Come on, Mr. Lin, sit here!"

People warmly greet, especially northern Jiangsu, Su Zhen, would like to stick to Lin Dong's body.

This is the man of the day in Jiangcheng!

Su Yan also wanted to come forward, but was blocked outside by a group of people, really helpless.

"All right, everybody, go back to your position! My time is limited. Let's start the meeting as soon as possible. "

Lin Dong sat in his seat and said with a smile.

He was polite and still had only half a face.

Although he is very handsome, everyone is looking forward to him taking off his hat to see what the legendary mysterious Lin Dong looks like.

But at this time, the knock on the door rang again.

"Come in, please." Su Yan called out.

Then a rickety figure came in with Su Hui's help.

Su Yan was shocked to see this.

"Milk... Milk?"

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