Lin Yang knew that old lady Su would appear, but he never thought that she could not wait. Before the meeting started, she had already appeared.


"Mrs. Su?"

People are surprised.

"Mom, why are you here if you don't have a good rest in the hospital? You're just getting better. You can't do anything about it Su Zhen asked knowingly and stood up with a look of astonishment.

"Don't worry, ah Hui is with me. It's OK. I heard that there is an important meeting to be held today. The old lady has been in the hospital for a long time. She's so bored that she can listen to it. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about me. The old lady will just sit and listen to it Mrs. Su said with a smile.

What is a meeting to listen to? It involves a lot of confidential issues.

But because of the identity of old lady Su, no one dares to express dissatisfaction.

Su Yan's face is not very natural, but at this time, she can not refute.

"In that case, Xiao Wang, go and get my grandmother a cup of tea."

"Yes, Su Dong." The Secretary ran out.

"Let the meeting begin." Su Yan opened his mouth, then looked at Lin Dong and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Ma, what you have in front of you is the cooperation plan we have just worked out. You can have a look at it."

The meeting officially began.

Lin Yang nodded, picked up the contract and swept up.

A moment later, without waiting for Lin Yang to open his mouth, Ma Hai's face was already gloomy.

"What's the matter with Shenghua group? One hundred million? The budget of this project is only 60 million yuan. What are you going to do with the remaining 40 million yuan? Are you killing our Yanghua group as a fat sheep? " Ma Hai yelled angrily.

Su Yan slightly a Leng, dismayed to take over the contract to see, and then look ugly countless.

"Xiao Wang!"

"Su Dong." Secretary Xiao Wang came.

"Who drew up the contract?" Su Yan asked with a black face.

"This is... It's..." Xiao Wang stammered, not knowing what to say.

"I made it."

At this time, Subei opened a tune.

"Fourth uncle, how do you draw up such a contract? Don't I already have a plan? How could you change yourself into this way? " Su Yan is in a hurry.

Subei smile: "Xiaoyan, don't be angry, in fact, this contract is not too much!"

"Oh? I'd like to hear what Mr. Su means by saying it's not too much! " Ma Hai hums coldly.

"Mr. Ma, this contract is actually very simple! This batch of raw materials costs about 20 million yuan in budget. In addition, there are transportation costs, various kinds of management and so on, which can be completed by 30 million yuan at the full amount, and then the publicity and promotion of products will be finished about 50 million yuan... "

" we can give you 60 million yuan, so that you have sufficient funds, but what's the matter with this 100 million yuan? " Ma Hai asked angrily.

"This one hundred million yuan is not what I want for the company!" Su Bei laughs.

"For whom is that for?"

"Our Su family!" North Jiangsu smiles.

As soon as the words fell, people in the conference room were all in a daze, and then suddenly realized that they understood it immediately!

This 40 million... Is the betrothal gift of Su family to Yanghua group!

Everyone knows that Lin Dong of Yanghua group is very interesting to Su Yan, otherwise he will not openly help Su Yan repeatedly.

Now the worst thing in Jiangcheng is Su Yan's husband Lin Yang, who has been nicknamed the green hat king by countless people. His wife is openly pursued by others, but he dare not speak out. However, people can understand that the opponent is the rich, bold, promising, handsome and rich Lin Dong. What can a coward of Su family do? His wife was robbed, that is also a matter of course. He dares to say that Lin Dong can't beat him to death with one hand?

The Su family has already tacitly agreed that Su Yan is going to marry Lin Dong, so Northern Jiangsu simply needs to be bold. In this contract, the Su family wants 40 million more, which is the dowry gift that Lin Dong gave to Su's family.

After all, Lin Dong's feelings for Su Yan are already quite on the surface.

"Four brothers! How can you do that? "

Su Yan directly exploded, suddenly got up, slapped the table and angrily said: "I will never admit this contract! Xiao Wang! Go and draw up a new contract according to the plan I have made before, and give it to Mr. Lin and his colleagues! "

"Yes, Su Dong." The secretary was about to run out.

