20% shares of Yanghua group!!

Too greedy!

Don't underestimate the 20 percent!

Even if it is 2%, as long as it is the shares of Yanghua group, it is almost a terrible amount of money.

To know, Yanghua group's daily capital flow, profit income that is astronomical! And the most important thing is that Yanghua group has been rated as one of the ten most promising companies in the world by international organizations with those two prescriptions!

If the Su family can get the 20% shares, it can almost be said to be equal to ten Shenghua groups!

Compared with a series of luxury cars and ships listed by Su Zhen, I don't know how many times that old lady Su can match her!

"Mrs. Su, are you asking too much Ma Hai couldn't sit still. His face sank and said in a low voice, "20 shares? Hundreds of millions of betrothal gifts? Are you selling your daughters? But even so, Miss Su Yan's whole body is made of gold. I'm afraid she can't sell it at this price? "

"True love is priceless." Su Zhen regained consciousness and said with a smile.

"If the old lady doesn't nod her head, she can't marry anyone. Lin Dong, Xiaoyan is not only beautiful, but also has a good character. She is intelligent and intelligent. If you marry her, she will certainly be able to become your good wife and make your career better. Compared with these, what are the conditions put forward by the old lady?" Mrs. Su said.

"This..." Ma Hai couldn't speak.

People looked at Lin Dong in unison, waiting for Lin Dong's reply.

Ma Hai no longer spoke.

In his opinion, it is possible for Lin Dong to agree. After all, Su Yan has a different relationship with him.

"I refuse!"

Finally, Lin Dong spoke.

Three simple words!

The Su family was stunned.

Old lady Su frowned a little, and said, "that's 15 percent! What do you think of the old lady's step back? "

"No way." Lin Dong shook his head again.

"Ten percent!" The old lady took a deep breath.

But... Lin Dong still shook his head.

"Five percent? Lin Dong, are you going too far? Do you think that our Su family is so miserable in your eyes? " Old Mrs. Su got angry and suddenly got up and asked loudly.

"Isn't your Su family so miserable?" Lin Dong was calm.

"What do you say?"

Old lady Su was furious. Her face was twisted and indignant: "Dong Lin! Don't blame me for not reminding you. Although Su Yan has some misunderstanding with the old woman, she is still surnamed Su and her father is my son! She has the final say, who marries, marries, and the old wife. If you don't agree! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you and Su Yan to do this! "

As soon as this was said, people in the room could not breathe.


This is a naked threat!

Mrs. Su seemed to be very confident, so she became impolite.

But I think so. Su Yan is really excellent. If she can get her, then her career and love will be a double harvest. If anyone is afraid of it, they will agree?

However, Lin Dong snorted and said, "old lady Su, Su family, have you made a mistake? I have never said to marry Su Yan from the beginning to the end. What do you mean? "

This sentence, like a big stone, hit everyone's head hard, straight hit people is buzzing...

Su Zhen was silly.

Northern Jiangsu opened its mouth wide.

Su Guang was surprised.

Mrs. Su's teacup fell directly to the ground and crashed to pieces.

Su Yan looks at Lin Dong in a daze, and is also shocked.

"Lin Dong, what do you mean Asked Mrs. Su, trembling.

"I didn't say I wanted to marry Miss Su Yan. From the beginning to the end, I never said such a thing! I don't know what you mean by Su family. I came here just to do business cooperation with Shenghua group. I know very well about Miss Su. She has been married. What's more, where do you see that I am not Miss Su Yan? Before I speak, you come and ask me what I mean by asking for a dowry? " Lin asked coldly.

"How could this be so..."

the Su family were completely confused.

No one expected that the plot would have such a reversal!

Mrs. Su, in particular, shivered all over her body after hearing the news, and her blood pressure rose again.

She originally wanted to use Su Yan to climb the mountain of Yanghua group. Although their su family had a bad time with Yanghua group, the whole Jiangcheng people knew that Lin Dong liked Su Yan.

In this case, her grandmother has the power to dominate Su Yan's marriage.

She does not nod, Su Yan married in the past?

So old lady Su wanted to use Su Yan to bite a piece of fat off Yanghua group.However, she has never calculated this point... The legendary Lin Dong did not intend to marry Su Yan...

everything is just their own cleverness...

"Su family, I don't like your attitude and bargaining with me, and my cooperation with Miss Su seems to have caused many unnecessary misunderstandings. I think we can get together Let's call it a day

With a big wave of his hand, Lin Dong said without expression: "Mahai!"

"What can I do for you, Mr. Lin?" Ma Hai asked.

"Immediately stop all cooperation with Sujia and Shenghua group, withdraw capital immediately, and cancel all the following strategic cooperation directions!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Ma Hai nodded.

A word almost didn't frighten a lot of Su family members.

Su Yan was also shocked.

Divestment? Stop cooperation?

No, absolutely not!

Once Yanghua group's divestment is successful, Shenghua group will face severe financial deficit. In addition, several projects currently carried out by Shenghua group will be yellow.

At that time, we put so much money into it, but we can't get any profit. Shenghua group will lose nothing. I'm afraid it will not be declared bankrupt at that time!

No way!

Never do that!

"Mr. Lin, you can't do this. We signed a contract! If you withdraw your capital at will, you will be held legally responsible! " Su Yan was anxious and got up and called..

"Several contracts have already indicated that many of the above terms are only valid for you in one aspect. Our Yanghua group is not restricted, including the freedom to withdraw capital!" Ma Hai said.

Su Yan was dumbfounded on the spot.

She saw the contract in person.

At the beginning, she was worried, but considering that Yanghua was such a big company, she would not pit herself. After all, Yanghua helped her Yueyan group a lot. In addition, the rumor that Lin Dong liked him, Su Yan did not correct this, but did not think that what she ignored had become the fatal injury of the Su family...

"how could this... How could this happen

Su Yan small face is pale, lips have no blood color, shivering said, then powerless to sit on the chair.

"Lin Dong, you can't do this!"

"Mr. Lin, think about it again."

"We don't talk about betrothal gifts! Please don't break the contract, no! "

"Lin Dong, please!"


Subei, Su Zhen and others rushed over one by one, their voices trembling and almost screaming.

If Lin Dong did, they would be all over.

They are living on such a small dividend of the Su family. If Shenghua group falls down, what else can they do for a living?

Who could have thought of such a thing? At first, everyone was excited and happy to blackmail the golden tortoise son-in-law and get more betrothal gifts from him, but they didn't think that anyone else would have planned to marry the daughter of the Su family...

the Su family was in complete despair and panicked.

Old lady Su couldn't sit still. With Su Hui's help, she walked towards Lin Dong.

"Can't Lin Dong give us a way to live? I... I don't want the bride price any more... "

" I repeat, I didn't say I would marry Su Yan. In addition, I gave you too much life for the Su family, but which time did you cherish it? " Lin Dong raised his head slightly. Politely, he was a pair of fuzzy but handsome eyes...

old lady Su breathed heavily and shook her body. She could not stand.



people are in a hurry.

"Mahai, carry out it immediately. As for this meeting, there is no need to hold it!" With a wave of his hand, Lin Dong directly sentenced the Su family to death www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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