"No need, Xiao Wang!"

North Jiangsu cheered.

"You go!" Su Yan shouts again.

"Don't go!"

"Hurry up!"

Xiao Wang hesitated as they argued.

And at this time, a indifferent voice sounded.

"Xiao Wang, you go out first!"

Hearing this voice, Su Yan was struck by lightning. He turned his head and looked at the sound source.

It was Mrs. Su who was sitting on the side drinking tea"Grandma, didn't you say... Not to meddle in the affairs of the company?" Su Yan Zheng Zheng Zheng said.

"It's no longer the company's business, it's family business, it's your life's business! Xiao Yan, you should understand what your fourth uncle asked Lin Dong to ask for the 40 million yuan, and what is the 40 million yuan? Your fourth uncle, this is for you Mrs. Su put down her tea cup and said calmly.

"This..." Su Yan said suddenly.

"It's not very cost-effective to marry Su Dong with 40 million betrothal gifts!"

"That's right. What's more, Lin Dongcai is so generous that he doesn't care about the 40 million yuan? I think Mr. Lin will certainly agree. "

"Lin Dong and Su Dong are a perfect match. They are a perfect match. Who dares to disobey the whole Jiangcheng shopping mall?"

"If I were Lin Dong, I would definitely agree on the spot!"

The other people in the conference room whispered and talked in secret. Every eye that looked at Lin Dong and Su Yan was full of appreciation.

Su Yan wanted to refuse, but when she thought of the threats from the Kaijia, Yuejia and Meijia, she hesitated again, and she fell into silence.

Ma Hai was silent.

If it's betrothal gifts, that's what happened between Lin Dong and Su Yan. He won't intervene.

Many people looked at Lin Dong secretly to see what he meant.

However, at this time, Lin Dong suddenly raised his head and asked, "is that enough for 40 million yuan?"

The people in the conference room were all in a daze.

Su Yan also raised her head in disbelief.

Is 40 million enough?

Do you think it's not enough?

"This, should be... Enough... Enough..." Subei could not respond, stammered.

But before he finished speaking, Su Zhen next to him snatched his words.

"That's enough. What's enough? Do you think Mr. Lin is such a small family person like you? " Su Zhen glared at Subei and quickly said with a smile: "Lin Dong, in fact, we think that the bride price and other things are just actions. It's OK after the scene. But you are not the same. You are the hope of Jiangcheng's future and the best business genius. Which one of your weddings is optional? If it's only a small $40 million as a betrothal gift, it will be passed on. Our Su family doesn't care, but you will lose your face, won't you? "

A lot of people breathed.

40 million are called "little"? Su Zhen is really crazy.

"What else should be added, according to what you mean?" Lin asked.

Su Zhen hesitated, her heart a horizontal, squeezed out a smile: "a Rolls Royce phantom should be? Besides, a yacht, ten sets of real estate, shops, gold and silver jewelry must also be... "

Su Zhen seems to have thought about it for a long time. She blurted out a lot of luxury goods, which can be said to be a wide range. After careful calculation, the price will directly exceed 100 million yuan!

The people in the conference room were stunned.

What is a lion's big mouth?

I'm afraid this is it?

When Su Zhen finished these things, many people's hearts were beating wildly.

Su Zhen carefully looked at Lin Dong: "Lin Dong, do you think... Is this OK?"

Ma Hai could not help but was about to speak, but Lin Yang was the first to speak.

"Anything else?"

The Su family is breathing!


It's so grand!

"No, no, that's enough!" Su Zhen was so excited that she shook her hands in a hurry.

However, old lady Su over there made a voice at this time.

"In addition, I also have one request, that is, I hope that Mr. Lin can allocate 20% of the shares of Yanghua group as betrothal gift to our Su family!"

As soon as the words fell, the meeting room was silent and the air was frozen , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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